State Inspection
I pulled my car into the quick lube and inspection place hoping for an uneventful morning. It was my first day off in several months and the last thing I needed was car problems. I parked the car in the designated customer parking area, set my parking brake, killed the engine and stepped out into the bright, humid day. It was just nine in the morning, but the temperature had to be creeping into the nineties already. Fortunately it was only a short distance to the customer entrance and the cool waiting area.
Sweat had begun rolling down my forehead, when I opened the door and stepped into the check in and waiting area. Dark porcelain tiles gave the room a wet, cool feel, like diving into a deep, dark pool of spring water. There were about a dozen people waiting in faux leather chairs, seemingly enjoying the cool wait where several were carrying on conversations as if they were old friends. Ignoring the surroundings, I went up to the counter and asked for an oil change and inspection.
"May I see your proof of insurance," the attendant asked politely. "Calley Street, you live on Calley Street?"
I nodded.
"I have a brother who lives there, Krylac, Kyle Krylac?"
I shrugged my shoulders.
"You still live on Calley..."
"Yes, I just don't recognize the name."
"He lives on the cul-de-sac there."
I smiled and nodded, wondering where there was a cul-de-sac on my street. "How long should it take?"
"Well, I'd guess about an hour, we'll do the oil change first, since the air emissions test will have better results with fresh oil."
I noticed one of the mechanics move toward the desk from the right, but the attendant stopped her, "No Jen, he wants an oil change too, then he's yours," he said to the petite woman. He looked back at me and smiled, "She handles the inspections... gets a little zealous sometimes."
I smiled as I moved to find a seat thinking to myself, "Oh great, a zealot car inspector." Settling into the surprisingly comfortable chair I looked back at the mechanic. Looking bored, she leaned against the wall reading something on a clipboard. In spite of the unflattering uniform, she was attractive, with dark hair that curved in a semi-circle from her forehead, looping down to her chin. Her dark eyes had an intensity and her posture reminded me of the old Nazi SS.
She was no more than five or five-one with a very thin body. The overalls, obviously designed for a man all but concealed her tiny breasts and the curve of her hips. If not for her demeanor, I might have mistaken her for a young boy.
I continued watching her until I noticed through a window that a car had been pulled into the inspection area. She quickly turned and stepped through the door. I was making a note of her tiny, tight ass when she disappeared through the door and quickly pulled the blinds over the window.
I began reading my book, basically killing time, until they could finish with the car. I knew my car was in pretty good shape and really wasn't all that worried about it passing inspection, but it did have well over two hundred fifty thousand miles on it, so there always was the possibility of some problem. Well, about thirty minutes later, when I figured my car was getting inspected I heard my name called, not by the attendant at the cash register, but by the petite mechanic.
I got up and walked over to the register and said, "I'm Tom Jameson, she called my name?"
"Yeah, on occasion if they come up with a problem they may need to discuss it with you. It shouldn't be anything too serious."
Still apprehensive I slowly walked over to her and whispered, "I'm Tom... Tom Jameson, you called me."
She smiled and pointed to the door, saying only, "Please."
Looking back at the attendant at the cash register, I shrugged my shoulders and stepped through the door into the inspection area. My car was there, hood up, engine running, with several devices attached to the tail pipe and to the engine. With the ventilation fan and my car running, it was very noisy and I couldn't hear what she said next, I could only look at her and point to my ears.
She got a disturbed look on her face and walked over to my car, shutting off the engine and then reaching over to her panel and shutting off the fan. "Can you hear me now?" she asked in a normal voice.
"Yes, sorry, it was just so loud."
"I have the report here, the one from the oil change."
"It says here you were low on both oil and power steering fluid when you came in."
"Yeah, I had a feeling..."
"A feeling?" she interrupted sternly.
Shrugging my shoulders I continued, "I had a feeling I needed some, but that's why I came here."
"Don't you understand?"
"Come here," she shouted, grabbing my hand and dragging me over to the car. She grabbed a large plastic pad and placed it across the engine and then looked back at me, nodding to the pad.
