
Doctor-Patient Confidentiality 01

THE CONFIDENTIAL SERIES Doctor-Patient Confidentiality Volume One Eme Strife Copyright© Eme Strife. 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced without the author's express consent. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Dedication For those who love hard, with passion, determination, and zero apology.

Doesn't Hurt to Ask

She came across as being kind of wholesome or innocent. There was some truth to it. She'd had a few boyfriends before me, but was definitely the "relationship type" and had never had a one-night stand. She told me that she had never looked at dating as just "having fun," it was always to find someone compatible for a long-term relationship. She was in her late twenties and was ready to get married and have children if she met the right guy.

Morning Chores

Jim's room had no windows. It was a small room with naked walls, and a cold, hard floor. Jim had been awake for a while now, though he could never be certain how long it had really been. The only light emanated from the small gap under the only door, and to Jim's eyes it was unusually bright, which made him very nearly certain that it was daytime already. He shifted his weight a little, trying to alleviate the stiffness in his muscles, and his chain rattled.


Old memories of an old mattress, the stench of old cigarette smoke hanging in the air. I know. Objectively, that sounds gross. But it sets the scene for some of my favorite memories. I remember little of specific nights. But I remember bits and pieces, like bits of glass glued together haphazardly, creating the mosaic of who we were and are. In such a way that it looks like there is no pattern, no grand design until you step back and your breath is taken away because it's so beautiful.

Packing for the Weekend

I am packing for our weekend together, and having difficulty deciding how much of our toybox to take. It's a short weekend break, I'm travelling light and I simply haven't got that much space after putting all the clothes, shoes & other things I need. Ours is, right now, a long distance relationship, and every second we spend together needs to be used well, so I'm packing light and trying to keep things simple.

Pam Learns Her True Nature

Pam and her sister, Gillian, are talking in a coffee shop. "Pam darling, you would not believe, he is so wonderful," Gilly's voice goes very high and squeaky when she is excited, "even though he is quite a bit older than me, he is so energetic especially in the bedroom," Gillian was telling her older sister Pam all about the new man in her life, "I have my own credit card, a maid looks after the flat and the laundry,"