Starring in a Femdom Video
It started one evening as we were lying on the couch together.
I was flicking through a magazine, feeling vaguely smug with myself about the dinner I'd prepared for the two of us. Anna was browsing through a copy of the local free ads paper. It looked as if she was looking for something in particular, but I had no idea what.
"Ah! Here it is! Sarah said it was in this week's paper."
Now I was curious. Sarah was an old girlfriend that I kept in touch with, but she'd obviously been plotting something with my wife on this occasion.
"Here. Read this. " She handed me the paper, pointing to a small ad that was at the end of the "Items Wanted" column, tagged on at the end, almost as if the editor hadn't quite known what to do with it.
I think my jaw must have dropped as I read it, because Anna leaned over and tapped it shut.
"I think you've been a naughty boy, don't you?"
I barely managed to nod.
"Right, I'll give them a call in the morning and tell them we're coming." She said.
"We?" I asked.
"Of course! You don't think I'd be content to watch this on video do you? I want to see exactly what they do to you!"
I nodded dumbly. I think I was too turned on by the idea to do anything other than nod at that moment. The idea of my wife watching me be punished by two other women was incredibly arousing. And slightly worrying too. We'd played around with bondage in the bedroom, and felt that we'd probably gone further than most "normal" couples, but I couldn't escape the feeling that this was going to be a lot more painful than anything Anna had done...
It was probably a bit late for regrets, I thought as I stood naked and blindfolded in the center of a dark room, Anna watching from a corner as the two women prowled round me, examining me.
It had started well enough. We'd shown up at the address on time, and been escorted into a seating area by an attractive, petite brunette who looked so sweet and innocent that I'd instantly jumped to the conclusion that she was some sort of admin assistant for the firm. The long tight skirt and the white fluffy jumper, combined with her long curly hair just added to the sweet picture.
I was exceptionally turned on by now, both by the thought of what was going to happen, and by the fact that Anna was wearing a short skirt and I kept catching glimpses of her lacy stocking tops as she sat down.
The brunette had gone through the technicalities, the pay, the insurance against personal harm, the website etc. Then came the embarrassing questions that had made me wonder what Anna had got me into. Had I ever been whipped? Had I had my balls tortured? Had I ever had anal intercourse? I'd tried to maintain my relaxed posture in front of the girl and Anna, but it had gotten harder and harder as the questions had gone on.
I'd blushed openly when she'd opened the file she was carrying and revealed the picture of me lying naked on the bed, cock standing to attention. They'd told Anna to email it to them when she'd spoken to them on the phone, and she'd had great fun making me pose naked so she could get a good picture.
"Have you shaven your cock and balls as ordered?" She asked.
I'd blushed even brighter at this stage and admitted that I had. That had been a new experience for me, but thankfully I hadn't cut myself!
Then had come the opportunity to back out. I'd looked at Anna, who said,
"He'll do it. Won't you?"
Once more I'd been reduced to nodding dumbly.
With that, the girl had led us into the studio, indicated where Anna could sit, and then left us, after ordering me to strip entirely naked.
"Come on, you heard the girl, clothes off. " It hadn't been hard to detect the amusement and arousal in Anna' voice as she encouraged me to strip. I knew her well enough by now to know that the petite brunette had been "her type", as she would put it, and that she was hoping she'd come back almost as much as she was looking forward to seeing what happened to me.
I was standing naked in front of Anna, cock bobbing hard in front of me, and I took the opportunity to take a look round. The room was sparsely decorated (black walls of course) and the only furniture (aside from a couple of armchairs, one of which Anna was occupying) was a table (ominously with rings attached to the legs and sides), a huge antique wardrobe, and a large square frame with eye-bolts in each of the corners, which almost freaked me out. What had I let Anna get me into?! The only thing that stopped me really worrying was the lack of whips and chains on display; they must all be in the wardrobe I figured. The video camera on the tripod was also a little off-putting to someone who became a photographer because he hated being in front of cameras!
Anna noticed me looking round.
"We'll have to get one of them for the bedroom." She pointed to the wooden frame, and I laughed as I thought about giving friends a tour of our flat and having to explain that! Then I thought about how spread I'd be if I was tied up with my limbs attached to each of the corners.