"Climb up on the pad," she said, grabbing my forearm and pulling me.
"What the hell, I'm not..."
In a flash she move toward me, sliding her hand down and clamping on my balls. I had just worn a loose fitting pair of shorts, and the way my balls were hanging in the heat, she had a good hold of them. Applying just enough pressure to hold my attention without doubling me over she spoke to me, slowly, but very intently:
"Listen to me, listen good. Just last night I walked in on my boyfriend fucking some neighborhood slut, I found my clothes pulled out of the closets and my bags already packed. After spending most the night looking for a place to stay, I ended up sleeping in my car here at work.
"I got in early only to find out that my hours have been cut in half because of some new trainee they are moving in, some one that I will train for three months and then watch as they become assistant manager and take over as my boss. So you see, the only fucking thing in my life that is worth a fucking damn is my car...
"You want to know why it is working worth a damn?" she asked, squeezing my balls a bit tighter.
I nodded.
"Because I take such good care of it, fucking good care of it. So when I see some fuck abusing a car, especially one that has lasted so many miles, well, I just go berserk. Now are you going go climb up on that mat while I make my point here, or do I simply squeeze these like tiny lemons?"
"I'll go," I said, moving toward the car. The engine was still hot so I had to be careful to stay on the pad while I was positioning myself. Finally, I turned, sitting on the pad and asked, "Is this okay?"
"Now take off your shirt."
"My shirt?"
There was a sudden crash as she threw a crescent wrench onto the floor. "Your shirt!"
I quickly pulled off my shirt.
"Now your shoes and socks."
"My..." I stopped as I noticed her jaw clench. I pulled off my shoes and socks and then jokingly said, "Shorts and underwear too?"
She nodded, and then noticed me glancing to the door and said, "Door's locked."
"But what if they try to come in, what will they think?"
"Do you really think I give a fuck what they think? Now please, your shorts and underwear."
With some awkward wiggling and pulling, I finally worked myself out of the last of my clothes. I then looked to her and noticed she had removed her overalls and was wearing only a very sexy set of pink bra and panties. "What the hell are you doing?" she shouted at me.
"Just looking at you."
"It's not about me, not about you, it's about the fucking car. Lay down, on your back. You feel that, the heat, don't look at me. Close your eyes and feel that heat."
It was hot and I was already covered in sweat. The heat seemed to envelope me and I could hear a constant sizzling as my sweat streamed off the pad onto the hot engine parts.
"Open your eyes," she said, her voice coming from right above me.
I looked up and saw that she was leaning over me, her small breasts hanging like thin cones just above my face, her head above my chest. Seeing the tiny breasts immediately got my cock to hardening, but she either didn't notice or didn't care that I was getting an erection.
A bead of sweat dangled from her right nipple, sparkling in the shoplight, slowly elongating and then tumbling down to me. Catching the droplet on my tongue, I savored the salty taste, longing to run my tongue over her, licking the sweat from her breasts.
She reached down and grabbed my balls again, this time her hands slippery with some type of lubricant. "You feel the heat off the engine."
"Yes," I said, still staring up at the tight cones of her breasts.
"When was the last time you flushed your radiator?"
"My what?"
"Your radiator, you know where the antifreeze and coolant goes?"
"I don't remember..."
"You've never done it, the water is red with rust and debris, no wonder the engine is so hot. You feel this?"
Christ she squeezed my balls hard.
"Yesss... I feel that."
Easing up on her grip she said, "Feel how loose they are, kind of like a radiator to help keep you cool. I guess you take care of these," she said, squeezing them more gently, moving them from side to side. "And since you take care of these, I guess they take care of you."
Moving her hands back up to my chest she began toying with my nipples, teasing them as they hardened. She then reached back near her legs and came back with two small clips or something. Leaning over me, she then moved her tongue over my nipples, first one and then the other. I could now reach her tits, as they hung above me, and I wrapped my lips around one of the nipples and began to suck when suddenly I felt a sharp stab of pain shoot into my nipple.
