Steamed Submission
He needed the hand on his shoulder, the kiss to his temple and the hot, ragged breath of his Master over his face.
Instinct took over. Silas Oswald dropped to his knees, taking cover behind the waist high bar that extended along the length of the Tesla-Coil Tavern. The movement was futile; Mistress Lavinia had already seen him and wasn't likely to forgive his disobedience anytime in the near future.
Cursing under his breath, Silas rose reluctantly to his feet and sent a sheepish look across the room. Mistress Lavinia sat in her regular booth with the club's highest-ranking Dom, Master Ambrose. Neither of them looked happy and Silas' heart raced in anticipation. Mistress looked as if she was ready to throw Silas across her knee and spank him until his arse turned bright red.
Silas flushed. There was something incredibly exciting about working for a woman used to getting her way. Silas was pretty sure that no one ever told Mistress 'no' unless it was a mouthy sub who was fishing around for extra punishment.
Silas knew this because he was usually the one fishing around. In general though, he didn't make a habit of mouthing off to the Mistress. She had something Silas had never sought in a Dom — a vagina.
Silas' cock leapt to attention. An order from his Mistress may have sent him scrambling for cover, but a mere word from Master Ambrose had him panting with need. Silas caught Master's eye across the room. The highly trained Dom pointed to the floor by his feet and Silas hurried across the room, falling to his knees beside the Master.
"Five strikes for your disobedience," Master said the second Silas' knees were against the wooden floorboards. "Mistress Lavinia holds just as much power here as I do. I expect better from you."
Silas nodded, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. He was grateful for Master's attention, even if it was for his disobedience. It had been so long since he had been spanked, punished, and helpless under a Master's hand. "Yes, Master Ambrose," he whispered.
"Your punishment will not be carried out by me; Mistress Lavinia will punish you."
Silas' cock wilted but he nodded. "Yes, Master. Thank you."
"Good boy."
Master Ambrose turned his attention away from Silas without giving him the order to leave. "Any word on the fleet's arrival?"
The fleet. The famous fleet, Silas had heard of nothing else for weeks. The Siobhan was the name of the Zeppelin that Captain Ivan Erasmus piloted. The second that the immense airship was spotted on the smoky London horizon, word had reached the Tesla-Coil Tavern. Silas didn't have much patience for gossip, nor was he allowed to eavesdrop on the Tavern's patrons, but even he couldn't resist extending an ear whenever word turned to the ship's notorious Captain.
Captain Ivan Erasmus was the type of man whose reputation preceded him everywhere he went. Unfortunately, his feats in battle were not on the grapevine at the Tesla-Coil; instead the Captain's sexual preferences were in heated debate.
"They say he likes to dominate."
"What, hurt women?"
The man had snorted. "Oh, you wish. It's only men that he plays with and he doesn't hurt them, he plays with them."
Silas shivered. He knew exactly that that meant, the Captain was a Dom, and if the rumours were correct, he was highly trained and well respected within the scene.
"They landed just this afternoon," Mistress Lavinia replied. She flicked open her elaborate pocket watch and checked the time. "I am expecting the Captain any time now. His presence will be marvelous for business. We'll need to focus on catering to his every need if we wish to secure his membership." Her eyes moved to Silas. "Perhaps you may have had the honor of serving the Captain if you were more obedient."
Silas couldn't help it; his head snapped up. He stared at Mistress Lavinia in surprise. "Mistress?"
Mistress smiled smugly, her eyes glinting in the tavern's low light. "Unfortunately, you are serving your punishment with me tonight."
Silas gaped. "Please Mistress, let me serve the Captain. It's been so long since I've served."
"You serve me on a daily basis."
Silas nodded. "Yes Mistress, I do and I want to please. But I'm never allowed to service the patrons."
"That is because you can be a handful," Mistress Lavinia sighed. "I'll make you a deal, Silas. If you impress the Captain and he requests your company, then you may serve him for the duration of the evening. If not, you will undertake your punishment with me. Is that understood?"
Silas nodded his head jerkily. "Yes, Mistress. Thank you. I understand."
"Good. I suggest you kneel by the door and wait for the Captain and his crew to arrive."
Silas waited until Master Ambrose had nodded before jumping to his feet and hurrying across the room. He tried not to run, but he was thrilled with Mistress' proposition.
