
Llano - 1980

1323 words about creating and beta testing our basement playroom. Lillian, Jamie and Lisa were 18, Kristin and Eva were 18, and Paul and George were 20. *** Jamie helped me get the basement ready. We swept it out and mopped the floor, then we moved a lot of stuff around to clear the center of the space. There was a drain right in the middle of the sloped concrete floor with a shower head over it.

Looking Up

I look up from my kneeling position, past your erect cock that is mere inches from my face. I lick my lips as my eyes reach yours. There is a hungry look in the depths of your blue orbs and I feel the fresh rush of liquid coat my slit from that look. I know that you are waiting patiently, but only for a moment, so I move my focus back down to your bobbing member.