
Dominated by the Maid Pt. 04

Cal couldn't believe the situation had devolved to such a stage. Cal was a regular participant in various debate competitions and prided himself on being very convincing, capable of winning most arguments. But then again, there's hardly any room for any sort of rapport when your angry maid stuffs her sweaty socks into your mouth and tapes it shut. Cal was down on his knees in front of the study table.

Dominated by the Maid Pt. 05

The night of 'The incident' finally came to a close and a new day was approaching. It was safe to say none of the three people involved got any proper sleep that night. One of them was busy discovering a variety of new pleasures to indulge in, while another was too disturbed by the day's events and slept fitfully out of worry and the last one was uncomfortably trussed up and was barely able to catch a wink of sleep.

Dominated by the Maid Pt. 08

Cal continued to toil away at his chores zealously in the hopes of completing them early and earning some well deserved free time. No matter how many character flaws Lara and Jenna had to complain about Cal's behavior, no one could ever call him lazy or unmotivated. He was the kind of person who strove to achieve excellence in whatever he put his mind to. It just so happened that he was currently striving to suck and clean Lara's used panties and complete all his chores efficiently.

Dominated by the Maid Pt. 09

Lara's POV "This can't be..." Lara was muttering to herself as she and Jenna inspected Cal's chores. Cal was following close behind with his arms bound behind his back and his mouth stuffed and gagged by his very own mom. Lara had excitedly wrapped her leather belt around her hand and was looking forward to smacking Cal on his arse, the chores were a means to add to his infractions and prolong his suffering.

Dominated by the Maid Pt. 10

This part's pretty short. Haven't really been able to write for a while now. ----------------------------------------- The small sound crushed Cal's soul as the thought of being caged and chastised scared the crap out of him. "Nice. That's a good pet." "Mmmphhh." Cal squirmed and writhed glaring at Lara. "Okay, let me get this gag off before you start frothing at the mouth." Lara unwrapped the scarf and pulled out the wad of socks making Cal cough and wheeze.

Dominated by the Maid Pt. 11

Cal had by now figured out all of the potential pitfalls and deftly avoided them. He took care of all of his early morning work and cooked up a wonderful bacon and eggs with some pancakes and maple syrup. "Jeez, I could really get used to this new routine. It really is wonderful to have someone else cook for you and attend to you." Cal was pleased with his mother's compliments and served her some coffee as well.

Mother's Boys Pt. 01

"Are we there yet?" yelled a boisterous 18-year-old as he tugged on the seatbelt that was starting to leave marks on his neck. "Soon," replied a boy, merely a year older, as his impatient fingers rattled along the steering wheel. His entire body was clammy as he fidgeted around in his seat, trying to brush off his mild frustration. "Any minute now, honestly." The younger boy let out the biggest sigh.

Mother's Life

Donna Harris had a dull life: a single mother to a pre-teen daughter, trapped in a dead end office job, which paid minimum wage. She and afore mentioned daughter lived in a low rent apartment in a block that was as big as the Titanic and the iceberg that sunk it. Over the few months that they had lived there, she had developed a sort of friendship with a bloke living on the other side of the block to her who only called himself 'Mickey'.