The slave walked barefoot down the quiet, shadowy corridor in the evening cool, on his way to call – and service - on a guest of the house. He was sent frequently on such errands, for not only was he finely featured, with soft curls, girlish skin, and large grey eyes, but he was skilled in his work; which was to provide maximum pleasure and satisfaction, through all available means, to his master's guests.
He needed the hand on his shoulder, the kiss to his temple and the hot, ragged breath of his Master over his face.
Instinct took over. Silas Oswald dropped to his knees, taking cover behind the waist high bar that extended along the length of the Tesla-Coil Tavern. The movement was futile; Mistress Lavinia had already seen him and wasn't likely to forgive his disobedience anytime in the near future.
"Step-Mommie Dearest"
This is another case in which I wish these stories could be posted under more than one category. For example, while "PM" could fall under either BDSM or Non-Consent, this one could also belong to either of those, or Lesbian Sex in this case, although...well, actually, I don't want to give you any spoilers, so I'll let that go unfinished. Oh well, I prefer to classify stories like this as LesBDSM, a combination genre, though on the site it will be just plain BDSM, as it's more that than anything else.
Hello again! Sorry for my hiatus, genuinely, but there is more where this came from. This is a little story about submission and (bi)sexuality. I hope you will enjoy. Thank you to LaRascasse and TRCIII for looking this over :). And, as always, all characters in this story are eighteen years old or above. All readers should also be eighteen years or above. -L
Dozens of eyes followed me and with nowhere to hide, I feigned confidence.