
Locked Dominant and a Good Girl

„Honey, can you come here for a moment?" I shouted. I was sitting in the living room, I gave Jen some time to unpack and cool down after coming back from visiting her parents before I shouted for her. She walked in, wearing a summer dress. I leaned back, "Hello, my Slavegirl" I said. She raised an eyebrow as if she thought "oh, so we're doing this", and she knelt down, putting her hands behind her back.

Locked Dominant vs Bad Girl

„Anna! What the fuck!?" I shouted as I threw off the sheets when I woke up, surprised by the tight feeling crushing my morning wood, and seeing the metal cage locked around my tool. "What is it, "Master"?" She hopped in through the door wearing nothing else than demon's horns, and a cute, yet mischievous smile. "That!" I pointed at the cage, "What the hell is that and why... And how did you put that on me?

Looking for Trouble at the Office

Lucy had been working at the office for a year when she started to hear the rumours. They were very hush-hush, involving a manager who had made certain advances on a secretary. Advantages of the sort which would have seen him quickly expelled from the company if not for his family's wealth and position. Even so, he'd been busted down as far as they could send him and the secretary in question had gotten away with a fat pile of money on the promise to breathe not a word of it to anyone.

Does the Punishment Fit the Crime?

This robbery is going great, you think to yourself. The bank guard, an old man, never noticed the interaction with the teller. The teller fills the bags fast after you hand her the note. You quickly turn from the counter and make for the door. This is where bad luck sets in. You bump into a large man walking in the door, slowing your exit. The teller yells, "Stop her, she just robbed the bank!

Dogshit the Bitch Teaches the Gospel

This story contains elements of female domination, humiliation, degradation, corporal punishment and homosexuality. If that's not your thing go read something else. Dogshit the Bitch teaches the gospel Someone reading this with modern eyes might well question my sanity and the sanity of the man sucking my cock even more. They would also think that we were the same when we are very different. He is a masochist who loves being punished and abused by a sadistic woman.


Emma struggled against her restraints for the hundredth time. "P-Please! Please, Professor, let me..." A sharp sting on her back made her stop talking. "Little Princess Doll..." He started, his hand gently caressing her bare ass where he had just slapped her. "How many times do I have to tell you to be quiet?" "I'm sorry! I..." Another slap and she bit her lip. His hand resumed his caressing of her stinging skin.

Dom Knows What's Best

He arrived. After a short chat of small talk, and me trying to get information, I was given one decision for the night. Do I want to partake in the decisions or have them made for me? I yielded control. So he made the decision to play first and talk after, so we headed to the bedroom. I was ordered to sit. I sipped my wine while watching him unpack his bag.


You come home late after an evening out with the girls. Still a little tipsy, you open the door and are almost to the blinking answering machine when I speak. "I've been waiting for you," You turn and see me sitting in my chair, the leather one that I bought just to have at your apartment. The one that reminds you so much of the evenings we share. The one you are not permitted to sit in.

Dominant Housekeeper

The new housekeeper, Miss Spargrove landed the thick wooden Spencer paddle for the fiftieth time on Shawn Cirrito's reddened buttocks, and Shawn bit her tongue to keep from screaming. As the paddle, built with holes throughout to make swinging easier and more painful landed again on Shawn's ass, she wondered what Ross was doing. Miss Spargrove had had him sucking frozen urine-sicles, created in ice cubes with toothpicks. Miss Spargrove had Ross on a monthly masturbation schedule.

Dominated by the Maid Pt. 05

The night of 'The incident' finally came to a close and a new day was approaching. It was safe to say none of the three people involved got any proper sleep that night. One of them was busy discovering a variety of new pleasures to indulge in, while another was too disturbed by the day's events and slept fitfully out of worry and the last one was uncomfortably trussed up and was barely able to catch a wink of sleep.

Dominic & Rosie Give Thanks

Dominic and Rosie Thanksgiving Scene "You did such a lovely job with dinner, and it's time for me to show you exactly how thankful I am for you. Bring me the red rope, my lover. I do believe it is time to get started." She and Dominic lay curled in front of the fireplace in their living room basking on their faux bear skin rug. Dominic brought Rosie's hand to his lips as she placed her glass of wine on the table.

Domme Dreams

You walk into my room expecting to see me in a cute little skirt, and a little girl top, just the way you like me. What you get makes your mouth drop open. Standing here, in front of you, is a girl that you can barely recognize, a girl completely transformed by the couple of days she was ignored. This girl is the One that has awakened within me, while I was waiting for your call.

Don't Be Late for Daddy

We are laughing, talking and holding each other's hands as we walk down the hotel hallway. We get to the threshold of the room I had reserved earlier in the day. I put the key in the lock, open the door, and follow her into the room. She turns to me, smiling, but sees that my face has grown stern. "You were late this afternoon, Baby. You know how valuable time is to me, and to us.

Don't Be Late...

I'm soooo late... Looking at the dashboard clock, 6:27pm. Yep, I'm running late. I pull on to my street and the kids are having their usual street hockey game against their parents. I pull into my driveway and His car is there already. Oh this is not good. I turn off my car and take a deep breath. I open my car door and step out into my driveway. I smile and wave to the kids and their parents having a good time out in the street.

Don't Bite

Aven lay on the bed with her legs spread wide, face turned to the side on the pillow. She awaited her master's arrival home, hoping that for the first time she would get some attention from him and be able to cum in a week. What seemed like hours, but were only minutes, passed. She heard the key in the lock turn. The sound made her wet, and her juices began to flow.

More than a Necklace

I felt the gentle touch of your hand on the inside of my elbow, and instantly smiled. It was our signal, and it always pleases me to see you remember your training so very well. you were telling me in the most nondescript of ways that you were there at your master's side. Standing just behind me, and waiting for the answering gesture of me pulling you into the small group of friends .

