
Lola's Collaring

Author's note: This is a true story. I'm writing it for my girlfriend's birthday who is into BDSM as much as I am. Enjoy. I met her on a warm day in the late fall of the pandemic. We were both masked but she drew me in for a hug anyway. It was our first date at an upscale local restaurant. I connected with her on a dating app, and though dating during CORONA is a masterclass in awkwardness, that night was smooth like her legs.

Lockdown Hairdresser

Like most self-employed people Becky was struggling as a hairdresser during lockdown. No clients meant no money, but the bills didn't seem to stop. She'd already resorted to cancelling every subscription she had and had even sold her TV on eBay. But she was still short of cash. At 26 years old and living the single life she had no one to help with the bills. Out of desperation she'd texted one of her clients to see if he needed a haircut and didn't mind breaking the lockdown rules to visit her.

Loaned to the Neighbor

This story is strictly fiction; any correlation to actual people alive or dead is purely happenstance. It took a long time to write. I hope it is somewhat coherent. ***************************************************************************** On the first warm spring Saturday, young Seth awoke to the enticing smell of bacon, groggily he arose off his childhood bed and headed downstairs still in his blue cotton sailor-themed pajamas. At his mature age, the pajamas were adolescent, yet he still wore them.

Liza's Humiliation

I awoke the next morning completely at peace. I was happy, genuinely happy as my thoughts returned to yesterday's events. I remembered Marc's strong arms enveloping me as he stood me before those two young boys, and how he urged them to undress me. My god, I was humiliated! I curled up in bed as I relived those feelings. I stretched and brought my fingers to my clit as I remembered what happened next, though.

Lizzie and Joe

"The thing about a great beginning is that there is no such thing. We carry ourselves around in this world, letting things fall on chance, and we hope that this is a great beginning. Just like I did, with You." said Joe the first time he confessed his love for Lizzie. A great beginning for a love story right? Well, ask Lizzie about that and her Reddit profile, where she posts stories about her sexual fantasies and asks advice about a marriage that never had anything but vanilla sex and faked orgasms.

Looking Up

I look up from my kneeling position, past your erect cock that is mere inches from my face. I lick my lips as my eyes reach yours. There is a hungry look in the depths of your blue orbs and I feel the fresh rush of liquid coat my slit from that look. I know that you are waiting patiently, but only for a moment, so I move my focus back down to your bobbing member.

Lookin' for a Good Time

Tonight was the night. I was finally on vacation in North Carolina. I was away from the daily grind of my life for an entire week. I had left everything behind for some quality "me" time. I had made a vow to myself that before week's end I would hook up with at least one hot guy. But not just any hot guy, you see, but a NASCAR driver. I was in driver country.

Long Time Coming

Megan suggested the movie and that's how it all started. She was a grad student in Design and knew more than Troy did about such things. Besides, her tastes in movies went much deeper than his interests in college comedies and cheap action movies. They went well together though, and she taught him a lot and helped him expand his horizons. The movie was French and neither of them spoke the language but the subtitles let them understand what was taking place.

Lost But Not Alone

Be kind... I'm new: This may be minimal to most of you but I guess you can say it was O/our first "official scene" and a significant step for the both of us ... at home and inspired by some great advice and a home-made toy. Sunday at Lowes, W/we were buying some paint primer for the house and chuckled when the employee handed us 2 wood stirring sticks. Back in May, a certain Sadist told us how to make slappers out of the free wood sticks and some rubber.

Power Struggle

The sound of a kitchen cabinet closing a little too hard roused Clare from her afternoon nap. She sat up and looked to her phone, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. 5:15, about half an hour later than Matt normally arrived home. She slid off the bed and went to join him in the kitchen. "Why didn't you wake me up when you got home?" She asked, opening her arms to hug him.

