"Dr. Martin said we should try new things in the bedroom," Selina said, pulling the game out of the box. "This game was on his list of things that might spice things up."
Nick rolled his eyes at her. He'd made it clear that he was only going along with this for Selina.
Selina tried not to mind. She loved Nick, but something had missing lately. She'd touch him in the middle of the night, and he'd roll over instead of moving towards her.
Donna pulled at the sliding warehouse door. The wheels scraped, pouring echos across the studio lot. She froze, listening for guards. There was warm light spilling out of the warehouse -- the kind they used before shooting began, before the bright, hot lights started making her makeup run. Satisfied she hadn't alerted anyone, she stepped inside.
She heaved the door shut behind her, taking a moment to smooth her skirt and blouse; white top with a tan bottom.
Hello lovelies, hope you enjoy this one. As always, everyone in this story is 18+ and it should go without saying that some of the actions depicted in this story would be dangerous in real life. Use common sense.
If you want to get straight to the 'fun' stuff, look out for the three asterisks (***). Enjoy!
Outside of an old playhouse, a queue that stretched back nearly half a block shivered in the cold winter air.
It's only 6 p.m. and the Hart building is quiet as church. The summer recess doesn't start for another day but it seems like the whole place decided to take an early weekend. Senator Aldridge is the last name on my list. I want to go home too.
I knock three times on the door to his suite. It's open but there's no one to be found. I tentatively peek my head inside.
A story for my peach
Wind wound its way through the woods, shaking the trees and sending their delicate leaves cascading to the forest floor. The crisp spirit of fall was taking hold, cooling the forest and yet warming its colors into a swirl of chocolate, honey, and pumpkin hues. The people of the wood were settling in for the season, harvesting what they had grown and storing it away to see them through lonely, haunted nights or merry visits from friends.
It was already the last days of July but it didn't feel like summer at all. She hadn't been in London for much more than a month and she was still not used to the constantly overcast, drizzly weather and all that suffocating humidity that makes you feel hot and cold at the same time. But no matter how this city beat her down the last few weeks, she still liked it here.
Step by step, he had led her down the path towards surrender.
He was always touching her, patting her, fondling her dark hair, rubbing her shoulders and hugging her.
And, playing her part, she learnt the rules: his rules. She was careful not to breathe a hint of her sexual activities with her owner to a single living soul.
This made her feel special, as if she and her owner were united in their torrid secret, the two of them against the world.
18 year-old young man in domination & bondage role play with neighbor. MF, MM, MMF. Oral, anal, spanking, shaving.
CHAPTER 1: Odd jobs
Stephen knew he'd had a crush on the lady next door since he first knew what it meant to be turned on by a woman. He could almost pinpoint the moment it happened. One day, when he was still in middle school, he was sitting in a shaded corner of the patio in the middle of a 95⁰ afternoon in July.