More Than Bargined For

You've come home from work again, it's been another long day and I'm feeling antsy. I need to be spanked tenderly tonight; I need to feel the sharp sting of Your palm against the tender flesh of my bottom. I run up to You, very happy that You're home. "Vinco!" I shout, using the Latin term for 'Master'. I look up at You, my eyes full of hope. "Master, I'm so glad You're home!

More Than She Bargained For

As the handcuff closed around her wrist, she knew she had made a mistake. Her day had been normal, feed the cat, watch a movie, tease her dom. Normally she pulled back when she could tell she started to go too far, but she was pent up. Schedules and life had ensured there was no chance for a proper session and her need was starting to get distracting. She was expecting a spanking, some light choking, and some rough sex to give her what she needed.

Motivating Holly

Holly needs encouragement to meet her target, and be rewarded... "Well, what's the answer?" enquires her husband, managing a convincing impression of someone who doesn't care one way or another. "According to the bathroom scales, 140lbs," Holly replies crossly. "Almost the same as when you started, maybe two pounds difference, what's your target?" "Around 125lbs," Holly definitely sounds fed up, and possibly rather guilty. "I see - well you're certainly sticking to this ridiculous diet at home, so I can only assuming the backsliding occurs somewhere else,"

Mr. Brownlow meets Rosey

The buzzer went and Mr. Brownlow looked at his CT screen. Harry, the young burley security guard was on the trail of a blonde girl. He grabbed her arm securely and marched her like a convict through the precinct towards the store. The automatic doors opened like the mouth of a predator as if to welcome its prey. Harry took her to the back of the store and into the stock room to the staircase.

Out Smarted

"OK, 5.15pm, no sign of either of them leaving the building, better check things are going to plan. Hang on a minute, whoops, wrong camera. Ah that's better, floor two, deputy MD's office; turn up the sound, tighten the focus and voila, tonight's in-house entertainment..." "I'm sure you know why I've asked you to stay behind, Claire." "Yes, Ms Morrison." "One might have thought the last time would have taught you a lesson, but it seems not.

Out To Dinner

Dressed in my black dress, with nothing on underneath - just as my Master likes - I stand shivering slightly in the cold night air. Already my skin, where it is exposed to the chill, is showing signs of goose-bumps, and my black boots barely keeping my legs and feet warm. He knows I am waiting for him. Only for him. I shiver, not because I am cold, although that does carry a factor, but from desire and anticipation.

Over Again

Sir was never harsh, always fair. If she needed a sound beating, she got one, usually deserved one, always accepted one most of all thanked Sir for his protection. If she got a bedtime spanking, it too was well deserved, received and appreciated. She had been summoned to Sirs study and told to come in just her dressing gown. This meant Sir did not want a show, did not need the titillation of seeing her squirm at her own embarrassment as her top comes off and her bra, freeing her young tits.


Beth's parents had just driven away with our kids for an overnight visit. I'd been planning for this. "Take off all your clothes. This isn't a negotiation. You're going to do as you're told." I could see her cheeks flush. Beth loved when I was bossy. She took everything off and stood naked before me. "What next, Master?" Oh, she was catching on. Our living room had a large picture window, and the kitchen was on the other side of it.

Paddle Punishment!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I am new at this, and constructive criticism is more than welcome! I hope you enjoy! I try to be a good slave. My Master takes care of me and treats me well, using cruelty only as a means of getting off. When we go out together he has only one rule: do NOT flirt with other men. Master believes that as his slave, I am meant for him alone, and will not flirt or fuck anyone else unless he directly orders me too.

Paddled in the Boondocks

Copyright 2011 Christopher D.B. Driving for a while east of the city on a two lane state highway, I easily found the turnoff I was looking for onto a secondary road. Several miles later and just past a cluster of grain silos, I found the next turn which led down a narrow winding road. I had no GPS system in my old car and hadn't bothered to look up the location on any internet map before I left my apartment, as the directions she had given me were quite clear.

Paid and Punished

The barbaric highlander enters the brothel and hands the madam a large sum of money. He was known for his sexual depravity and would not be allowed in without extra coin. He was large and muscular and intimidating and the whores cowered at the sight of him. He carried a bag of sex toys he had purchased on a trip to France. None of these farm girls would know what they were but that didn't matter he would teach them soon enough.

Painful Lesson in Self Bondage

Tuesday nights for other attached couples meant dull chitchat after work, a thirty minute meal or takeout, tv and internet time, some more mundane talk, complaints about chores, and maybe sex. Our weekday nights had flare, adventure, and spontaneity. We always had small surprises for each other: a naughty piece of lingerie, a new toy, a new position, a new play scenario. My surprise for that Tuesday night was for sure going to turn him on.

Painful School Reunion

It had been over 6 months since John and Sue had first been introduced to the painful pleasures of caning by the fraudulent Dr Hay. Whilst they realised that his methods would not help their chances of conceiving their first child, they had found another dimension to their sex life. John very much enjoyed caning his wife, and Sue enjoyed the sex afterwards! It was as Sue was sorting through the pile of mail on the hall floor one evening after returning home from work that she noticed a franked letter from her old school.

Pairing Punishment Pt. 01

sabrina dropped to her knees once she saw who was standing in the kitchen of her house...coat unceremoniously laying by the door. "Oh my fucking gawd..." she drawled slowly, letting the tears stream down her face. "...Sir." His Mr. Clean appearance was magnified tenfold by the faded and worn camo fatigue pants, sans t-shirt and bare feet. Sexy as fuck was a mild way of describing His appearance. "Yes, my blond bitch,"