The Tesla-Coil Tavern was quiet. Silas preferred it that way. He took up his usual place in the far corner of the room and knelt. The floor was rough and worn under his knees, but he rested quietly without complaint, awaiting his fate for the rest of the evening.
It had been a very long time since he had spent the evening with a Dom. Most of his work at the Tesla-Coil Tavern required him to make drinks behind the bar and embark on the odd cleaning job. Mistress Lavinia hired trained subs whose sole purpose was to serve guests in the privacy of their rooms. Silas was never granted that honor, although he desired it immensely.
Silas lowered his eyes and focused on his breathing. He used all his training to calm his body and mind, straightening his spine and relaxing into position the way he had been taught.
Master Ambrose used to tell him he looked beautiful in the Present position. He used to make Silas kneel until he was so deep within himself that no one but a Master could retrieve him. But Silas hadn't spent an evening with his ex-Master for a very long time.
Silas had been purchased by Mistress Lavinia when he was just a boy. Brought into her service as a slave, she had passed him along to Master Ambrose when he began showing signs of submission. Five years under the tutelage of the Master and Silas was more than ready to submit to any Dom that walked into the Tavern primed to play. The Mistress, however, was insistent that Silas was far too naughty to be given to any but the highest-trained Dom. Silas knew this wasn't necessarily true because he had once overheard Master telling Mistress that Silas 'didn't know his limits' and 'would do anything a Dom asked him to'. Silas didn't really know what that meant, but he did know it meant he had to wait until Mistress approved of a Dom for him. In one of the smaller BDSM establishments in London, those Doms were few and far between.
It was as the afternoon rush dwindled to a sporadic trickle that a series of loud, joking, teasing, and laughing voices erupted from the other side of the Tavern doors. Silas barely registered the noise, he was so deep in sub-space that everything else faded into the background.
An icy-cold wind blasted through the open doorway, spilling the heavy scents of steam and metal into the interior. The door hung open on its hinges as a man stepped over the threshold. Silas' heart stopped beating for a split second and then sped up as a burst of adrenaline shot through him when he recognised the tall, lean figure.
Captain Ivan Erasmus.
He was unmistakable. Silas had seen him, time and time again, in the London newspapers that reported his progress across the skies almost daily. Silas almost blacked out and as an afterthought remembered to breathe. He drew in oxygen and then slowly released it in an attempt to steady his nerves. Silas' vision cleared.
"Captain Erasmus," Mistress Lavinia greeted happily, "what an honor."
She strolled across the room, her presence penetrating the very walls of the establishment. She held out a hand to the Captain. "Welcome to the Tesla-Coil Tavern. Will your crew be joining us this evening?"
"They will turn up eventually. This is the first time we've made port in several weeks. I imagine they will wander in after all other options have been exhausted."
Silas lifted his eyes ever so slightly and looked at the Captain from underneath his eyelashes. If Silas thought that the Mistress exuded presence, it was nothing when compared to the Captain. He wasn't handsome. That was too calm a word. He was intensely masculine. He was sexual. He was magnetic. There was an exoticness about him. In his dark eyes, in his long dread-locked hair, and in the way he stood. He was the kind of man that demanded respect and obedience, and immediately received it, with nothing more than an expectant look.
Silas shivered. He was magnificent.
Brown leather boots stepped up beside Silas and Master Ambrose squeezed his shoulder. "I want to see you on your best behavior, Silas. Captain Erasmus is a very good Dom. Impress him and he will return consistently to the Tavern with his crew and whoever else is traveling with him at the time. You understand how important this is for Mistress Lavinia?"
Silas nodded, his eyes trained on the Captain. "Yes, sir. I understand."
Master Ambrose held out his hand to the Captain. "Ivan, good to see you again, old friend."
"And you. It has been a very long time, has it not?"
"Over a year I'm afraid. Keeping well, I see?"
"The usual."
Silas felt heated eyes against his skin, the knowledge that the Captain was looking at him sent shivers down his spine.
"Who is your boy?"
Master Ambrose stroked his hair, petting softly. "This is Silas. Say hello to the Captain, Silas."
"Good afternoon, Captain Erasmus, sir." Silas was desperate to look up, to see what the Captain thought of him, but he kept his eyes respectfully lowered, presenting in the way he'd been taught with his knees apart, and hands linked behind his back.
