She had invaded his dreams once again, as she had done nearly every night for the past two weeks, this time even more vividly. He once again tasted her and explored her smooth inner flesh walls with his tongue. He was once again breathlessly, hopelessly straining for her, craving her soft warmth wrapped snugly around his tortured, imprisoned member.
But even in his dreams he was denied that ultimate pleasure. Even in his dreams, he was forbidden the relief he so desperately craved from his lustful insanity, which had grown exponentially over the past month.
I rolled over, my hands reaching out and finding nothing. I had expected him to be in the bed. I lifted up slightly to hear the shower running.
I dropped back down, a grin spreading across my face as I thought about the night before. It had been so hot. I could still feel his beard between my thighs. I felt myself get wet as I relived him using his beard on my clit.
It's Thursday night, and I'm a little bored catching drinks with friends but wearing an outfit that accentuates every curve I have. The night is winding down but my buzz isn't finished.
Scrolling through my texts, and I land on his name.
I slip on my black thong with my lace bra, then admiring myself in the mirror. I have time and a fleeting idea. I slowly pull on my black thigh high stockings, one leg at a time, like someone is watching.
It's still dark outside, but I've already built the fire back up, and I'm staring into the flickering flames when I hear you softly padding into the room.
My chair is understated, but it is where I journal, ponder, process before the day begins in earnest. Just to the right is a large, luxurious floor pillow, a mound of soft comforting warmth. You settle into the pillow, sighing as you rest your head against my thigh and twine your arms around my leg.
Author's note: although this story is published under BDSM, it describes a DD/lg roleplay with heavy infantilization and mere undertones of D/s. This is my first story, I hope you enjoy.
Emma peeled herself from Steven's body and turned to stare at him, unsure of what to make of his question. He paused their movie just as the male lead pushed his female counterpart into a wall. The actors had been kissing feverishly, pressing their bodies into each other and moaning, and the now stilled screen denied an insistent hand from finding its destination between a pair of long, spread legs.
Author's note: All story elements contained herein are fiction and for fantasy purposes, remember to obey all legal and consent laws in real life, thank you and have a nice day.
Ophelia could barely stand.
The hot water cut across her throbbing skin, the lingering effect of being exposed to Daddy after so long away.
The sweat and cum he had soaked her in sluiced away under the pressure of the shower before long, she leaned back to keep it from her face and hair.
They had in their relationship the stuff writers try to describe. To put it simply, they had a secure and timeless love, a mutual respect, an unwavering and unconditional trust, patience...and of course, obsession. Their hours were many, long, and unpredictable; so the lover's time together was often short and littered with exhaustion. Once a month on every third Saturday morning, they found a way to steal time.
Layla had found an Adderall connection a year ago.