Cassia Kelly sat as her desk facing her collectors.
"How many people are over due on their payment?" the striking blond asked.
"2 couples," Marcus the lead collected answered. He kept his vice level, but hated answering to the bitch step daughter of his boss.
His contempt did not go unnoticed. "You don't think I have the guts to take the appropriate measures do you?"
The bone breaker chose to answer honestly.
A warning to the reader. This is a very long chapter. I hope the journey is worth it should you find your way to the end. Following chapters will not be as long.
In the morning I felt so rested and so awake. So complete. So satisfied and happy. I loved my cats while I ate breakfast and ran my typical Saturday errands. Several times during the day I thought of driving over to Natalie's but resisted the urge.
The alarm went off but there was no point, Allie was already awake. She had been awake for an hour anticipating today. She slid her hand down under the sheets caressing her hard nipples. She caressed her round, full breasts thinking about the interview. She still couldn't believe she had landed this interview. Rachel was a not only a strong business owner in their area, but also predominant Dom in the BDSM world.
Chapter 2
"Beep, Beep," Allie's phone chirped. She knew who the text was from without even looking at it. It was Mistress. Allie and Rachel had been playing together on and off now for about a week. She looked up from the article she was writing about Rachel's place and grabbed her phone.
'Looking forward to tonight. 7:00. Come around to the back of the building and let yourself in. I'll leave further instructions on the table by the door.
Abi's sister Liz was home for the weekend from her job and life in the city, it was a very rare event, no one can remember the last time.
She was actually her step sister and some 10 years or more older than Abi.
Abi's father was separated from Liz's mother Abi was never told the details so accepted it had nothing to do with her.
Abi knocked on Liz's and waited, she had taken Lee to meet her.
It was rather late when I finally got to my hotel. I was completely drained from the evening's activities, and looked forward to a little sleep. I told Michelle and Brigette that we had to get together again soon; they agreed and we made plans for the next night.
So many thoughts clouded my mind as I tossed and turned... getting to sleep was going to be hard. There was the omnipresent vision of Michelle, along with something else.
Hello again! Sorry for my hiatus, genuinely, but there is more where this came from. This is a little story about submission and (bi)sexuality. I hope you will enjoy. Thank you to LaRascasse and TRCIII for looking this over :). And, as always, all characters in this story are eighteen years old or above. All readers should also be eighteen years or above. -L
Dozens of eyes followed me and with nowhere to hide, I feigned confidence.