
Hello lovelies, hope you enjoy this one. As always, everyone in this story is 18+ and it should go without saying that some of the actions depicted in this story would be dangerous in real life. Use common sense.

If you want to get straight to the 'fun' stuff, look out for the three asterisks (***). Enjoy!


Outside of an old playhouse, a queue that stretched back nearly half a block shivered in the cold winter air. People waiting huddled together, breath rising in billowing clouds as they fought to keep warm any way they could. The weather forecast was grim - several inches of snow with high winds - but the attraction tonight was well worth the risk. A rising star of the burlesque circuit was performing in her first cross-country tour and the tickets sold out in mere days after they were announced.

Evan eased his truck through the crowd which had begun to block the employee parking entrance to the playhouse. He thought that it was no surprise the burlesque show was popular - there had been a revival in this sort of thing over the past decade. It made sense that after all of the high-definition hardcore on offer people would want a bit of mystery and drama to their nudity, something to tantalise beyond reducing pleasure to anatomical minimalism. Cock in mouth. Cock in pussy. Cock in ass. Money shot. Evan would never say he didn't enjoy watching porn, but he could see why bringing some of the sensuality back had the fans out in droves.

Evan worked security for a company that the playhouse contracted to and while he didn't expect much trouble tonight, the playhouse had wanted some extra security around the talent tonight to discourage ardent fans. He could understand: pretty girl strips in front of you, if you were a bit fucked in the head you might think she was doing it for you and only you. The girls had to be kept safe from those sort of creeps. It was easy money, anyhow: he would just have to stand at the backstage entrance and look intimidating.

Intimidating was something Evan could pull off well. He might have only been average height for a man and lightly toned but there was an energy of quiet calm around him that implied if the calm was broken, he'd break the person who did it. A lot of people guessed he was ex-military but Evan's work had been of a more discreet, private nature. It had suited him well when he was younger, but as he was nearing his forty-fifth birthday, he'd decided that something a little more stable and close to home suited him better. Sweating in a suit in the tropical heat while backdoor deals were made between sworn enemies was a thing of the past: plus, he rarely had to use his gun these days. As a relatively peaceful man, he counted that as a plus.

Evan was buzzed through the security doors by the manager onsite and packed his heavy parka into his locker before reporting for duty. Backstage was unusually subdued tonight: theatre performers might be known for their drama but maybe burlesque dancers were different. There were a couple of props laying around: a bejewelled iron maiden and a gleaming desk that must've been some old school marm's back in the fifties or something, but aside from that Evan saw few performers.

Evan wove his way through the props, his black clothes letting him remain part of the backdrop of the theatre unless he wished to be noticed. Marv, the house manager, was leaning up against a doorframe flicking through something on his phone with a worried expression.

"Shit, have you seen the weather report? We're gonna have to open the doors early at this rate. Could be the blizzard of the decade if those weather geeks know what they're talking about for once." Marv commented by way of greeting. Evan wasn't concerned - he kept his truck tuned up and he wasn't too far from home if he had to walk, anyhow.

"It's pretty cold out there, but I don't think it's too cold for snow," Evan agreed, doing a visual sweep of the area to make sure everything was as it should be. All quiet tonight - maybe that was where they got the Silent Night carol from, he thought with amusement.

"Well I'm gonna have to get out of here as soon as this evening. Greta will hit the roof if I'm not home on time tonight. She worries - thinks I'm going to get robbed or something. Funny, huh?" Marv chuckled, slipping his phone into his jeans.

Evan thought Greta's worry was entirely reasonable: this area of town wasn't the best after dark and the theatre was cash-only. Evan had seen heads cracked open for a lot less than what was in Marv's safe. He decided to save Marv's ego instead of reminding him of the danger.

"It's a cold night, I'm sure Greta will thank you by keeping you warm all evening." Evan grinned wickedly.

Marv chuckled, shrugging in a 'well, you know' way and bustled off to herd some showgirls away from walking through a one-way door to the frigid parking lot.

"Excuse me, did I hear Mister Petersen correctly?"

Evan turned to see a pale woman in a silk and marabou robe looking at him, her hand on her hip. She reminded him of one of those old movie starlets from the silver screen, her hair neatly coiffed into a vintage style and her lips a deep blood red.

