Co-Authors: subbie1982 and tom6432
This is a fantasy written by subbie1982 and myself for fun. All errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar are my responsibility. It contains spanking, humiliation and fetish, if this bothers you please seek other authors. All characters are 25 year old or older.
Chapter 1:
"Miss McLean... Miss Mclean... Miss Mclean!"
"Huh, what... oh sorry Professor Matthews."
"Did you enjoy your nap Miss McLean?" asked Professor Matthews with a smirk on his face?
'Right, time to go to your bathroom and remove all body hair, from the neck down. Not the slightest hint of a hair is to be left. Understood?'
'Yes, Ma'am.'
I'd been in her company barely an hour, but I was already getting used to using
'Ma'am', her preferred way for me to address her.
'You'll quickly learn to take pride in always presenting a smooth, absolutely hairless body. For yourself as a sissy, but mostly for me.
We all have sexual fantasies. Some are tame, others extreme. My favorite fantasy was the type that was almost in the realm of science fiction and therefore would probably never come true. Even if it could become reality it was a bit extreme, so would I even want it to come true? Often reality does not live up to our fantasies. Little did I know that in 5 months my dream would come true and it would haunt me for years to come?
Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.
Reader note Tess O'Meter -- Red.
I am naked.
My wrists and ankles are stretched painful away from my body, muscles starting to quiver from the strain.
I don't know how long I have been here; it seems like all day.
It's all a bit blurry really.
Last night, as I was walking back to my hotel, I passed some local guy who smiled at me.
Inspired by the power midget...
You come home from work looking a hot mess. Your hair is unkempt, your clothes have a nice ring of sweat, and your shoes are dirty as can be. I see that you have had a bad night indeed.
I draw you a nice hot bath ensuring the right temperature. You begin to undress in the bedroom, but I bring you to the bathroom so that I can watch you as your body becomes free.
18 year-old young man in domination & bondage role play with neighbor. MF, MM, MMF. Oral, anal, spanking, shaving.
CHAPTER 1: Odd jobs
Stephen knew he'd had a crush on the lady next door since he first knew what it meant to be turned on by a woman. He could almost pinpoint the moment it happened. One day, when he was still in middle school, he was sitting in a shaded corner of the patio in the middle of a 95⁰ afternoon in July.