The Owner knew why he wanted those wrought iron bedposts in all luxurious exec suites in all of his hotels.
Those bedpost had many interesting functions. And he was utilizing one of those right now. He lay naked, wearing favorite collar, spread-eagled on his bed, shiny steel leg spreader holding his legs apart. Then he tied his legs to bed posts for good measure. And then he cuffed his arm with matching steel cuffs to the post above, wishing he could cuff both his hands.
Sometimes when you wake up and realize ... this is my life sort of smile. One of those days for me was March 24, 2009. I looked over at her sleeping form as she was softly breathing. I relaxed for a bit and caught a bit of laughter as it formed in my throat. I licked my lips and thought about what a nice birthday she was gonna have today.
It wasn't until after we were married that he ever mentioned Rose. In the whole five years we'd been together, he'd never even implied that anything was missing from our sex life. Then he started bringing up the subject occasionally, suggesting we should spice things up. We do all the normal stuff, but he was talking about things I didn't really have an interest in. Bondage, leather get-ups and whips, all that sort of thing.
"You fucking bitch!" I exclaimed for about the one hundredth time as I saw her holding up a DVD as she boarded the plane. A week ago, I had landed in Mexico, a regular college guy looking to blow off some steam on spring break. What I am now, and will be in the future, entirely depends upon the devious mind of the girl who just boarded the plane, whom I know only as "