Many thanks to ViWriter for helping me edit this story.
It's not required to read parts one and two first, but this story assumes you have, so some things may be confusing if you haven't. The most important information to know is that Julia is wearing a remote-controlled vibrating clit ring that can detect how close she is to orgasm and tease her accordingly.
Contains: bondage, exhibitionism, orgasm control/denial, dominant/submissive, a bit of humiliation, and some mild breathplay.
"So, you up for some fun tonight?" asked Heather breathily into her phone. She was twirling her blonde hair, and feeling a bit horny.
"Sure," replied Carol, "I just got back from a shit day at work and could really do with a drink and some entertainment. But give me an hour to recover. How about that place in the City, the one with the glass dome, about 8?"
"Great, see you there,"
She awoke groggy, a little confused. Sore. Jesus, her shoulders and neck were sore! Left thigh, too, from where she's slumped against the bathroom floor. Wrists chafed a little from the cuffs.
Her head still hung in the toilet bowl, where some of her hair now hung down to dangle in the mix of water and urine there. The toilet seat still rested on her shoulder and upper back.
How long?
I awoke the next morning completely at peace. I was happy, genuinely happy as my thoughts returned to yesterday's events. I remembered Marc's strong arms enveloping me as he stood me before those two young boys, and how he urged them to undress me. My god, I was humiliated! I curled up in bed as I relived those feelings. I stretched and brought my fingers to my clit as I remembered what happened next, though.
Lucy had been working at the office for a year when she started to hear the rumours. They were very hush-hush, involving a manager who had made certain advances on a secretary. Advantages of the sort which would have seen him quickly expelled from the company if not for his family's wealth and position. Even so, he'd been busted down as far as they could send him and the secretary in question had gotten away with a fat pile of money on the promise to breathe not a word of it to anyone.
It's long after midnight. One more paper to grade. I take a deep breath and a last swig of cold coffee. The assignment had been to write a story about lost love. My mistake. Seems these students are too young to describe such emotional upheavals convincingly. Or maybe they just don't dare to be honest. Anyway, Isabelle is my last hope. She's the beauty with the little nose ring. Always sits at the front looking wide eyed at me as if she reads my thoughts when I return her gaze.
Co-Authors: subbie1982 and tom6432
This is a fantasy written by subbie1982 and myself for fun. All errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar are my responsibility. It contains spanking, humiliation and fetish, if this bothers you please seek other authors. All characters are 25 year old or older.
Chapter 1:
"Miss McLean... Miss Mclean... Miss Mclean!"
"Huh, what... oh sorry Professor Matthews."
"Did you enjoy your nap Miss McLean?" asked Professor Matthews with a smirk on his face?
Co-Authors: subbie1982 and tom6432
This is a fantasy written by subbie1982 and myself for fun. All errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar are my responsibility. It contains spanking, humiliation and fetish; if this bothers you please seek other authors. All characters are 25 year old or older.
Chapter 4
The next morning I woke up to my alarm and shivered a little, realizing that I was completely naked. I climbed out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to start getting ready for my day.
Co-Authors: subbie1982 and tom6432
(This is a fantasy written by subbie1982 and myself for fun. All errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar are my responsibility. It contains spanking, humiliation and fetish; if this bothers you please seek other authors. All characters are 25 year old or older.)
Chapter 7:
"Okay Missy it is 7:00 o'clock and its time to start your day," I heard the Professor say. All I was thinking now was 'how much more juvenile can this get?
I waited in the car for ages trying to summon up the courage to go through with my idea. After finding the human puppy school on the net I had contacted the 'trainer' and he'd invited me along to his kennel to see how I liked it. So here I was, and I decided to go ahead and give it a try. I knocked on the door of the ordinary three bedroomed semi and must have looked like any regular guy to the people passing in the street.
This story contains elements of female domination, humiliation, degradation, corporal punishment and homosexuality. If that's not your thing go read something else.
Dogshit the Bitch teaches the gospel
Someone reading this with modern eyes might well question my sanity and the sanity of the man sucking my cock even more. They would also think that we were the same when we are very different. He is a masochist who loves being punished and abused by a sadistic woman.
Chapter 1.
An ordinary detached house in a plain, unremarkable suburb, 65 miles from London. 44 Green Meadows was built, along with hundreds of others after the war. Rows and rows of neat, adequately maintained windows and neatly manicured lawns. Apple blossom trees evenly spaced outside every other house, and a post-box on the corner. You can hear the blackbirds on the telegraph wires and the odd crow on the tops of the Douglas firs down in the valley by the local newsagent.
Maybe I was lonely. Maybe I needed to find myself. Maybe I needed to express myself. I was definitely horny! I was out of grad school. I had a good job in a small rural area. A small house to myself on a lake. I was in my late 20's and in a pretty good place physically and financially. Mentally and emotionally were questionable. For the first time in my life, I was somewhat free to be me, but I had made some bad strategic decisions.
Melissa and chatted a little over the next few weeks. I was distant. I don't know why the snorting had turned me off so much. I wanted her to be something she was not, and it took a little while to figure out the problem was me and my prejudices toward overweight women. One night it was late, and I was drinking. Melissa knew this because she had asked what I was doing.
Friday had come quickly. It was a challenge not to cum, but I had done it. I got home from work and got dressed wearing panties. Melissa had told me to pick her up at 7. She had not told me where we were going.