Doctoral Discipline Pt. 01

Co-Authors: subbie1982 and tom6432 This is a fantasy written by subbie1982 and myself for fun. All errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar are my responsibility. It contains spanking, humiliation and fetish, if this bothers you please seek other authors. All characters are 25 year old or older. ======= Chapter 1: "Miss McLean... Miss Mclean... Miss Mclean!" "Huh, what... oh sorry Professor Matthews." "Did you enjoy your nap Miss McLean?" asked Professor Matthews with a smirk on his face?

Doctoral Discipline Pt. 02

Co-Authors: subbie1982 and tom6432 This is a fantasy written by subbie1982 and myself for fun. All errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar are my responsibility. It contains spanking, humiliation and fetish; if this bothers you please seek other authors. All characters are 25 year old or older. ======= Chapter 4 The next morning I woke up to my alarm and shivered a little, realizing that I was completely naked. I climbed out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to start getting ready for my day.

Doctoral Discipline Pt. 03

Co-Authors: subbie1982 and tom6432 (This is a fantasy written by subbie1982 and myself for fun. All errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar are my responsibility. It contains spanking, humiliation and fetish; if this bothers you please seek other authors. All characters are 25 year old or older.) ======= Chapter 7: "Okay Missy it is 7:00 o'clock and its time to start your day," I heard the Professor say. All I was thinking now was 'how much more juvenile can this get?

Doesn't Hurt to Ask

She came across as being kind of wholesome or innocent. There was some truth to it. She'd had a few boyfriends before me, but was definitely the "relationship type" and had never had a one-night stand. She told me that she had never looked at dating as just "having fun," it was always to find someone compatible for a long-term relationship. She was in her late twenties and was ready to get married and have children if she met the right guy.

Doing Peggy

CHAPTER ONE Peggy looks absolutely delicious lying prone on the bed - her arms held to her sides by Velcro bands attached to a thin strap around her waist. I think she is not wearing a bra because I can see her nipples pushing out against the red silk blouse. Her jeans are so snug it looks like they're painted on, and just looking at those full thighs is starting to turn me on.

Doing the Double

Willow kneels on an easy chair, straddling a well-padded arm, left knee on the seat, right foot on the floor, bottom elevated to an ideal height. Sharing the same cushion, Carmen adopts a mirror-image stance; side by side they lean forward, bodies touching. Slender blond Willow, the taller of the two, is almost completely naked. By inclination a free-spirited girl, her simple summer frock discarded virtually the moment she arrived. Currently wearing no more than a silver ankle chain, high heels and a cheeky expression, she wriggles her bum in anticipation and grips Carmen's hand.


Emma struggled against her restraints for the hundredth time. "P-Please! Please, Professor, let me..." A sharp sting on her back made her stop talking. "Little Princess Doll..." He started, his hand gently caressing her bare ass where he had just slapped her. "How many times do I have to tell you to be quiet?" "I'm sorry! I..." Another slap and she bit her lip. His hand resumed his caressing of her stinging skin.

Dom of My Dreams

The bar that night was fairly empty. The music played softly in the background, drowning out the individual conversations. The patrons were spread out, some tucked into dark booths while others lounged in pairs on the soft chairs in the center of the room. I was sitting alone at the bar top, nursing a whiskey and water. Life had been weighing me down and I had hoped to escape with a drink and maybe take someone home.

Domestic Bliss

February 20th Rob and Bernie were having a difficult time with organising housekeeping and maintenance and the house was becoming untidy. Both men led busy working lives and were equally passionate in using their leisure time to the full. Time for chores was increasingly marginalised and it had begun to affect how they were relating to each other. There was increasing friction and irritation between the two men and on a couple of occasions there had been raised voices and anger.

Dominant Housekeeper

The new housekeeper, Miss Spargrove landed the thick wooden Spencer paddle for the fiftieth time on Shawn Cirrito's reddened buttocks, and Shawn bit her tongue to keep from screaming. As the paddle, built with holes throughout to make swinging easier and more painful landed again on Shawn's ass, she wondered what Ross was doing. Miss Spargrove had had him sucking frozen urine-sicles, created in ice cubes with toothpicks. Miss Spargrove had Ross on a monthly masturbation schedule.

