
Dommed by a Young Blonde

Disclaimer: These are real stories. Everything that happened here is, to the best of my knowledge, what actually happened. The experiences are several years old, but I captured them all to the best of my ability. ***** So, it's been a year since my last femdom experience. That last one with an older woman really killed it for me. I told her what I liked, and what I didn't. She did everything to me that I told her I didn't like.

More with Brookie

Just a quick note before I pass out from exhaustion--- Hi, kiddies, how's tricks? Things are going splendidly, here... I just said goodbye to my friend, brookie. You remember her, right? She's my good friend from the local University who I'm training to be a submissive. Well, her "training" is coming along wonderfully, I must tell you. This past weekend, starting last Thursday night, she came over to my place to spend a few days and catch up on some much needed sex on both our parts.

Owning Professor Ballard Pt. 01

Professor Ballard took another sip of Chardonnay as she continued to survey the crowd. These faculty receptions were so predictable. The usual suspects were all present and accounted for. She nodded at her fellow faculty members politely. There was the stodgy department chair. God, was he actually wearing a tweed jacket? What a dolt. Over there was the cluster of teaching assistants and new instructors, always anxious to impress. All smiles and handshakes.

Owning Professor Ballard Pt. 02

***AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm addicted to your comments and feedback, good and bad. More. Please. *** ***** Professor Ballard allowed the lithe, young blond to lead her by the hand down the dim hallway. When they reached her office, she fished her key out of her clutch and silently opened the door. She motioned for Kendra to go in first. Ballard followed her and locked the door behind her, then turned to face her student.

Owning Professor Ballard Pt. 03

***AUTHOR'S NOTE: If you like, please rate and comment.*** ***** The three of them arrived at Jennifer and Kendra's off campus apartment at around 10:00 p.m. It was a sprawling two-bedroom loft in a renovated furniture factory not far from the university. There were tall windows and high ceilings and a lot of exposed brick. Upon entering the apartment, Kendra immediately began removing her clothing. Jennifer and the professor stood in the entryway watching the young slave.

Owning Professor Ballard Pt. 04

"Not good enough, you dumb cow. Try again," said the young mistress sternly. Kathleen Ballard took a moment to compose herself. She was an English professor. She should be able to string together a few coherent sentences and come up with a compelling and convincing argument that would satisfy her new mistress. Professor Ballard was a 44 year-old divorcee who had discovered lesbianism relatively late in life. She liked her girls young.

Owning Professor Ballard Pt. 05

Professor Ballard woke up on her stomach on her bedroom floor. She was naked and collared. She ached all over. Her hands were cuffed behind her back. She lay still in the coolness of the morning. It had been a rough three days. She heard Kendra snoring lightly in the bed above her. She craned her neck and looked up at the clock on the nightstand. It was time to wake up her mistress.

Painful Homecoming

The palms of my hands were drenched in sweat and I felt my knees going weak; He was finally coming home. It had been a long time since we were able to see each other because I was in college and He was busy with work. But now was the time when Master would be reunited with His slave and I had plenty of punishment coming my way. During the time we were apart Master and I talked almost every day and I took advantage of the distance; I was flat out disobedient and disrespectful.

Spring Break Slut

*This story contains adult content. If you are under 18 or easily offended please do not read. **This is my first attempt at submitting a story here. While I may try writing up some fantasies later on, this one is a true account of my recent Spring Break trip. Some names have been changed to protect the innocent and not so innocent. Please feel free to send me any feedback, I'd love to hear it.