Male Submission

Dominating Him

He knelt by her feet awaiting her next move, her next sound, her next breath. He waited with baited breath, holding himself as still as possible, trying to contain the tremble in his body, that thread of anticipation which ran through him like and electrical wire, making his body shake and his cock quiver. He was very aware of the fact that she was watching him, although his eyes never once left the floor in front of him, where he could see the tips of her black stilettos.

Mother Becomes Teacher

The system had been introduced nationwide for all children aged 18. This was considered the perfect age - their bodies ready for tuition, but not so old they had yet been corrupted by bad ways of thinking of sex. The girls and boys were separated in to different classes; the girls to learn about anal care, the anatomy of the prostate, rectum, anus, how to penetrate without causing harm and whilst giving pleasure, how best to choose and fit a strap-on; all the technicalities, as well as being taught (as they had been since they began school) of the sanctity of Woman.

Panty Fetish to Submission

I heard the door open and hastily took the panties from my face and saw her coming in, and then stopping in her tracks, staring at me. Blood drained from my face as I saw her face registering disgust and then surprise, before her features hardened. I could feel my life collapsing around me and my head reeled as the panties fell to the floor released from my hands... a desperate effort to alter the situation and save myself.

Spring Rain

Look, it's just fantasy, OK? No one is being tortured around here. It's just fun to think about playing in the rain around here sometimes. ***** It was a nice day for the Northwest, completely overcast but warm enough you could run around without a coat on. The weather folks on TV kept saying we were in for a heck of a storm later this afternoon. Around here that means rain, and a lot of it.


Hello lovelies, hope you enjoy this one. As always, everyone in this story is 18+ and it should go without saying that some of the actions depicted in this story would be dangerous in real life. Use common sense. If you want to get straight to the 'fun' stuff, look out for the three asterisks (***). Enjoy! --- Outside of an old playhouse, a queue that stretched back nearly half a block shivered in the cold winter air.