The piece of paper he held in his hand was beginning to look as creased as his shirt had become over the course of the day, as he pulled the slip out of his pocket for the umpteenth time. The very ink itself was threatening to rub off each time he ran his eyes across the words that he himself had scribbled down a few short hours earlier.
A voice from the front seat jolted him from his anxious gazing. It took him a second to realize that the driver had pulled the taxi up in front of the very building he'd wanted, and was asking for the fare. Sliding the payment through the open window, he got out and stood looking at the size of the converted warehouse as his carriage drove off behind him, happy to find its self looking for business in the trendy part of town.
Making his way up to the large black doors, he stepped inside the vestibule to find row upon row of buttons, each linked to one of the apartments above. He unclenched his fist from around the crumpled piece of paper as he pulled it out of his pocket again, his mind seemingly unable to recall what it'd previously willed his hand to write.
He pressed the button that was marked as the one he wanted for about a second and waited, half holding his breath in anticipation. Although still slightly unsure of what to expect, his lungs exhaled sharply as a crackle came over the intercom, followed by the voice of a girl whose mouth sounded too close to the speaker.
"I-I have an appointment... my name's Mr. Johnson." He stuttered.
"Fine," came the reply, "just look up at the camera for me."
He looked around for a second, expecting to find a lens pointing at him. He opened his mouth, ready to state his inability to find what he was searching for, as she stopped him before he even uttered the first syllable.
"To your right, above the door." She said, a hint of a smile showing through in her lilt.
Sure enough, as his eyes followed her directions they soon found the glass that shielded the camera, its angle set so that it could view, from top to toe, anyone accessing the buttons beside him.
"That'll do," she said, "up you come."
A buzz emerged from the door that died off as he pushed it open; the crackle of the intercom signaling the woman had put the receiver down. Firmly closing the door behind him, he made his way along the hall and onto the stairs, his speed a little quicker than walking pace, yet not quite jogging, as he alternated between taking one step or two at a time.
His heart, already uncomfortable from the exhaustions on the stairs, was pounding loudly in his chest as nervousness sharpened his thoughts. The door appeared before him quicker than he'd been expecting, as he stood in front of it, his lungs taking a deep breath for courage as much as for the need for oxygen.
Pressing the bell on the frame, he heard the distant chimes and waited, his ears listening out for any footsteps from the other side. As though someone were there waiting for him, a small light appeared through the peephole, vanishing just as quickly as an eye was put to it before the door was unlocked and slowly opened.
A head, just about level with his shoulders, peered around at him, the eyes of its owner hidden by strands of black hair until she moved them back to their rightful place behind her ear. She opened the door wider to let him in, a smile lightening her face that was as warm as the voice that identified her as the one he'd spoken to.
"Hi, come in. I'm Charlotte." She said, locking the door again behind him as soon as he'd walked through.
"I'm not late am I?" he asked, taking a glance at his watch, in the unlikely event of it stopping between his leaving the office and arriving at the apartment.
"Not at all," she reassured him, "in fact, you're a little early. Would you mind taking a seat for a minute?"
He turned around to see the chair she was offering was right behind him, and sat down as she tottered off. She flashed him a smile as she closed the sliding doors behind her, catching his eyes staring at where her latex-clad ass had been as she wiggled out of his sight.
Time felt as though it had slowed down to almost a stop as he waited there, looking around the room and thinking how normal the place seemed. Exactly what he'd been expecting it to be like took his mind off his nerves for a few minutes as it conjured bizarre images with people dressed so decoratively that they were in danger of being hung on the walls as pieces of art.
"Then again, maybe that was the point..." He thought, giving it enough of his attention that he failed to notice the girl reappear at the door.
"We're good to go in there now, I just have to get you sorted and then we can begin." She said. "First there's the small matter of your 'donation' to sort out..."
With the emphasis making her meaning clear, he reached into his jacket, taking out the amount she suggested. He watched her hands as she folded the bills, sliding her hand under her blouse to tuck them into one of the cups of a bra that matched her skirt perfectly.
That same hand then found its way inside one of his, leading him into the room she'd said was ready. He'd been too busy gazing at the delicious shape of her ass earlier, to notice what was behind her. As the centerpiece of the room, an immaculately made bed took pride of place, the few remaining items of furniture arranged in the corners serving to heighten its presence.
"If you'd like to get undressed behind there..." She said, pointing toward a screen that stood angled for as much privacy as possible. "You can pass your clothes out to me and I'll put them to one side for you."
He followed her suggestion and made a start at slipping out of his suit, a slight feeling of self-consciousness entering his thoughts as he took off his shirt, his less-than-flat stomach reminding him that he'd a few more pounds on him than he would've liked.