Dominated by the Maid Pt. 10

This part's pretty short. Haven't really been able to write for a while now. ----------------------------------------- The small sound crushed Cal's soul as the thought of being caged and chastised scared the crap out of him. "Nice. That's a good pet." "Mmmphhh." Cal squirmed and writhed glaring at Lara. "Okay, let me get this gag off before you start frothing at the mouth." Lara unwrapped the scarf and pulled out the wad of socks making Cal cough and wheeze.

Dominating a New Slut

I didn't really know how big Luke was. Until he stood so close to me that I could smell his clean scent of his body wash. His height, the power that radiated from him, his strength all made him massive. His broad shoulders that I wanted to mark. His eyes could command me without him saying one word. His hands made any part of my body look small. One of his hands made its way under my chin, tilting my head upwards, making me look into his eyes.

Dominating Him

He knelt by her feet awaiting her next move, her next sound, her next breath. He waited with baited breath, holding himself as still as possible, trying to contain the tremble in his body, that thread of anticipation which ran through him like and electrical wire, making his body shake and his cock quiver. He was very aware of the fact that she was watching him, although his eyes never once left the floor in front of him, where he could see the tips of her black stilettos.

Domination And Submission

The day was going slower than ever. Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours as my eager mind wondered what was on the agenda. I knew I had a little over an hour until you would return home, so I decided to take a shower to freshen up for the occasion. Tonight was the night to try something new. Tonight would be exciting, because we had finally decided to explore our sexualities in their deepest and most erotic forms.

Dominatrix Mommy Pt. 01

Disclaimer: Contains scenes of breastfeeding and female domination in a sci-fi scenario. Do not read if it's not in your wheelhouse. Alena Ashworth did not bother changing out of her burgundy leather catsuit as she entered her adopted son's room. It was late and she had a long day at work. She was pleased to see Jake stripped fully nude and standing in the corner of the room. Legs spread wide just like how Alena likes it.

Dominatrix Revealed

Emily had a dull sex life. She was 32 years old, petite, and had shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes. Her breasts were only a B cup but were still impressive. She and her husband, Matt, were raised in strict households where sex was considered taboo. They had no kids and plenty of time, but each thought that the other saw sex as "dirty." Because of the brainwashing and that terrible misunderstanding, Matt and Emily's sex life suffered.

Dominic & Rosie Give Thanks

Dominic and Rosie Thanksgiving Scene "You did such a lovely job with dinner, and it's time for me to show you exactly how thankful I am for you. Bring me the red rope, my lover. I do believe it is time to get started." She and Dominic lay curled in front of the fireplace in their living room basking on their faux bear skin rug. Dominic brought Rosie's hand to his lips as she placed her glass of wine on the table.

Domme Dreams

You walk into my room expecting to see me in a cute little skirt, and a little girl top, just the way you like me. What you get makes your mouth drop open. Standing here, in front of you, is a girl that you can barely recognize, a girl completely transformed by the couple of days she was ignored. This girl is the One that has awakened within me, while I was waiting for your call.

Don't Bite

Aven lay on the bed with her legs spread wide, face turned to the side on the pillow. She awaited her master's arrival home, hoping that for the first time she would get some attention from him and be able to cum in a week. What seemed like hours, but were only minutes, passed. She heard the key in the lock turn. The sound made her wet, and her juices began to flow.

More Problems for Philip

The slave walked barefoot down the quiet, shadowy corridor in the evening cool, on his way to call – and service - on a guest of the house. He was sent frequently on such errands, for not only was he finely featured, with soft curls, girlish skin, and large grey eyes, but he was skilled in his work; which was to provide maximum pleasure and satisfaction, through all available means, to his master's guests.