
Lockdown Hairdresser

Like most self-employed people Becky was struggling as a hairdresser during lockdown. No clients meant no money, but the bills didn't seem to stop. She'd already resorted to cancelling every subscription she had and had even sold her TV on eBay. But she was still short of cash. At 26 years old and living the single life she had no one to help with the bills. Out of desperation she'd texted one of her clients to see if he needed a haircut and didn't mind breaking the lockdown rules to visit her.

Domestic Bliss

February 20th Rob and Bernie were having a difficult time with organising housekeeping and maintenance and the house was becoming untidy. Both men led busy working lives and were equally passionate in using their leisure time to the full. Time for chores was increasingly marginalised and it had begun to affect how they were relating to each other. There was increasing friction and irritation between the two men and on a couple of occasions there had been raised voices and anger.

Domestic Obedience

Chapter 1. An ordinary detached house in a plain, unremarkable suburb, 65 miles from London. 44 Green Meadows was built, along with hundreds of others after the war. Rows and rows of neat, adequately maintained windows and neatly manicured lawns. Apple blossom trees evenly spaced outside every other house, and a post-box on the corner. You can hear the blackbirds on the telegraph wires and the odd crow on the tops of the Douglas firs down in the valley by the local newsagent.


I would like to thank a special friend for her proof reading skills and for her advice generally which have made this story better than it would otherwise have been. WARNING: This story contains a scene of "golden showers," female on male consensual urination. If this is not for you then I would suggest that you proceed no further as I have no wish to offend anyone. It's the story of the visit, by an experienced older submissive, to a young dominatrix for the first time.

Mother is a Matchmaker

Leaving the Men's Chastity Support Group, Spalding Tyll started as he saw a familiar face exiting the Pain café's famous Tea Lounge. Following Spal's cousin, the brilliant scholar, Siddons Tyll were two pretty twenty something girls, giggling and pointing at him. And with them was an older woman in a somewhat unfashionable mink stole. "You see, girls, I became concerned about Sid because he was neglecting his paleontology studies. Yes, and wearing those concert tee shirts and the black jeans, and going to so many of your mixers.

Moved On - Abi's Step Sister

Abi's sister Liz was home for the weekend from her job and life in the city, it was a very rare event, no one can remember the last time. She was actually her step sister and some 10 years or more older than Abi. Abi's father was separated from Liz's mother Abi was never told the details so accepted it had nothing to do with her. Abi knocked on Liz's and waited, she had taken Lee to meet her.

Mr. Brownlow meets Rosey

The buzzer went and Mr. Brownlow looked at his CT screen. Harry, the young burley security guard was on the trail of a blonde girl. He grabbed her arm securely and marched her like a convict through the precinct towards the store. The automatic doors opened like the mouth of a predator as if to welcome its prey. Harry took her to the back of the store and into the stock room to the staircase.

Over a Barrel

The sound of a door slamming startled her out of her deep slumber. It took a few minutes for the haze in her head to fade away enough that she could remember what was going on. She sat up and the room started spinning and her head was hurting as the memories of last night slowly came back to her. Her owners had some friends over last night and it was her job to keep their refreshments full but every now and then she would sneak a shot of whiskey in when nobody was looking which was against the rules.

Over Again

Sir was never harsh, always fair. If she needed a sound beating, she got one, usually deserved one, always accepted one most of all thanked Sir for his protection. If she got a bedtime spanking, it too was well deserved, received and appreciated. She had been summoned to Sirs study and told to come in just her dressing gown. This meant Sir did not want a show, did not need the titillation of seeing her squirm at her own embarrassment as her top comes off and her bra, freeing her young tits.

Painful School Reunion

It had been over 6 months since John and Sue had first been introduced to the painful pleasures of caning by the fraudulent Dr Hay. Whilst they realised that his methods would not help their chances of conceiving their first child, they had found another dimension to their sex life. John very much enjoyed caning his wife, and Sue enjoyed the sex afterwards! It was as Sue was sorting through the pile of mail on the hall floor one evening after returning home from work that she noticed a franked letter from her old school.


She walked through the utility room door into the house. Her annoyance was plain on her face as he sheepishly welcomed her home from the couch. "Hey Darlin', how was your day?" Ignoring his attempt at normalcy, she crossed the carpeted floor in her heels and stood, arms crossed, before him. "You were drunk last night." It wasn't a question. "I did have a bit to drink...." "You kept me up all night with your drunken snoring.


This story jumped up on me. It's not what I was planning to write next, but it's what came out. This is the second entry in my series In Media Res. While both stories are standalones, we're dropping in on the narrator of "Juxtapositions" 10-15 years down the track. If you dive in, expect an intense scene of public group sex with multiple anonymous partners, partner sharing, knife play, heavy impact play, some verbal degradation, and piss play.

Standing on the L from Bushwick

There were seats on the midday L train from Bushwick back to Manhattan, but I decided to stand. I had just been caned for the first time by a very lovely and sweet, yet highly sadistic Domme and my ass radiated heat and pain. The thought of sitting was not in the least appealing. Even just standing hurt, and walking was worse, as I was reminded when I got off the train at 14th street.