"About the weather?" Evan asked, erring on the side of caution. The silk clung to the woman's figure and it took all of his willpower to keep his eyes on hers.

"Yes, I heard something about a blizzard. Are we expecting quite a storm tonight?" The woman's brow furrowed with worry.

"Could be," Evan agreed. "Don't worry about a thing: we'll make sure the show goes off without a hitch, blizzard or no blizzard."

The woman thought for a moment as though she desired to say more, before smiling and offering thanks before turning on an expensive high heel and walking back into her dressing room, her ass tracing figure-eights as she walked.

Evan was astounded. A woman like that would have been called a femme fatale back in the day. She wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea, no: some guys wanted tanned Swedish models with blonde hair, after all, but there was something arresting about this woman's looks. It was a shame that Evan was going to miss the show, he was curious as to what spells this little vixen would weave on her crowd.

Evan diligently guarded the backstage area for the next two hours, a variety of side acts going on in support of the star of the show. Most left immediately after their performance, noting with disapproval the increasingly heavy snow that was blanketing the city.

Marv had left soon after the performance ended to thunderous applause, pressing the keys into Evan's hand as he left. Evan didn't mind locking the place up. Most nights it was easy money: secure the building and then leave. The only thing was, tonight was not most nights.

One by one the lights in the dressing rooms went off until only the main dressing room light remained on. Marv had secured the rest of the building before giving Evan the keys but it was getting late. Evan needed to check if the light had been left on by accident or if someone needed a reminder to get out. He rapped on the door with his knuckles and waited.

"Hello?" A timid voice responded. He recognised the voice as being from the woman who had been so concerned about the weather.

"Miss, it's Evan from Security. Is everything all right?" Evan asked through the door, getting concerned by her tone of voice.

The woman didn't answer right away, but after a few moments of silence, the door opened. The woman was dressed in a slim black top and skirt and she looked scared, or frustrated.

"Hi, sorry. I was supposed to get a lift with someone but it looks like they took off early to bring someone else to their hotel first and aren't answering their phone. I tried to call a taxi but I guess everyone wants one right now. One operator told me it's a two-hour wait and the other company isn't answering at all."

Evan looked at the woman, who appeared to be doing everything within her power to remain calm, and he cracked a smile.

"I've never been known to leave a lady in distress. My truck's outside and it's four wheel drive. We'll have you back to your hotel in no time, Miss...?" Evan trailed off.

"Oh! Of course, where are my manners? Felicity. Felicity Huntsbridge. That's my real name," Felicity explained, extending a pale hand with long nails forward. Evan shuddered pleasurably as he thought about what those nails dug into his chest and back might feel like, but he brushed the thought away. This woman was probably fifteen, twenty years his junior and a starlet on top of it. She probably had young bucks lined twenty deep waiting for a chance at her. Still, he pressed his powerful hand over hers, shaking firmly but with care.

"Felicity. I'm Evan Burns, I work security here, but tonight consider me your car service. There's no way I'm going to let you stay stranded here. We'll get you back to the hotel in a jiffy." He smiled at her before cursing himself for using the word 'jiffy'. It was an old word, something more suitable for a Leave it to Beaver episode than the fiercely modern woman in front of him.

"Evan, I can't thank you enough for offering me a lift to the hotel. It's not far, but I didn't bring boots to walk and I don't know this part of town very well. Are you sure you don't mind?" Felicity asked with concern, placing her fingertips on his forearm for a moment.

"I'm sure. I couldn't let you walk anywhere in this sort of weather, boots or not." Evan smiled reassuringly to which Felicity responded with a brilliant smile.

"Thank you, Evan, I owe you," Felicity smiled.

"Think nothing of it. I'll go and clear the truck off, you stay inside until I come get you, okay? No need for you to freeze yourself solid."

Felicity nodded obediently, packing her personal items into a black leather purse. She slipped on a wool jacket - stylish, but only so warm in the cutting wind - and wrapped a long grey scarf around her neck and hair. She sat down on a stool near the door, looking concerned.

