
Mr Stephensons Fucking Machine 01

Mr Stephensons Fucking Machine Back when coal was king and steam engines were the white hot leading edge of technology even having a wank needed a couple of maids to help get up stream. Part 1. "Mr Stephenson is here sir" Arthur Cleghorn was a self made man, a man of vision, a modern man, a man prepared to embrace modern technology to its fullest degree. "Send him up Perkins."

Mr Stephensons Fucking Machine 02

Before the Victorian Era safe sex meant kissing and a chastity belt, but when the key broke in Fanny's lock it took an engineer of Stephenson's stature to resolve the problem. "Thee done champion job of Fucking Machine for the missus so if thee can spare time I got another job for thee, bit delicate like." Young George Stephenson sat in the kitchen at Arthur Cleghorn's brand new red brick mansion, eating a chicken leg with a knife and fork, Arthur Cleghorn sat across the table from him chewing geat lumps from his chicken.

Mr Stephensons Fucking Machine 03

As his Fucking Machines increase in popularity, George fights for his Fanny Will our working class hero George with his steam powered Cottage defeat the aristocratic prat Lord Arthur with his crumbling Mansion.? Arthur Cleghorn sat at his magnificent dining Table in his brand new red brick Mansion entertaining the Dowager Lady Maplethorpe arguably the most awful person in the whole of Newcastle and even in Yorkshire area she would have made top two hundred, and her effeminate stuck up prat of a son Arthur, seventeenth Baron Maplethorpe.

Mr Stephensons Fucking Machine 04

Georges equipment attracts the attention of Prostitutes and Nuns and then he is persuaded to make a left handed version. =================== Ada Monckton was a woman to be feared, a colossus of womanhood only five feet tall but reputedly twenty stone, and as leader of the Gateshead and Heaton branch of the Pubic Sector Workers Union her wrath was legendary. Woe betide the Gentleman who failed to pay the agreed rate for services of a carnal nature, or who abused in some way not previously agreed any union member and woe betide the loose woman taking up the trade of prostitute to the detriment of paid up Union members.