
Doctor-Patient Confidentiality 01

THE CONFIDENTIAL SERIES Doctor-Patient Confidentiality Volume One Eme Strife Copyright© Eme Strife. 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced without the author's express consent. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Dedication For those who love hard, with passion, determination, and zero apology.

Dogging Natsumi

Even though it was well past midnight and he hadn't called in two months, Dale knew there was no need to identify himself when her sleep-drugged voice finally answered the telephone. The first words out of his mouth were unapologetic. "I'm on my way, make yourself ready." He heard the sharp intake of her breath and smiled to himself, pleased with the sound of shock in her voice. Instantly wide-awake, it was obvious Natsumi not only knew who was calling, but more importantly, why.

Dominate My Mate

I had invited a girl back to my house. She was a Spanish beauty I had met, 26, and she really acted like she liked white guys. She said that she had never been with one before. When we chatted, I could never tell if she liked me. I loved her tits, her beautiful teeth, and voluptuous lips. She was a perfect ten in my book. Tonight, we were going to drink tequila, as it was her idea.

Morning sex Pt. 01

Marian stared at the pale-skinned man, watching lovingly as his thin, pink lips parted with every small snore. She moved a hand up to his face and pushed away a loose strand of hair, his hair was a mess no doubt a consequence of last night's vigorous sex. Marian bit her lip as she remembered the way he handled her body, the way his soft hands gripped her hips as he plowed into her wet cunt.

Mr. Asshole has a Real Name

I turned the key in the lock to my apartment. When I walked in there was a dozen pink roses in a tall glass vase. I had been gone to the gym then the market for some dinner. It had been a few hours at least, but there was only one person who could have done this: Mr. Asshole the super. I walked around the apartment to make sure I was alone, then I proceeded to put in a work order for a leaky faucet.

Step on Me Pt. 01

We'd been sat in the attorney's office for the past few minutes. The attorney in question, Mr Andrews, was at his desk, shuffling through some papers. Over the phone, he'd made clear that our attendance was not necessary and he could forward the paperwork to us, however, my mother had insisted. "I want to see the look on her face when she gets nothing," she'd said with glee, while arguing over the phone.