Author's note: This is a true story. I'm writing it for my girlfriend's birthday who is into BDSM as much as I am. Enjoy.
I met her on a warm day in the late fall of the pandemic. We were both masked but she drew me in for a hug anyway. It was our first date at an upscale local restaurant. I connected with her on a dating app, and though dating during CORONA is a masterclass in awkwardness, that night was smooth like her legs.
I usually feel the loneliest and neediest in the early morning hours. As I lie here with my hand between my legs, gently rubbing my wet, aching pussy, my mind wanders back to when I first got married.
I married my husband at age 21, almost 30 years ago, and that's when I "went all the way" for the first time. I loved it, and I adored having sex with him!
"Ooh, that one's fading nicely," I think to myself, as I turn my neck to examine the last big bruise on my ass. Strangely, it had become a ritual of sorts: toweling off after a shower, and taking a few minutes standing in front of my full-length mirror to touch the marks Sir leaves on my willing body. I run my fingers over the bruise, shuddering in delight at the memory of begging Sir to let me cum while he flogged me mercilessly.
I was nervous walking to her door. I always am. I never know what mood she'll be in, and it adds to the excitement.
I knock three times, and eventually, she opens the door. She tells me I can enter, so I do. Just looking at her gets me hard ... she is 5'10, long blonde hair. A stern, commanding presence. She wears a tight top, and tighter jeans. And her legs are incredible .
This was originally titled Quicksilver Messenger, but based on some ideas from readers I have made some changes and retitled the series. It is still the same basic story and the changes are not massive, but to me it is enough to warrant a new version. I hope you enjoy the series and please give me feedback.
Steve walked into the Cureo Club in Corpus Christi, Texas and tonight promised to be an incredible show.
Bound and gagged on her knees, she belonged to him and he would use her any way he saw fit.
A handful of her short, jet-black hair gripped in his hand, as he took her from behind, her pleasured moans stifled by the stocking tied around her mouth.
She bit down on the silk gag as his impressive cock smashed her aching pussy, her hands struggling against the silk restraint binding them behind her back.
Author's note: The Submissive Cocksucker was the first story I ever submitted to Literotica. It was, and remains, a standalone story, and I never had any intention of writing a sequel. A few readers suggested that I write one, however, and I considered it a great compliment that they wanted to read more about these characters. This story is my gift to those readers who appreciated the original. It is also my first foray into the BDSM category.
I often think of one particular ex girlfriend. Not that I want to get back with her. We split up because I could not see myself with her long term, still never could. When I split up with her she was really upset, she begged me to not to drop her. She said she didn't understand why, that she thought we were so good together, that she would do anything I wanted.
Disclaimer: These are real stories. Everything that happened here is, to the best of my knowledge, what actually happened. The experiences are several years old, but I captured them all to the best of my ability.
So, it's been a year since my last femdom experience. That last one with an older woman really killed it for me. I told her what I liked, and what I didn't. She did everything to me that I told her I didn't like.
Walking in the rain by the embankment in London at Christmas, when the city's commuters have all gone home and deserted their glass and steel office buildings, they leave the square mile feeling like a ghost town. The only thing to comfort the passing traveler is the occasional homeless "Big issue" magazine seller braving the cold as unlike the many strangers who walk by you in silence, those magazine sellers by the Thames river have a reason to be nice, as they breathe warm air into their cupped hands to warm their gloved fingers in the biting cold.
You've come home from work again, it's been another long day and I'm feeling antsy. I need to be spanked tenderly tonight; I need to feel the sharp sting of Your palm against the tender flesh of my bottom. I run up to You, very happy that You're home. "Vinco!" I shout, using the Latin term for 'Master'. I look up at You, my eyes full of hope. "Master, I'm so glad You're home!
Just a quick note before I pass out from exhaustion---
Hi, kiddies, how's tricks?
Things are going splendidly, here... I just said goodbye to my friend, brookie. You remember her, right? She's my good friend from the local University who I'm training to be a submissive. Well, her "training" is coming along wonderfully, I must tell you.
This past weekend, starting last Thursday night, she came over to my place to spend a few days and catch up on some much needed sex on both our parts.
It's still dark outside, but I've already built the fire back up, and I'm staring into the flickering flames when I hear you softly padding into the room.
My chair is understated, but it is where I journal, ponder, process before the day begins in earnest. Just to the right is a large, luxurious floor pillow, a mound of soft comforting warmth. You settle into the pillow, sighing as you rest your head against my thigh and twine your arms around my leg.
I lie on my back in bed, drifting lazily though that place between sleeping and waking up. As usual I have a morning hard on and my cock is standing up erect. I hear soft sounds and know that you are standing in the door looking at me.
Of course, I am naked and uncovered. You don't like me to wear anything to bed or to cover my body, even with a sheet.
Traveling home from the movies, Master and I were discussing the movie just seen and the parts not seen as I had been instructed to service him during the movie and missing a good portion of it, he was filling me in.
We were traveling on a well used two lane highway to get back home. The passing headlights intermittently lighting up our faces.
