Cal never thought there would come a day when he would be afraid of his own maid, adding insult to injury, it was in his own home, in his own room.
Cal tried to struggle free of his bonds and scream for help but all it served to do was squeeze the socks in his mouth releasing some of Lara's sweat which had been soaked up by the socks. Cal grimaced in disgust as the taste was horrible.
Cal couldn't believe the situation had devolved to such a stage. Cal was a regular participant in various debate competitions and prided himself on being very convincing, capable of winning most arguments. But then again, there's hardly any room for any sort of rapport when your angry maid stuffs her sweaty socks into your mouth and tapes it shut.
Cal was down on his knees in front of the study table.
This story contains elements of coercion, blackmail and body modification in the context of heavy BDSM. Daphne is hereby acknowledged to be a narcissistic sociopath at best or a functional psychotic at worst. I want to portray her as a monster, so don't be surprised when she does monstrous things. Nobody should do any of this stuff to anybody in real life. Now, let the depravity begin.
I was posting some photos to the internet the other day when I found one on my computer of Pam wearing a blue string-bikini. She once told me that the photo was taken by one of her ex-lovers on the beach at Ocean City, MD. From things she has told me, things I have heard from others and some of his letters to her, I have surmised that she had a torrid affair with this guy right after her second divorce.
This story was written in collaboration with Sam Vimes, who had read my previous Ms Kissme stories, Summoned by the Headmaster and Taken by the Headmaster, and wondered what would happen if this naughty teacher were to get drunk and steal the Headmaster's cane. We alternated the writing, bringing in his equally willful character of woman police constable Lindsay Laweles, who, it is fair to say, opened sweet little Kate's eyes in many ways!
Steffany and Josh were married for 10 years now. Most of the time they both were happy with their lives, yet in the last two years Steffany felt less and less compelled by their relationship. The sex became boring, always the same, nothing new, and they did it decreasingly often. Not that it had been great in the first place. Josh's performance in bed did leave much to be wished for.