"Stand up, boy. Let the Captain get a good look at you."
Silas stood gracefully, taking great care to keep his spine straight. He may have wanted to impress the Captain, but his training also reflected on Master Ambrose and Silas had never grown past the desire to impress his first Master.
"Whose collar does he wear?" Captain Erasmus asked. "He exudes your training."
Master smiled. "Silas completed his training with me many years ago. He belongs to no one except the Tavern. Mistress Lavinia doesn't give him to the guests."
"Why is that?"
"Perhaps you would like to play with him for the evening. You will find out."
"Is he a good boy?"
The Master smiled. "He is."
Captain Erasmus nodded. "Very well, I accept your offer, old friend."
Silas' heart leapt and immediately started racing so fast and loud that he was sure everyone could hear it. He stepped forward and dropped to his knees at the Captain's feet.
They say the devil rides a white horse. They lied; Captain Erasmus rode into town in a magnificent airship named Siobhan.
Silas followed Captain Erasmus to his room. He'd heard about the type of company the Captain preferred when he was in the city. As his eyes moved over the cuffs and toys laid out across a dresser, he remembered the rumour-mill flying of how Erasmus liked to dominate. Although there had never been any word of him hurting any of them, he certainly enjoyed playing with them.
Luckily, Silas enjoyed being played with.
The centerpiece of the Captain's room, situated on the upper floors of the Tavern, was a gleaming mahogany desk with elaborate brass trim on all sides. Silas couldn't see all its sides, but reason dictated that each would be decorated with the same scrolls and exotic figures that graced the front. The master of the desk vacated the room to use the bathroom, leaving Silas behind.
Aside from the majestic desk, there was one other item in the room that caught Silas' attention, a large photographic print behind the desk showed an immense airship docked on the outskirts of a foggy steam-filled city. The airship was huge. Silas had never seen anything quite like it. It was land-borne in the centre of a vast field and Silas could just see the tiny black dots that must have been its crew-members scurrying over the expanse of the oblong blimp and on the deck underneath.
Silas was still staring at the beautiful image when Captain Erasmus stepped back into the room.
"Her name is Siobhan," Erasmus told Silas. These were the first words he had spoken since entering the office.
"She is beautiful, Sir," Silas whispered in awe.
"That she is. Have you had the privilege of walking up to a docked airship?"
Silas shook his head. "I have only seen them in the sky, Sir."
Captain Erasmus smiled softly, his eyes sparkling with passion. "It is a sight to behold." He gazed at the photograph for a moment as though in memory. "Right. Strip for me, Silas."
"Yes, Sir."
With slightly shaking hands, Silas removed his tunic and carried it across the room to hang neatly on the wall hooks. When he turned from the wall, Captain Erasmus said, "Crawl."
Dropping to his hands and knees, Silas crawled towards him, eyes lowered respectfully until he was kneeling at his master's feet.
"Good," Captain said. "Although, you may be a little overeager. Stand up."
When he was on his feet, the Captain circled him slowly, reaching out and touching Silas lightly to correct his posture and stance until he rested in a position that satisfied the Captain.
"How old are you, Silas?"
"Twenty-one, Sir."
"Master Ambrose trained you, correct?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Have you ever been with another Dom?"
"Only a couple, Sir."
"Did you enjoy your experiences?"
To Silas, that was an odd question, one he didn't quite know how to answer. "I believe that they enjoyed themselves."
Captain Erasmus smiled softly. "I am sure they did, but did you enjoy the experience?"
Again, a strange question. "Master Ambrose always taught me that my Master's pleasure is my only concern."
"How interesting," the Captain whispered. He stepped forward and pushed Silas' hair out of his eyes. "Tomorrow I want you to go to Mistress Lavinia and tell her I said you need a haircut."
Silas nodded.
"Say yes, so I know you understand."
"Yes, Sir."
"Good." Erasmus unbuckled Silas' collar and placed it on the arm of the chair.
Silas' mouth opened to protest, he had never taken his collar off, ever. "Master—" Silas began quietly. "Permission to speak, Sir?"
"I will return your collar at the end of the evening," Captain said, correctly assessing Silas's fears. "For tonight, you will wear my collar."
Despite himself, Silas looked up curiously to see Erasmus pull a second collar from his trunk. The collar was crafted from tan leather and was inlayed with a variety of studs, links and other intricate mechanical workings. Biting his lip, Silas lowered his head and allowed the Captain to buckle the collar around his throat. It was cool and light against his skin.
