
Paddling Party

Cassie had some trepidation about what she was going to be doing that night but was determined to find out about it. She had never been spanked, not even by a disciplining parent, but she had heard some of her friends and college dormitory mates talking about being spanked or paddled by their boyfriends. Most of them had liked that part alright and had raved about the great sex that ensued, the best ever, according to them.

Paddling Stacy

Story two of the Ms. Saba Spanking Series POV work of fiction So I just finished up a phone call with the principal who just informed me that a student who just got kicked out of her science class was being sent to me for discipline. I quickly finished off my cup and tea and waited patiently for this naughty girl to arrive. Four minutes later my door opened and in she came.

Pageant Queening

Tiffany Stein knew she was born for the pageant stage, but never had her chance when she was younger. Both her parents were academics and thought pageants were silly, forcing Tiffany to focus on her studies; as an only child they were able to devote a lot of attention to her. They had passed while she was in her early twenties, and she thought it would be best to honor them by fulfilling their wishes.

Paige and Spalding

Dear Mom, Thanks for the lemon bars. It'll help me stay awake during my property class. Tell Rylie that I'll bring back her mohair coat, don't have a cow. So you were asking me about how things are going with Spalding. I was so glad you and Dad liked him when you came up to school. I agree he's cute and has a good sense of humor, and Dad said Spal was obviously "

Pain and Pleasure

La douleur exquise (Pain and pleasure) I am a control freak. I know this even though my Dom says he sees no dominant qualities in me. He probably sees the person I used to be, the one I want to be, ephemerally, by way of seeking respite from the psychological turmoil my parents inflicted on me. Do what they say, obey, never make a mistake, always make the right choices -their choices- but come out of it, a fully-fledged adult.

Pain Leads to Pleasure

Olivia made her way to the front door, adjusting both her dress and hair as she approached. Making sure she looked as immaculate as possible. Olivia then knocked on the door and was quickly greeted by a beautiful woman wearing only a satin robe. "Olivia, sweetheart please go on through." Olivia smiled, nodding her head graciously accepting. Olivia entered the living room that was lit only by a large roaring fire that created a picturesque and romantic scene.

Painful Pleasure

They pulled up in front of Club Rosas. A cool breeze was blowing, it was nearly 22:00 and they were dot on time for their appointment. Bob and Julie walked up to the heavy oak door and she pressed the bell. Almost instantly, the door opened and an attractive man in his early forties smiled at her. She smiled back. "Hello, please come in. Julie and Bob, first time here, right?

Pairing Punishment Pt. 01

sabrina dropped to her knees once she saw who was standing in the kitchen of her house...coat unceremoniously laying by the door. "Oh my fucking gawd..." she drawled slowly, letting the tears stream down her face. "...Sir." His Mr. Clean appearance was magnified tenfold by the faded and worn camo fatigue pants, sans t-shirt and bare feet. Sexy as fuck was a mild way of describing His appearance. "Yes, my blond bitch,"

Paisley's Desires

It was nearly 10 when the car pulled up in front of the Vickerson building, stopping only momentarily for a leggy redhead to climb out of the back seat before the car sped off to pick up its next fair. Paisley stood on the sidewalk, checking her reflection in the window before entering the vestibule. Marty, a portly older gentleman clad in a blue security uniform sat behind the large black desk.

Pajama Top

He sat on the couch to her left, their thighs touching. They had been watching TV, but now he was more interested in other pursuits. He looked down at the way her thin pajama top lay across her breasts. It was a soft cotton fabric, with camisole straps and lace around the low v-neck. Her hands were nestled together in her lap. He put his right arm around her shoulders, reaching his hand down so that his fingers lightly grazed her right nipple through the thin cotton.

Pam & Zach The 51st Shade of Zach

These are our stories, embellished, but true. The initial seven Pam & Zach stories are in chronological order so that you can get a sense of how the sexual relationship between Pam and myself progressed. They'd be best understood read in order, but I did my best to make each episode stand alone. Names have been changed, dialogue and details added for literary purposes, but these events actually somewhat happened.

Pandemic Quickie

He was zipping in and out of traffic at better than the speed limit when the phone attached to his dash buzzed and the screen lit up with a message that he had a text. While it could have been anyone, he was nearly sure he knew who it was. Easing off the gas a bit he shifted his red coupe to the slow lane and determined that he had space to safely glance at his phone.

Panties Gone Wild

Disclaimer: This is a purely fictional story, any similarities to real people or places are coincidental. The story was created as a Task for my Mistress, sharing it as well. I am not a native English speaker but have done my best for this my first story. **** I don't know why I enjoyed wearing women's panties at work. It had started years ago when I was in my early 20's and in a short but interesting relationship with a hot brunette named Eva.

Spite Fucking for the Judgmental

I am not a fan of people who judge others for their sexual proclivities be it orientation, kinks, actions, etc. I'm of the belief that as long as all participants are consenting adults then it's none of my business how other people opt to have sex. Unless they choose to share and I find it sexy to hear about or watch...then it's still not my business, but it is fun.

Spitting Images - The Boss Lady Pt. 01

Everyone was afraid of the office manager - she had a harsh tongue and many men in her department had been on the wrong side of her temper. Some may have fantasised that she could use that harsh tongue in a different way - around their stiff cock! It was no secret that all the men (and some women) in the company privately lusted after the boss lady. They watched her march up and down the open plan office in her short tight skirt, tight white blouse and high heels.

Sports Night With the Guys

The look I gave her was one of mild surprise. "What are you doing here?" I said. She smiled as I pulled on my drink. "Your wife told me where to find you, Raymond." "My wife wouldn't tell you jack squat, Jan. She knows about our history." Her smile grew wider. "She didn't realize what she was telling me at the time, hon." Jan had never been given to alcohol, so she sat with her 7-Up, sucking on the straw and eying me playfully.