Evan put his parka on and went out to the parking lot, gasping as he felt the breath torn from him by the shrieking wind. He was buffeted on all sides by stinging ice crystals and fat snowflakes that nearly blinded him. He pulled the hood on his parka up and began to clear the snow off the truck. He realised that it was a fruitless task - the snow was piling up nearly as quickly as it was being blown away. Instead, he drove as close to the door as he could, a good fifteen or twenty feet away thanks to protective fencing and put the heating on high to get the truck to warm up to make the ride more pleasant.

When he got back inside and saw the short wool coat that Felicity was wearing, he shook his head.

"It's freezing out there, let me grab something to keep you a little warmer than that coat. We're almost ready to go." Evan told her before rushing to props. He found a large comforter that would shield her from the worst of the wind.

"Take this for now. This weather isn't a joke." Evan instructed her as he draped it around her shoulders. Felicity didn't protest, her dark eyes looking at Evan with respect and a bit of trust.

"Where I'm from, everyone freaks out if they see a snowflake. This weather is completely foreign to me." Felicity admitted with a shrug.

"Trust me, this weather is completely foreign to everyone, even people that have lived here for years. Everyone forgets how to drive in this weather even if they're dressed for it. We'll take it nice and slow and we'll both be fine." Evan said confidently, adjusting the blanket before taking a deep breath.

"Brace yourself. I'm going to open the door." Evan said, looking back at Felicity who now looked like she was dressed in saint's robes. He flung the door open and took a few steps outside, locking the door behind them.

The wind was even more furious than before, it flung ice in their faces and rasped their cheeks with the bitter cold. It was hard to tell if it was still snowing or if the wind was flinging the freshly fallen snow around. Evan had taken barely more than a step when he heard a yelp and turned to find Felicity splayed on the ground like a baby deer, one of her pumps half off of her foot.

Without hesitation, Eva picked Felicity and the offending shoe up. He cradled her to him and carefully made his way to the truck, before setting her inside and placing the shoe back on her dainty foot. It made him feel a bit like Prince Charming, but he didn't have the time to contemplate such feelings. Felicity was cold and scared and that wasn't acceptable to him.

After closing the door, Evan moved to his side of the truck cab, looking Felicity over for any injuries. She was trembling but unharmed.

"Thanks for that, I guess I hit a patch of ice," Felicity blushed as she spoke.

Evan smiled at her, "I guess there's a reason that stilettos aren't popular polar exploration gear." He chuckled lightly, receiving a small smile from Felicity in return.

"All right, Miss, which hotel am I taking you to?" Evan added the extra formality as a lightly teasing gesture. He had always wanted to be a chivalrous knight and while the callings for knights were few and far between these days, chivalry never went out of fashion.

Felicity smiled, her dark eyes twinkling with mirth as she responded, equally as teasingly.

"The Concorde, Driver."

Evan wasn't sure what it was about the way she responded that made his cock throb, but he could feel himself growing hard for her. It didn't help that she was wearing a skirt that displayed her fully fashioned seamed stockings and long legs. At a red light, he reached over and gently pulled the blanket over her exposed body.

"Wouldn't want you catching a chill, Miss," he explained, keeping up their little charade. Felicity's breathing had changed slightly too, and her legs had parted just slightly when he reached over. She felt ashamed - she barely knew this man and yet his polite, deferential manner was making her soak through the lacy panties she was wearing.

"Thank you, Driver." Her response was a soft purr, a sound that made Evan melt inside. He wanted to protect her and serve her, to make sure she didn't walk around in the cold or have to wait for anyone to give her a lift.

"My pleasure, Miss." Evan said honestly, becoming painfully aware that his arousal must be visible to her even in the darkness of the truck cab. She had turned to look him over, after all.

"Is it?" Felicity asked, her dark eyes gleaming with mischief.

"Is what?" Evan gasped, wondering if he'd misunderstand her signals.

"Is it your pleasure?" Felicity asked, moving the blanket aside so it exposed her thigh once more. The skirt she was wearing had hiked up to mid-thigh in the process of carrying her to the car and she hadn't moved it back down yet.

"Yes, uh - I mean, I would like it to be," Evan could feel his face burning. No one had ever seen this part of him before and yet here was this young, clever woman, getting to the crux of his desires within hours of meeting him. It was too good to be true. He had to focus on getting her to The Concorde safely, not the fact that he had the hard-on of the year in his dark work pants.

