
Dominated In Public

I enjoy pushing my boytoy to the limit. The other night I spent all evening teasing him and making his balls fuller and fuller, using different parts of his body to make myself cum, but not letting him cum, or even touch his aching cock. I used him over and over again, until it was time to get ready to go out. Just before we went out for a drink with friends, I tied a piece of string around his balls, pulled it nice and tight - I like it when it really cuts into the skin - and then made him cut a hole in his pocket and thread it through.

Dominatrix Revealed

Emily had a dull sex life. She was 32 years old, petite, and had shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes. Her breasts were only a B cup but were still impressive. She and her husband, Matt, were raised in strict households where sex was considered taboo. They had no kids and plenty of time, but each thought that the other saw sex as "dirty." Because of the brainwashing and that terrible misunderstanding, Matt and Emily's sex life suffered.

Out Smarted

"OK, 5.15pm, no sign of either of them leaving the building, better check things are going to plan. Hang on a minute, whoops, wrong camera. Ah that's better, floor two, deputy MD's office; turn up the sound, tighten the focus and voila, tonight's in-house entertainment..." "I'm sure you know why I've asked you to stay behind, Claire." "Yes, Ms Morrison." "One might have thought the last time would have taught you a lesson, but it seems not.

Start without Me

Victoria didn't know why she bothered. If she had known, she wouldn't have spent so much time on her outfit. She arrived at Simon's place a little after sunset, so she wasn't too worried the neighbors would spot her in her slutty clothes. But... just to be safe, she put on a long skirt and overcoat as camouflage. She used the key Simon gave her last night and stepped inside the duplex.

Stealing from the Headmaster

This story was written in collaboration with Sam Vimes, who had read my previous Ms Kissme stories, Summoned by the Headmaster and Taken by the Headmaster, and wondered what would happen if this naughty teacher were to get drunk and steal the Headmaster's cane. We alternated the writing, bringing in his equally willful character of woman police constable Lindsay Laweles, who, it is fair to say, opened sweet little Kate's eyes in many ways!