Master asked if I had prepared anything for dinner after the movie, and I flippantly respond; "
I was running late. I sped down the highway, risking a speeding ticket I could not afford. I swung into a parking space and hopped out of my car. My heels clicked quickly against the pavement. I rushed through the doors and took the elevator to my office floor. As I exited the elevator, I tried to pass Mr. Crowell's office inconspicuously, but heard my name called out after a few steps past his office.
Mia boredly clicked through Spotify, trying to find new songs for her "Sexytime" playlist. She had her headphones in so the neighbors couldn't hear the explicit music through the walls. The table buzzed and she looked at her phone. Tyler was calling. She quickly answered, taking her headphones off.
"Hi, Tyler!" she sang.
"Don't even try it."
"Try what?" she asked innocently. "Can't I say hello to my partner?"
Tyler let out a long, frustrated exhale.
I own your ass...came Her words, echoing off the interior walls of my head. They seemed to bounce through my head, whirring around; the images of Her standing over me as I submitted myself to Her. I knew that I had never loved anyone like I did now. She almost commanded it. The very thought of Her made me want to do nothing but please Her.
You are Mine and I will use you as I see fit!
Jamie was almost finished in the gym. Since starting his new job, he had been coming to the company gym nearly every day. He was beginning to notice the benefit of it. His shoulders had broadened, and his tummy had flattened. He smiled at himself as he passed the mirror. It was a small gym, but it had free weights and a few machines. Usually, no more than eight people were in at one time, but this morning it was just him and a woman.
The front door closed behind Sarah as she entered the house, and she couldn't even make it to the table to set her keys down before she seemingly collapsed on the floor. Why did she feel this way... everything had been fine just last night with Master.... She couldn't help but whimper there on the carpet, needing Master right then.. Only He could make her feel better this time.
She lay for a while before forcing herself up and going into their bedroom to change.
Chapitre 1
I am a control freak. I know this even though my Master says he sees no dominant qualities in me. He sees the person I want to be with him, the person that seeks solace in and from the psychological turmoil her parents wreaked on her over the years. Do what they say, obey, never make a mistake, always make the right choices -their choices- but come out of it a fully-fledged adult.
From the day we met, I have liked how naturally submissive you are. Your willingness to do whatever it takes to please me makes me very happy. However, right now I am upset with you. See, even though I have encouraged your independence, lately I feel you have been ignoring me. For several days now, you have been meeting your friends after work, and I have come home to find my house empty, and my pots cold.
La douleur exquise (Pain and pleasure)
I am a control freak. I know this even though my Dom says he sees no dominant qualities in me. He probably sees the person I used to be, the one I want to be, ephemerally, by way of seeking respite from the psychological turmoil my parents inflicted on me. Do what they say, obey, never make a mistake, always make the right choices -their choices- but come out of it, a fully-fledged adult.
Tina is kneeling, on the floor, blindfolded. She has two fingers buried in her ass and two fingers working her clit, slowly, and her mouth is wide open. That is all her world is, the pressure on her knees, the fingers in her ass, the pleasure her pussy is receiving, and the touch of a hot cock on her face. The warm head touches her cheek, drags across her lower lip, under her chin.
sabrina dropped to her knees once she saw who was standing in the kitchen of her house...coat unceremoniously laying by the door. "Oh my fucking gawd..." she drawled slowly, letting the tears stream down her face. "...Sir."
His Mr. Clean appearance was magnified tenfold by the faded and worn camo fatigue pants, sans t-shirt and bare feet. Sexy as fuck was a mild way of describing His appearance.
"Yes, my blond bitch,"
Sir turned away and spoke towards justine this time, "And i don't appreciate My seasoned slave being so willingly apart of this adventure, so whatever punishment befalls My submissive will tenfold land on My due time."
Snapping His head back to sabrina, there was a glint of humor in Sir's eyes as He added, "maybe a fitting punishment would be an eye for an eye type of scenario, My pretty blonde bitch.
I was posting some photos to the internet the other day when I found one on my computer of Pam wearing a blue string-bikini. She once told me that the photo was taken by one of her ex-lovers on the beach at Ocean City, MD. From things she has told me, things I have heard from others and some of his letters to her, I have surmised that she had a torrid affair with this guy right after her second divorce.
One weekend a month of satiny gender bending: an introduction
Male/female - married -- bondage - femdom -- crossdressing -- sissy - gagged - tied - submissive -- teasing -- wife -- husband
"Belts," you say, "fascinate me."
I have no response to this. A large ball gag corks my mouth. I can only shake my head, feeling delicate earrings bounce off the wide black strap.
You loom over me, tracing the outline of the straps across my chest, then bend to trace the ones securing my hips to the seat.
One weekend a month of satiny gender bending: The following month
Male/female - married - bondage - femdom - crossdressing - sissy - gagged - tied - submissive - teasing - wife - husband
It was almost a month to the day. I could tell late in the week that her visitor had arrived. Her mood darkened and she seemed standoffish. Again, I am sorry for her menstrual agonies, but I had little to contribute.
On his weekend of silky gender bending, she delivers a new thrill.
Male/female - married -- bondage - femdom -- crossdressing -- sissy - gagged - tied - submissive -- teasing -- wife -- husband
A month later as we cleared the breakfast dishes, my Linda asked me:
"Have you been a good gurl, or a bad gurl?"
Yes, I could hear the "u" in the word. She had made passing mentions of some play this weekend.