„Anna! What the fuck!?" I shouted as I threw off the sheets when I woke up, surprised by the tight feeling crushing my morning wood, and seeing the metal cage locked around my tool.
"What is it, "Master"?" She hopped in through the door wearing nothing else than demon's horns, and a cute, yet mischievous smile.
"That!" I pointed at the cage, "What the hell is that and why... And how did you put that on me?
She had invaded his dreams once again, as she had done nearly every night for the past two weeks, this time even more vividly. He once again tasted her and explored her smooth inner flesh walls with his tongue. He was once again breathlessly, hopelessly straining for her, craving her soft warmth wrapped snugly around his tortured, imprisoned member.
But even in his dreams he was denied that ultimate pleasure. Even in his dreams, he was forbidden the relief he so desperately craved from his lustful insanity, which had grown exponentially over the past month.