"Good," Felicity said simply, hiking her skirt up enough that she could undo her stocking from the lacy garter she was wearing. She began to roll it down her leg, peeling it carefully off her pale, silken skin. Evan gripped the steering wheel harder and focused on the road. Accident on Third. Detour to Main, Second and Forth. He could barely feel his body when he realised she was leaning over to him, pressing her dirty stocking against his lips.

"Open up," she commanded, and Evan, thinking himself insane, did so. He felt the silk of the stocking press into his mouth, the salty flavour of her sweat mingling with her floral perfume and he swooned slightly, his cock now having the hard-on of his life.

"Keep it there, don't say a word. When we get to the hotel, you're going to park. You're going to take me to my room without speaking to anyone. The stocking will remain in your mouth the entire time. If you obey, I will reward you." Felicity purred in Evan's ear. Evan's hips bucked instinctively, thrusting into the air.

Suddenly driving became a much more difficult job to concentrate on. Felicity was some sort of goddess that knew all his secret desires. How else could he explain the dirty silk stocking in his mouth and her firm instructions?

Hands trembling, he pulled into the parking lot for The Concorde, breathing heavily. He looked over at Felicity, a desperate wildness in his eyes. He had to have her tonight or he'd go mad. The serene look of ownership in her eyes let him know she was enjoying it just as much as he. He had never wanted anything so badly in his life.

Evan got out of the truck, wrapping Felicity in the comforter once more and he carried her to the closest entrance, locking the truck with the key fob. Staff smoking outside watched him curiously, but didn't say much. The weather had people behaving in all sorts of strange ways.

Evan cradled Felicity against his strong chest as he walked to the nearest elevator and pressed the call button with his elbow. When it arrived, he carried her onto it and looked to her for askance and gesturing to the buttons for the floors. The silk stocking in his mouth prevented him from asking more directly, but he wouldn't remove it for all of the world.

"Room 309," she whispered. He used his elbow to punch the button for the third floor, rocking her gently in his strong arms, certain that he was only mere moments away from coming in his pants from the overwhelming anticipation and pleasure of serving her.

Once the elevator doors opened, Evan slipped down the hall as fast as he could, grateful for the RFID lock that allowed him to simply press the precious bundle in his arms to the door to admit him into the room. He kicked his boots off before moving to the middle of the room, not putting her down until she told him where.

"On the bed," Felicity said simply. Evan laid her on the bed like a tender groom with his bride, his eyes full of questions as he arranged her carefully on the blankets.

"Take the stocking out of your mouth carefully and hold it. We aren't done with it." Felicity instructed him with a smile. Evan obeyed without a second thought, holding the wet stocking in a powerful hand. Evan couldn't believe how turned on he was as Felicity lounged on the bed like some sort of goddess of Lust.

"I want to thank you for going out of your way for me tonight." Felicity said with a smile, batting her eyelashes flirtatiously at Evan. "Would you like that?"

"More than you'd ever know, Miss." Evan's voice was low and honest. He knew he would never forget this night as long as he lived and he was desperate to keep it going as long as possible.

"Good, I want you to take off your clothes," Felicity instructed, moving to sit on the edge of the bed. Evan was surprised, but he didn't want to disobey her. He pulled his clothes off and folded them neatly before moving to stand before Felicity. He clasped his hands behind his back, his cock standing at proud attention in front of her. He stared straight ahead, not daring to look down to see her evaluation of him. He was worried it would shatter the beautiful dream he was having of a young, sexy woman wanting his service.

Felicity felt like she was in a dream too: she never, ever took anyone back to her hotel room. She wasn't even the type of girl to sleep with a guy on a first date - not that there was anything wrong with that, she added mentally. Something about Evan's mix of strength and capability and obedience just drove her wild. She wanted to see how far she could take it.

"Do you like feet, Evan?" Felicity asked casually, peeling her other stocking off and laying it on the bed next to her. Evan blushed but nodded: he loved feet and hers were perfect. High arches with cute, well-formed toes with baby-soft skin, they were made to be worshipped.