I woke up to the sound of water running. Turning my head I saw that her place next to me was empty and I realized that she was in the shower. I smiled thinking about how we had fallen asleep in each other's arms. I stretched and yawned thinking about joining her in the shower for some fun, but I decided to let her enjoy it in peace. As my arms slid across the headboard one bumped across the pair of handcuffs still wrapped around one of the posts.
Author's note: All story elements contained herein are fiction and for fantasy purposes, remember to obey all legal and consent laws in real life, thank you and have a nice day.
Ophelia could barely stand.
The hot water cut across her throbbing skin, the lingering effect of being exposed to Daddy after so long away.
The sweat and cum he had soaked her in sluiced away under the pressure of the shower before long, she leaned back to keep it from her face and hair.
Jamie was almost finished in the gym. Since starting his new job, he had been coming to the company gym nearly every day. He was beginning to notice the benefit of it. His shoulders had broadened, and his tummy had flattened. He smiled at himself as he passed the mirror. It was a small gym, but it had free weights and a few machines. Usually, no more than eight people were in at one time, but this morning it was just him and a woman.
I wake up holding you in my arms and just pull you closer to me. I love the way you fit to my body and the heat that we both generate means we don't need a blanket, we only need each other. I smell your hair and it still smells of your shampoo which is a brand I'm not familiar with, but the scent of you overpowers it. Like a warm spring day it wakes me up fully and I smile thinking about all we have done so far.