- Ashley was lonely and horny...
She was getting ready to go to Matthew's party. They'd known each other since she used to work at the bookstore. He'd been a regular customer there getting all his professional books from them. He didn't read much else than textbooks. That's what he'd told her when she struck a conversation with him. She had kind of a crush on him since the first time he came into the store.
Thank you to the many people that provided feedback and some editing. You know who you all are.
I had arrived in London, bleary eyed after my nonstop flight. Fortunately, I had traveled light for my conference and customs was a breeze. As I waited in the taxi line, my phone buzzed.
"What will your room number be?"
My face got flushed and I let out a deep sigh. I had hoped the other people in line hadn't noticed.
I was nervous walking to her door. I always am. I never know what mood she'll be in, and it adds to the excitement.
I knock three times, and eventually, she opens the door. She tells me I can enter, so I do. Just looking at her gets me hard ... she is 5'10, long blonde hair. A stern, commanding presence. She wears a tight top, and tighter jeans. And her legs are incredible .
His heaving cock glistened with my juices as I opened wide and took it all in my mouth.
I was on my knees in his penthouse apartment, a man I had only met the day before, but who now owned me.
He slid his fingers through my short, jet-black hair, grabbing a good fistful. I could taste myself on him as he slid his thick member down my throat, an act which would have caused a lesser slut to choke, but I had no gag reflex.
Jimmy was a little nervous as he checked into his hotel. This was the first time he had ever been allowed to go to an overnight conference for work, most of the time they don't let engineers out of their offices, much less to go to a conference. Sure, he had traveled for work before, but before it had always been classes with other engineers and people like him, he had never been allowed to go to the dealer conference.
I would never say that life was routine with Mistress Monica. She kept me on my toes—or, more literally, on my heels—at least around the house. On days when I got home from my law office before she got home from her corporate job, I would immediately take off my suit and tie and put on one of the frilly aprons Mistress preferred me to wear at home, and a pair of heels to match the bra, panty, and garter set that she had chosen for me to wear under my business suit that day.
The alarm clock went off and James reached across the bed in exhaustion from last night's exploits. Moriah twitched and moaned in her sleep, her body begging her not to get up. James shook Moriah awake after waiting five minutes.
"Honey, it's time to get up. Today's the big day, and you are going to be late if you wait any longer." Moriah growled and lifted her head up to see the neon green numbers on the clock that read 7:05AM.
I lie on my back in bed, drifting lazily though that place between sleeping and waking up. As usual I have a morning hard on and my cock is standing up erect. I hear soft sounds and know that you are standing in the door looking at me.
Of course, I am naked and uncovered. You don't like me to wear anything to bed or to cover my body, even with a sheet.
Lee rang the doorbell and shifted the hefty weight of the box in her hands to her other hip. When Edward opened the door he had dust in his hair and a streak of white paint like a screaming slash across his forehead. He filled up the doorway, blocking Lee's entrance. "Um," she said, trying to peer around him into the apartment. Finally, the weight of the box propelled her forward and she stumbled inside, tripping over his feet and brushing up against him.
He realized he was addicted to her, but was unable to do anything about it. Whenever he saw the little green light indicating she was online, his heart started pounding pumping blood into all the wrong places. They would text often, and became intimate friends.
The conversation often turned erotic, and when it did he would describe what he wanted to do to her body in great detail, and she would describe her response.
Author's note: All story elements contained herein are fiction and for fantasy purposes, remember to obey all legal and consent laws in real life, thank you and have a nice day.
Ophelia could barely stand.
The hot water cut across her throbbing skin, the lingering effect of being exposed to Daddy after so long away.
The sweat and cum he had soaked her in sluiced away under the pressure of the shower before long, she leaned back to keep it from her face and hair.
She walked through the utility room door into the house. Her annoyance was plain on her face as he sheepishly welcomed her home from the couch. "Hey Darlin', how was your day?" Ignoring his attempt at normalcy, she crossed the carpeted floor in her heels and stood, arms crossed, before him.
"You were drunk last night." It wasn't a question.
"I did have a bit to drink...."
"You kept me up all night with your drunken snoring.
*This story contains adult content. If you are under 18 or easily offended please do not read.
**This is my first attempt at submitting a story here. While I may try writing up some fantasies later on, this one is a true account of my recent Spring Break trip. Some names have been changed to protect the innocent and not so innocent. Please feel free to send me any feedback, I'd love to hear it.
We were nearing the Christmas break. Everyone in the orchestra was exhausted from the ridiculous season that the new conductor had foisted upon us, with scant regard for the physical effort required in churning out program after program of major works. If it wasn't Shostakovitch, it was Strauss, or some hellish piece of contemporary music that only the composer's mother or a member of the local deaf association would tolerate. Either way, more and more friends and colleagues were suffering from back pain and tendinitis, and the physios were raking it in.
Victoria didn't know why she bothered. If she had known, she wouldn't have spent so much time on her outfit.
She arrived at Simon's place a little after sunset, so she wasn't too worried the neighbors would spot her in her slutty clothes. But... just to be safe, she put on a long skirt and overcoat as camouflage. She used the key Simon gave her last night and stepped inside the duplex.
Step by step, he had led her down the path towards surrender.
He was always touching her, patting her, fondling her dark hair, rubbing her shoulders and hugging her.
And, playing her part, she learnt the rules: his rules. She was careful not to breathe a hint of her sexual activities with her owner to a single living soul.
This made her feel special, as if she and her owner were united in their torrid secret, the two of them against the world.