Squat Training Pt. 01

Part I Mary was in the kitchen when the doorbell rang and she quickly went to the front hall to answer it. "Laney!" she said as she opened the door and greeted her friend, "I am so glad you were able to come." The tall woman was in her early thirties and stunningly beautiful. Her long, jet black hair cascaded down over her shoulders and framed an aquiline set of facial features that were highlighted by piercing eyes complimented with long, luscious lashes that gave her face almost an Egyptian goddess quality that was supplemented by a light olive tone to her flawless skin.

Squat Training Pt. 03

This story is entirely fictional and the characters therein are fictional and any association with persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. The story may contain sexual references or behavioral descriptions as well as graphic descriptions that might be considered pornographic. If such things are offensive or distasteful to you, the reader, please cease reading immediately and destroy this data. ========================================================== Part III It was early Sunday morning when Mark pulled into the parking spot in front of the Westside Gym.


Well, the story before this one wasn't as well received as I would've liked. But it was an important chapter for me because I wanted the characters to have that discussion first, as I view it to be very important. Anyway, now that that discussion has been had, we can move forward. And I think more people will enjoy this one and hopefully, see the prior chapter as what it was.

Stacey Tries Out Bondage

****************************** This is a new story i will be hoping to make quite a few chapters of. Please leave feedback it helps mould the story, and if anyone has any ideas send me a message and I'll try and put them into the story. Thanks for reading and i hope you enjoy. ****************************** Hi my name is Stacey I am 22 years old 5ft 5 and 126lb, have blonde hair down to my shoulders and brown eyes.

Staffing the Mailroom

"Polly, we have a candidate for the mailroom, darling." Pierson Albemarle Upshur IV was distressed. Certainly he went by "Polly" at home when Brie had him in his garter belt and stockings, but at work he was supposed to be a name partner and be called "Piers" if not "Mister Upshur" It was distressing enough that Piers was leaving the firm that his father "Trey" Upshur had founded, and joining the new, femdom firm, that his darling wife Brie had devised, but at least could he have a little respect while he was still at Upshur, Tilden.

Stairway to Heaven

The November night was cold and rainy, as had been the pattern for several days. He arrived after a long day of work, and the weariness was evident in His eyes. She had planned the evening carefully, wanting Him to feel catered to and doted on. She had fixed him a sandwich, had grapes and a cold drink, knowing He would not have taken time to eat during the day. And to spark His imagination, just a little, she had put her hair in pigtails, low on the back of her head.

Standing on the L from Bushwick

There were seats on the midday L train from Bushwick back to Manhattan, but I decided to stand. I had just been caned for the first time by a very lovely and sweet, yet highly sadistic Domme and my ass radiated heat and pain. The thought of sitting was not in the least appealing. Even just standing hurt, and walking was worse, as I was reminded when I got off the train at 14th street.

Stars Hide Your Fires

Nick was waiting at the theatre. Those people that knew him would not be surprised. As a director Nick seemed to spend half (if not more) of his life in the theatre. His friends joked that half the time he slept there and probably ate and had sex there. If only they knew the truth. However tonight was different. He was working on a new production, something a little bit more risqué than his previous works but it was good to branch out.

Starter Kit

"Are you sure you can't see around that thing?" I strain to peek but the velour blindfold from our brand new 'Bondage Starter Kit' is doing it's job well. We'd ducked into the funky little sex shop on a whim. Rows and rows of dildos, vibrators, and cock rings but when you saw that little square box sitting amongst the handcuffs and whips your face lit up with an evil grin.

Starting Anew

I curl my toes up, pulling them from the cold floor beneath me, my knees ache pressed against the hardness of the wood. Tiny goosebumps raise over my arms. I want badly to whisk the hair from my face as I stare down at the floor, but don't want to risk you seeing me fidget. I'm still deciding what to do when I hear the door creak open. I hear a faint rustling noise and wonder if you are undressing.

Statement of Purpose

"Immediately." That was all the text said and as she caught sight of it, her body gave a small, delicious jolt. She blushed gently and various delicate body parts seemed to smile and hum. She stood. "I'm so sorry," she began, interrupting the end of the meeting. "I'm afraid I have to duck out. But I'll get those numbers to you before the end of the day. Do let me know if I miss anything during the wrap up.

Staying on the Edge

I'm blindfolded and can hear you doing something in the other room - some rustling. Some shuffling around - is that a bag you've opened? I discreetly test my bonds. They're tight. My hands tied carefully to my knees - I could feel you slowly tying them. Meticulous as always. Checking to make sure they didn't hurt me or cut off circulation. Then tying rope around each ankle, again, slowly, carefully so I wouldn't feel pain from the bondage you've added to me.

Staying Silent

Alice fell for him in the graveyard silence when the lights had faded and the songs were sung, and that was no small thing. She rationed her affections. Men had to wear her down to get a taste. That's just how it had always worked; attraction came only with familiarity. And yet, there she stood in the audience, enchanted by a musician whom she had never met. But why not this man whose voice seduced and words inspired?

Stealing from the Headmaster

This story was written in collaboration with Sam Vimes, who had read my previous Ms Kissme stories, Summoned by the Headmaster and Taken by the Headmaster, and wondered what would happen if this naughty teacher were to get drunk and steal the Headmaster's cane. We alternated the writing, bringing in his equally willful character of woman police constable Lindsay Laweles, who, it is fair to say, opened sweet little Kate's eyes in many ways!