"Now." Erasmus's long, thick fingers closed over Silas' cock in a tight grip that had Silas sucking in his breath. "Do you know what I'll do to you if you come without permission, boy?"
"No, Sir."
"If you come without my permission, I'll throw you outside without your clothes, and you'll spend the rest of the evening at the mercy of my crew."
Silas' eyes opened wide in fear. He knew Erasmus meant every word he said. He had heard rumours of what he was capable of.
"You are wearing my collar; whilst you wear it, you belong to me. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Good. For tonight, you shall address me as Captain. Not Master. Not Sir. Or any other variety of the title. Captain."
"Yes, Captain."
He nodded. "Stand up."
Silas rose.
"On the bed. Hands and knees."
Silas moved a little too slow. The Captain gave him a sharp slap on an arse cheek. "Now."
Silas all but leapt onto the bed and scrambled to lie on his stomach. He propped himself up on hands and knees.
Captain nudged Silas' legs apart, moved in-between them and sat back, resting on his heels. He pulled Silas toward him by the hips until Silas was open for him.
He ran his hands over Silas' arse, caressing it. His hand stroked Silas' shaft, brushing his thumb over the tip. The Captain leaned down, gave one cheek a gentle bite and then kissed it. He did the same for the other one. Then he probed Silas' puckered opening with his tongue for good measure. The contact made Silas buck his hips, but Captain held him in place.
He smeared lube on his fingers and started working on Silas' hole. He inserted one, then two and finally three fingers, until Silas' ring of muscle at his entrance had relaxed and he'd started moaning.
Captain picked up a butt-plug from the dresser and covered it generously with lube before resting it against Silas' slick entrance. Silas buried his head into the pillow and waited. He muffled his groan against the pillow when Captain pushed the plug in all the way, until it was seated.
Captain pulled the plug out a little, gave it a twist and pushed it back in. He did this a few more times until Silas started pushing back against his hand.
"I want you to wear this while you are serving me tonight," Captain murmured, smacking Silas' butt cheeks and squeezing them. "I want you to remember that I put it there. I want you to know that for tonight this arse belongs to me."
"Yes, Captain," Silas moaned.
The nip of the flogger cut through his thoughts, and he grunted in surprise. It hadn't been that hard, but he'd not been expecting it. His arse heated as the sting wore off. The second time the strike landed, he was a little more prepared and kept quiet. His cock stirred to life as heat radiated from the marks. The third strike was harder than the previous two, and he fisted his hands against the sheets. It was good, very good. Captain knew exactly how to use the flogger, never striking the same spot twice.
Slap, slap, slap. Erasmus found a rhythm with the strikes. Lower back, arse, thigh. Slap, slap, slap. Other thigh, side, arse.
Silas threw his head back and moaned as his cock throbbed, seeking release that wouldn't come without express permission.
"More?" Captain asked in that deep baritone.
"Yes, Captain," Silas whispered.
Slap, slap, slap.
It continued on and on until Silas was squirming on the bed, sure that Captain would have to restrain him if he wanted to continue.
But Captain stopped, running his fingers over Silas' reddened arse.
Panting for breath, Silas squirmed until he managed to look over his shoulder and down his body to his reddened arse. He mewed when he saw the flaming skin. Captain's palm stroked across it, pulling a purr from Silas as he helplessly writhed for him again.
With a gentleness that contradicted the whipping, Captain manipulated the plug, his other hand holding Silas' hips steady. "Such a good boy," Captain praised. "You're being so good for me. You're going to make me proud tonight, aren't you?"
Silas thrust back at his words, moaning. "Thank you, Captain," he said, his voice hoarse. "I want to please."
Captain picked the flogger back up and started slapping Silas' thighs again. Silas' moans became yells and shouts almost immediately, and then begging words. He was begging Captain to hit him harder, to stop hitting him and fuck him. "Please, Captain," he moaned. "Please, let me suck you, let me show you how much I want to please you."
"It's not up to you," Captain said, his voice deep. "It's when I'm ready that matters."
Silas nodded frantically, his hands squeezing the sheets. "Yes, sir. When you want me." He arched his back and swayed his hips moving as he sought the feel of Captain's flogger.