"Time for your walk," Master announces. He's holding the collar and leash as he waits in the doorway.
She feels her face grow warm, but follows him wordlessly to the car. She struggles to stay quiet and still as they make the half-hour drive to the park.
He stops at the guard shack at the park entrance; she keeps her face averted, afraid to meet the ranger's eye. A minute or two later, he's back and the entry gate swings open.
I moved in to room 205. It was tough moving. I have never lived on my own, never lived in an apartment. From childhood to college, I stayed at my big family home in Illinois. Moving to New York was a big step. My apartment was not too large yet comfortable.
The only friends that I made in a week were from work and all of them lived quite far away, so it was quite exciting when I saw the woman who lived across the hallway in apartment 204.
I'm soooo late... Looking at the dashboard clock, 6:27pm. Yep, I'm running late. I pull on to my street and the kids are having their usual street hockey game against their parents. I pull into my driveway and His car is there already. Oh this is not good. I turn off my car and take a deep breath. I open my car door and step out into my driveway. I smile and wave to the kids and their parents having a good time out in the street.
Dressed in my black dress, with nothing on underneath - just as my Master likes - I stand shivering slightly in the cold night air. Already my skin, where it is exposed to the chill, is showing signs of goose-bumps, and my black boots barely keeping my legs and feet warm. He knows I am waiting for him. Only for him. I shiver, not because I am cold, although that does carry a factor, but from desire and anticipation.
Tuesday nights for other attached couples meant dull chitchat after work, a thirty minute meal or takeout, tv and internet time, some more mundane talk, complaints about chores, and maybe sex. Our weekday nights had flare, adventure, and spontaneity. We always had small surprises for each other: a naughty piece of lingerie, a new toy, a new position, a new play scenario. My surprise for that Tuesday night was for sure going to turn him on.
It's still hard to believe that my wife and I are by ourselves for spring break. The story of how we ended up that way is one for another time -- and really, I should turn things over to Shayleigh, our beautiful twenty-year-old sex pet, when that time comes. She's off with her new friend, Julia, on a week-long fuck fest in Colorado, exploring her dominant side for the very first time.
I curl my toes up, pulling them from the cold floor beneath me, my knees ache pressed against the hardness of the wood. Tiny goosebumps raise over my arms. I want badly to whisk the hair from my face as I stare down at the floor, but don't want to risk you seeing me fidget. I'm still deciding what to do when I hear the door creak open. I hear a faint rustling noise and wonder if you are undressing.
Chapter 1 - Friday evening: the beginning of a weekend.
They always enjoyed Steph coming to stay. She was their niece. She was sweet. She was bubbly. She was pretty - she was slim with long black hair, shapely - one day she would be a very beautiful woman - all she lacked was the confidence. For several years she had come to stay once a month for a weekend, and they had had lots of good times together.