I present to you the fantasy of mine that has been forming in my imagination for years. I hope you enjoy it!
Edited by angel love (thank you).
PS: note that English isn't my native language, so that's why the text isn't perfectly written.
I'm lucky enough to live in a world ruled by Men, as it should have always been. I know very well, that Men's role is to dominate and women's role is to be dominated.
Chapter 1.
An ordinary detached house in a plain, unremarkable suburb, 65 miles from London. 44 Green Meadows was built, along with hundreds of others after the war. Rows and rows of neat, adequately maintained windows and neatly manicured lawns. Apple blossom trees evenly spaced outside every other house, and a post-box on the corner. You can hear the blackbirds on the telegraph wires and the odd crow on the tops of the Douglas firs down in the valley by the local newsagent.
The new housekeeper, Miss Spargrove landed the thick wooden Spencer paddle for the fiftieth time on Shawn Cirrito's reddened buttocks, and Shawn bit her tongue to keep from screaming.
As the paddle, built with holes throughout to make swinging easier and more painful landed again on Shawn's ass, she wondered what Ross was doing.
Miss Spargrove had had him sucking frozen urine-sicles, created in ice cubes with toothpicks.
Miss Spargrove had Ross on a monthly masturbation schedule.
I dominate my husband with prostate milkings and strap-on discipline!!!!!!
Now that that's out of the way, a little background information on how we got to this point in our lives.
I am not your typical leather-clad dominatrix that you see on TV. As far as I'm concerned, all that leather is just for show! I am your typical normal, unassuming housewife that you would never expect to be a dominant person to begin with.
I felt the gentle touch of your hand on the inside of my elbow, and instantly smiled. It was our signal, and it always pleases me to see you remember your training so very well. you were telling me in the most nondescript of ways that you were there at your master's side. Standing just behind me, and waiting for the answering gesture of me pulling you into the small group of friends .
Holly needs encouragement to meet her target, and be rewarded...
"Well, what's the answer?" enquires her husband, managing a convincing impression of someone who doesn't care one way or another.
"According to the bathroom scales, 140lbs," Holly replies crossly.
"Almost the same as when you started, maybe two pounds difference, what's your target?"
"Around 125lbs," Holly definitely sounds fed up, and possibly rather guilty.
"I see - well you're certainly sticking to this ridiculous diet at home, so I can only assuming the backsliding occurs somewhere else,"
Abi's sister Liz was home for the weekend from her job and life in the city, it was a very rare event, no one can remember the last time.
She was actually her step sister and some 10 years or more older than Abi.
Abi's father was separated from Liz's mother Abi was never told the details so accepted it had nothing to do with her.
Abi knocked on Liz's and waited, she had taken Lee to meet her.
The buzzer went and Mr. Brownlow looked at his CT screen.
Harry, the young burley security guard was on the trail of a blonde girl.
He grabbed her arm securely and marched her like a convict through the precinct towards the store.
The automatic doors opened like the mouth of a predator as if to welcome its prey.
Harry took her to the back of the store and into the stock room to the staircase.
The sound of a door slamming startled her out of her deep slumber. It took a few minutes for the haze in her head to fade away enough that she could remember what was going on. She sat up and the room started spinning and her head was hurting as the memories of last night slowly came back to her. Her owners had some friends over last night and it was her job to keep their refreshments full but every now and then she would sneak a shot of whiskey in when nobody was looking which was against the rules.
Sir was never harsh, always fair.
If she needed a sound beating, she got one, usually deserved one, always accepted one most of all thanked Sir for his protection.
If she got a bedtime spanking, it too was well deserved, received and appreciated.
She had been summoned to Sirs study and told to come in just her dressing gown.
This meant Sir did not want a show, did not need the titillation of seeing her squirm at her own embarrassment as her top comes off and her bra, freeing her young tits.
"Uh-oh baby girl," you grin at me. My heart is racing as I anticipate your next move.
"SO, it appears you had some fun at Daddy's expense. Was it worth what's going to happen next?"
I put my head down in shame. You walk over to me and tilt my head up by my chin.
"Look at me, little one." I look you right in your eyes.
"Daddy, I can explain!
Pam and her sister, Gillian, are talking in a coffee shop.
"Pam darling, you would not believe, he is so wonderful," Gilly's voice goes very high and squeaky when she is excited, "even though he is quite a bit older than me, he is so energetic especially in the bedroom," Gillian was telling her older sister Pam all about the new man in her life, "I have my own credit card, a maid looks after the flat and the laundry,"
Leonard got up from the computer when he heard the doorbell ring. He looked through the peephole there she was! Eight months she'd been gone. And of course, Pam could tell that he was looking through the damn keyhole, and she gave him a big lipped smile, those damned lips, glossed in cherry red one of Leonard's friends said Pam was a dead ringer for Christina Hendricks, the redhead on "
Jake and Anna were destined to meet one another. They were married to two relatively vanilla partners: Jake to Sarah, Anna to Scott. Jake and Anna, though, were anything but vanilla. Jacob had an interest in domination, while Anna had an interest in submission. Jake had been married to Sarah for about seven years, while Anna and Scott had been married for about three years. Jake and Anna had tried introducing their respective partners to their interests, but to no avail.