I felt some movement at the nipple and the sharp pain lightened a bit, it still kind of stung, but in a tingling sort of way, a tingling I felt down to my balls. Soon I felt the bite on my other nipple and realized the clips were firmly clamped to both nipple.
"Don't worry, they are adjustable, how do they feel? Do they hurt?"
"Oh, you want me to take them off?"
"Uh, no... yes, no wait... I don't think so."
"You like this?" she asked, turning the knob on one of the clips, letting it bite a bit more firmly into me. "Did it hurt?"
I nodded.
"Should I stop?"
I shook my head, "No."
She moved her hand down to my cock and slid her greasy fingers over its length. "Looks to me like you like this."
"Yes," I answered.
I remained motionless as she moved over me, carefully ducking beneath the hood and keeping her hands and knees on the padding. In a few moments, she kneeled over me, he legs straddling my hips, her hands beside my arms. Her breasts, sparkling in sweat pointed down, her nipples looking like thin points, ready to pierce into my skin. I reached up and closed my hands around them, holding each breast in a hand I gently kneaded them.
Feeling her hand on my cock, I looked down and watched as she lowered herself onto me, my well lubed cock gently slid up between the pinkish folds of her pussy, opening her as came down upon me. My cock then disappeared as our pubic hair meshed together and I felt the full depth of her. Leaning back some, she now sat on me, freeing her hands, moving them to my chest.
Slowly she began to move up and down on my cock, leaning the palm of her hands on my chest while her fingers moved to the two clamps still attached to my nipples. Sweat poured from her body, dripping all over me as she moved her hips up and down on my cock. I responded, lifting my hips, driving myself into her as she come down on me.
I felt myself getting close to coming when a pain, yes a sharp pain shot down from nipples. The sensation distracted me as my impending orgasm subsided and my nipples began to throb as she continued moving. I focused on the sensation of her, the wet softness sliding up and down my shaft. Yes, the pleasure building, the pressure in my balls, and then the sharp jolt, once again, the clamps bit down even harder on me, the pain, but then her pussy, the pleasure, yes...
She moved up and down on me, turning a bit, I felt her tense up, increase the intensity and then melt over me as she came, the muscles inside her pulsing on me, drawing me deeper, deeper and the jolt again, the pain. My hands on her breasts were trembling and yes, she came again it seemed, the pulsations.
As she recovered this time, she changed a bit in her approach, whispering to me, "Now here you go, come on. Give it to me now." The sensations shooting from my nipples now somehow merged with the shear pleasure sliding wetly over my cock. I felt her, her pussy on me, her ass on my thighs, her hands on my chest, her breasts squeezed tightly in my hands. Fuck... fuck... I came, shooting my cum up into her in hot spastic bursts, again and again as I arched my hips, pushing into her as deeply as physically possible.
I wanted to climb inside her, feel her wet warmth surround me, take me, every inch of me and more, more, more. She released the clamps from my nipples and a wave of coolness shot over me. I reached up and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her body down onto me, our sweat splashing out between us. We lay together, soaked in each other, joined so closely that each breath was shared, each moan was echoed, each movement flowed over us.
Ever so slowly my cock shrank and then slipped out of her, leaning against her thigh, the last droplets of my cum running down her leg. We carefully disengaged as she climbed over me and then down onto the ground. I carefully wiggled and slid off of the car engine onto the ground. We dressed in complete silence, me not wanting to break the spell that seemed to hover over us, she quiet for reasons I could not begin to fathom.
Finally, when we both were dressed, I asked, "Well, did I pass?"
"Did you pass?" she repeated.
"My car?"
"Uh, well no, it didn't pass. You will need to come back in a couple of days and let me look at it again."
"Are you questioning the results of my inspection?"
"No, but..."
"Then do you have a problem coming back here in a couple of days for a follow up?"
"No, no I'll be back."
"Well, I guess I'll see you then," she replied, opening the door and guiding me toward the cash register. "And try to take a little better care of your car, okay?"
I nodded and then headed through the door, nearly jumping when I felt the sharp slap of her hand on my ass.