One by one he passed his clothes out to the girl, with neither him looking out at her, nor she looking in at him, until he stood there, naked behind the thin sheet of wood and canvas. With a deep breath, in part to hold in his gut, he stepped around and back into the relative open space of the room.
Standing with his hands by his sides, aware of how pointless it'd be to cover his modesty, the openness of the room mingled with his nudity to leave him feeling completely vulnerable. He watched as the girl finished with his things, the delicate way she had folded and handled each item with a seemingly reverential touch serving to confirm his assumption that it was she who had prepared the bed.
It was there that she led him, having turned her attention back upon him, her gentle smile returning to replace the furrowed brow of concentration she had previously been wearing. She held his hand high above him, in the way a gentleman may when assisting a lady from a vehicle, as he knelt on the sheets, positioning his body so his head rested in the center of the pillow.
Carrying four leather cuffs from a small table in the corner, she knelt at his side, firmly fastening one onto each wrist and each ankle in turn. He felt his cheeks flush as the heat from his body gathered around his groin and pushed its way into his cock, turning it from its soft, lifeless state into a pulsing erection that the girl couldn't help but take notice of as she pulled the chains from each of the bed's corners towards him.
Resisting his urge to ease the ache that seemed to burn inside his balls, he shifted his limbs towards the restraints, resting them again at the sound of each rattle. The girl set about with four small padlocks, fixing each cuff to one of the links in its chain as he found himself secured to them so tautly that they made hardly a sound.
The girl stood upright, giving a quick glance toward the only other door in the room before walking out of his field of vision, leaving him only his ears to make sense of what she was doing. In turn, they gave him only the sounds of the thin chains that linked her cuffs to her belt as she moved her arms, and of her footsteps as her heels clicked on the wooden floor.
"Open wide..." She said, startling him, as her hands appeared, one over each shoulder.
As he duly obliged her, she slid a bit gag between his lips, trailing the straps both beside and over his head. He felt them tighten as he lifted his head off the pillows for her to attend to their fastening, enjoying the slight discomfort from the buckle as she gently laid him back down.
"Almost done now," she said, fetching the remaining things from behind him, "just don't give me any surprises with this next part, will you?" She smiled.
Opening a new packet of condoms, she took one out of its wrapper and knelt between his legs, taking a light hold of his cock as she positioned it right at its tip. With consummate ease, she slid the condom down his shaft until it completely rolled out just above his balls.
His cock had almost recovered from her touch as she was back again, fitting a leather cock ring around the base of his shaft, trapping the end of the condom under its grip. A small metal ring showed itself from the leather, which the girl made sure pointed towards her, and to which she clipped on a short leather leash, giving a small tug on it for good measure.
"Is he ready?"
The voice came from to his left. Straining his neck, he turned his head as best he could to see the speaker. A woman stood in the open doorway, switching her gaze from the girl to the nakedness of his body and back.
"Yes ma'am," the girl replied, "I've just finished now."
"Good girl, now wait over there and watch as I deal with this one." The woman instructed.
She kept her head slightly bowed as she moved around to kneel at his side as he watched her mistress walk to between his feet, the sound of her leather boots clicking echoing around the hushed room. Uncoupling her hands from behind her back, the mistress stroked the riding crop she held in her palms, as she looked him up and down.
Arching an eyebrow up towards her widow's peak, she looked him straight in the eye with a stare that sent a shiver down his spine that mixed both fear and pleasure. His cock stiffened even harder, lifting itself from off his stomach as she parted her lips, running the tip of her tongue across them as she eased out her words.
"Well? I take it you like what you see..." She said, missing his nodded reply to look down at his crotch.
The girl was in no doubt that he did either, watching him gaze up at her mistress's riding jacket and knowing full well that he was hoping the white blouse beneath it was open enough to show her cleavage.
Raising a boot onto the bed, the mistress let the tip push against his cock, moving his member from side to side before pulling it away to hear it slap back on his skin. She placed her knee between his thighs, stretching the fabric of her tight white jodhpurs further as the girl stretched over him and handed her the leash.
"Let's see if you've attached this well enough, shall we?" The mistress said, looking at the girl as she pulled it sharply towards her body.
Seeming satisfied, she held it so his cock was pointing to the ceiling as she pushed the tip of her crop to his gagged lips with her other hand. His body flinched with pleasure as she snaked the leather down his chest, paying particular attention to his nipples as she flicked them lightly.
Her grip on the leash tightened as the crop reached his genitals, stroking through his neatly trimmed hair before she rubbed it against his balls and up towards his shaft. A quick glance saw the girl watching his cock intently as he closed his eyes, savoring the sensations he felt through the rubber.