I arrived at 7 and went to her door and knocked. She answered the door, and I was a bit speechless. She was wearing a tight white dress that accentuated how big and fat she was.
Part 1: Caught
Cal was just like any other 23 year old, he had just finished college and was working from home as a stock broker. It was a peaceful gig with good money, he got to stay home and had no additional payments like rent so most of his money just went to his personal use or savings. Of course like every guy his age he was at that incredibly horny stage of life and not having a girlfriend didn't help matters much.
Cal never thought there would come a day when he would be afraid of his own maid, adding insult to injury, it was in his own home, in his own room.
Cal tried to struggle free of his bonds and scream for help but all it served to do was squeeze the socks in his mouth releasing some of Lara's sweat which had been soaked up by the socks. Cal grimaced in disgust as the taste was horrible.
Cal couldn't believe the situation had devolved to such a stage. Cal was a regular participant in various debate competitions and prided himself on being very convincing, capable of winning most arguments. But then again, there's hardly any room for any sort of rapport when your angry maid stuffs her sweaty socks into your mouth and tapes it shut.
Cal was down on his knees in front of the study table.
The night of 'The incident' finally came to a close and a new day was approaching. It was safe to say none of the three people involved got any proper sleep that night. One of them was busy discovering a variety of new pleasures to indulge in, while another was too disturbed by the day's events and slept fitfully out of worry and the last one was uncomfortably trussed up and was barely able to catch a wink of sleep.
Cal turned his back and walked back into the hallway, he heard Lara close the door after a minute and follow behind. The first thing he did was to grab Lara's phone and make sure to turn it off and put it on the table.
'No more recording things in hiding and getting me in trouble. But she wants to bet huh, wonder what other tricks she has up her sleeve.
Cal and Lara entered the Supermarket. She had made him wear a cap partially covering his face - which raised several alarms in Cal's mind - before entering the mart hand in hand, Cal had tried to wrest his hand free but Lara held on to him with an iron grip and gave him a threatening glare to silence his protests. They got a trolley and went about buying items from the list Jenna had left behind.
I enjoy pushing my boytoy to the limit. The other night I spent all evening teasing him and making his balls fuller and fuller, using different parts of his body to make myself cum, but not letting him cum, or even touch his aching cock.
I used him over and over again, until it was time to get ready to go out. Just before we went out for a drink with friends, I tied a piece of string around his balls, pulled it nice and tight - I like it when it really cuts into the skin - and then made him cut a hole in his pocket and thread it through.
He meets her in the back room for a new type of inventory.
[Author's note; This isn't a prequel or sequel specifically, just another story]
It was that time of night. The rush of the commuter crowd had faded into a slow trickle of truck drivers and workaholics at the roadside diner. Annie had only started her shift three hours ago and had a long night ahead of her, but a young girl needs money and the burger joint needed cashiers.
Part 1: The Online Encounter
Story Overview
A thread of e-mails quickly blossoms into an erotic relationship of domination and humiliation between Ken and Karena. Karena develops a growing need for power and control while Ken finds himself drawn into a state of submission and inferiority.
Ken anxiously opened his e-mail to see if Karena had responded to his feedback. The night before Ken had spent hours skimming through her website and reading her erotic stories.
A text "hey" came into my inbox from someone named Salman.
He claimed to be a huge fan of the stories I write and wanted to know if they were real. When I explained that my stories were In fact inspired by real-life events but some details were added or removed to make them better.
Listening to this, he was on cloud nine. At the time I didn't know why he was so excited but later I got to know that he was a cuck.
The XX is a society entirely controlled and run by women. In this society, men are seen as subservient to women and are taught to follow the lead of strong women.
Domination wrestling is a form of wrestling that is popular within the XX. It is a sexual kind of wrestling where women fight against men or other women, and the goal is to dominate the opponent and score as many points as possible.
I moved in to room 205. It was tough moving. I have never lived on my own, never lived in an apartment. From childhood to college, I stayed at my big family home in Illinois. Moving to New York was a big step. My apartment was not too large yet comfortable.
The only friends that I made in a week were from work and all of them lived quite far away, so it was quite exciting when I saw the woman who lived across the hallway in apartment 204.
I would never say that life was routine with Mistress Monica. She kept me on my toes—or, more literally, on my heels—at least around the house. On days when I got home from my law office before she got home from her corporate job, I would immediately take off my suit and tie and put on one of the frilly aprons Mistress preferred me to wear at home, and a pair of heels to match the bra, panty, and garter set that she had chosen for me to wear under my business suit that day.
Frank Fletcher was pissed. His boss ordered him to drive from St. Louis to Cheyenne, Wyoming on one hour's notice, with no time to research flights. With no options, he set out with a change of clothes, a bag of toiletries and his laptop in the middle of the day with a Google directions to his destination. He swore at his asshole boss as he drove through Kansas City rush hour traffic, up the Missouri River and into a Nebraska night.
Frank Van Olden was depressed. Once again his perpetual shaky financial circumstances dictated that he had to spend another long year as a Resident Assistant in the dorms at Concordia College. He was not looking forward to it. His experiences over the past three years on this duty had been a never ending parade of dealing with vomiting drunks, three am fist fights and combating the perpetual stink that only young men can create when living away from home for the first time and having no concept of what a trash can is used for.