"You like that don't you? Both of you in fact." She stated, obviously amused.
"Yes, ma'am." The girl replied, looking sheepish under her mistress's gaze.
A wicked smile crossed her lips as the mistress turned her attention back to his cock, rubbing her crop on the tip of its head. She raised it slightly off his skin, holding it for a moment before bringing it effortlessly back down on his shaft. A sharp intake of breath from the girl matched his wriggling as the crop rubbed against the spot it had just warmed.
The mistress raised it again, this time not waiting as long before whipping it back to just beneath where her last lick had landed. There was no rubbing this time, as she headed straight for the next lash, placing it even lower than the last, followed swiftly by another as she picked up her tempo.
Underneath her ministrations, his crotch recoiled from every stroke, the discomfort straddling his pain threshold enough to stimulate him like he'd never felt before. The mistress had noticed from the way he bucked, that the closer to his balls she got, the closer he came to losing control, and turned her blows upwards.
The ache in his balls grew as she denied him the release he craved, slapping all around the tip of his cock, each blow coming quicker than the last as she built him up towards the peak but never letting him over the edge, as his cock bulged with her hand on the leash. His squirms increased as she let an odd lash fall on his shaft, pushing him further before she pulled him back.
A mixture of frustration and desire flashed in his eyes as they flicked between the mistress and that which she was doing to him, his body a rhythm of clenched fists above cuffed wrists and undulating hips. From behind his gag, his groans came quicker, almost matching the lashes in tempo as the coup de grace approached.
Pulling his cock tighter towards her as she took a firmer hold of the leash, the mistress aimed her blows on his shaft. Raising his hips to meet her lashes, she let each one land harder as the burning inside him escalated. His ache throbbed as hard as the whipping as the room resounded to the rhythm of the slapping, the build up in his balls reaching unstoppable heights.
Every thrust of his hips drew out a leak into the condom as the crop met his cock, its length on the edge of ecstasy. The first blow on his balls pushed him over, as the mistress's aim was perfect. His cock pulsed as its first load shot out into the tip of the rubber, followed immediately by spurt after spurt of cum as his hips reached as high as his tethered limbs would allow.
The mistress matched his ejaculations, slowing her lashes as the heat left his cock and filled the condom. His ass returned onto the sheets as his body began to come down from the high, while the mistress stroked her crop back to the end of his cock, rubbing cum around his tip until every inch was glistening with his juices.
As the sensations abated from inside him, his body matched the flushed arousal of the girl, hindered from relaxation by the mistress' return to standing over his feet, adjusting her outfit as the calm descended on the room again. The cock ring had kept him erect through the lapse in stimulation, and it was there the mistress was looking as she spoke again.
"I think it's time for you to experience some more of the crop, my little toy." She smirked. "Your cock certainly seems eager enough for it..."
A look of surprise on the girls face matched the one of horror on his at the thought of enduring that exquisite pain until he came again, if the mistress would actually let him this time. The fear on his face hadn't gone un-noticed by the figure whose mercy he was at, as her stern expression mellowed.
"Maybe not today though, perhaps when you next come to see me." She said, smiling devilishly, as though she could see into his soul, knowing he'd be back for more.
With a click of her fingers, the mistress got the girls undivided attention, curling a long finger-nailed digit to summon her sub towards her. She stroked the same nail gently over the girl's cheek, leaving a faint line over her skin as she gave her a delicate kiss on the forehead.
"The slave here can be released now, but first, since you've been so good, I think you should clean him up a little..." She said.
The girl knelt over his groin, giving her mistress a good view as she tore the rubber off above the cock ring, waiting for a nod of approval before tilting her head back and pouring the contents into her open mouth, her tongue outstretched to catch any drops that may linger inside.
Once the condom was empty, she turned to what she'd admired since first setting her eyes on it. She took her tongue to the shaft of his cock, running over its entire length up to the head, sucking up his cum before sweeping back down to where a dribble had reached the ring. Her lips shone with his juices around her mouth as she parted them to take his cock inside her, as though wanting more than what he'd spilled, wanting every last drop he had.
"Hmm, you are a greedy little thing today aren't you..." The mistress mused. "Next time I may have to have you play with yourself while I work on him, I'm sure you'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"Yes, ma'am..." She replied, quickly finishing so as not to be caught speaking with her mouth full.
"Then, if he's got nothing left for you, I do believe it's time to unshackle him."
With that, the mistress turned on her heels, walking back through the door in which she'd entered, perfectly aware that both pairs of eyes from the bed were watching her as she left.