"Now relax and wait like a good boy!" She reached over and stroked my cock lightly and my legs quivered. "Mmmm, I love those shaven balls, maybe I should make you do it more often." I nodded dumbly as she gave my balls a quick stroke.
"Oh by the way, there's something I want you to know. " She stood up, hitched up her skirt and flashed her shaven pussy at me, perfectly framed by the black lace of her suspender belt.
"Oh that's hardly going to help me relax is it!" I moaned as she sat back down, grinning like a Cheshire cat. Luckily we didn't have long to wait.
"Don't turn around." I'd almost jumped, I hadn't expected the brunette back, but I had recognized her voice. I had felt my blush returning and then a blindfold had been placed over my eyes and secured firmly behind my head....
The blindfold was good. With the ones Anna and I have you can usually see a bit around the bottom, but with this one I could see nothing.
"Right, the cameras are rolling." It was the brunette again. "I'm Mistress Charlotte, and this is Mistress Katya."
"And this is a sex toy." It was the other girl this time. She had a faint Russian accent. At the time I remember wondering what toy she was holding, it was only when I watched the video later that I realized she was talking about me.
"Open your mouth." I did as I was told and was rewarded by a large ball gag being shoved into my mouth. I made a little mmpfh sound as the straps were tightened around my head. The ball was big. I'd been right, this was a lot more serious than the bondage that Anna and I had played around with.
"We'll save the introduction to the dildo gag until a bit later, but for now we don't want any noise." Katya scrapped her long fingernails down my back and laughed as my cock bobbed to attention. She started kneading my bum, digging her nails in a little, as Charlotte came up in front and fastened a collar around my neck.
I soon found out that the collar had a leash attached to it as Charlotte pulled on it and led me over to the table. I was pushed face down onto the table, bent at the waist with my feet still on the floor. My bum felt exposed, but that was nothing compared to how I felt once Mistress Katya had opened my legs wide and cuffed them to the table legs, and Mistress Charlotte had pulled my arms out in front of me, cuffed them together and then attached them to the other end of the table. I was slightly disorientated, but I got the sense that Anna was sitting to one side of me; I could hear little giggles occasionally as she enjoyed my predicament.
"I think we'll start with a light whipping to get everyone into the mood." Explained Charlotte. I heard the wardrobe being opened. Anna's gasp when she saw the contents made me seriously wonder what a "light" whipping was going to mean!
I screamed into the gag and arched my back, pulling at my bonds as the long bullwhip cracked down over my back.
"Was that a little hard for him do you think?" Katya asked Anna as Charlotte raised her arm again.
"He's never been properly punished." Was my wife's helpful comment.
"Well we'll soon sort that out!"
They gave me five with the whip on my back as a starter.
"Anna, why don't you tell Craig what we're wearing?" Mistress Katya suggested as Charlotte rifled through the wardrobe looking for something.
"Well." My wife's voice had taken on a husky tone, so I knew it must be good. "Katya is a tall Russian-looking brunette, about the same height as me but with shortish hair, and she's wearing a black leather basque, a leather thong, stockings and some black stiletto heels.
My cock was pressed against the varnished wood of the table, and as Anna described Katya I wiggled my bum around, rubbing my cock on the smooth surface. This didn't go unnoticed and I jumped as Mistress Charlotte bought a long leather paddle down on my ass.
"Well you already know what Charlotte looks like and that she's holding a paddle," Anna continued, "but she's got changed since we saw her earlier. The jumper and skirt have come off and now she's just in a black latex thong and bra, and some gorgeous black boots that come right up to her thighs." I could virtually here Anna licking her lips as she described Charlotte, then she added, "And I'm quite jealous of you right now!"
I wiggled my bum again, knowing what was coming, but desperate to get off after hearing my wife make a pass at the sexy little brunette. Mistress Charlotte blew a kiss at Anna and then bought the paddle down hard on my bum again. And then again. And again. I tried to bring my hands round to protect myself, but the bonds were too strong. I wiggled more, trying to avoid the paddle, or at least ensure it fell on a different spot each time, but Charlotte was ready for that and I could feel myself getting redder and redder. This was nothing like the playful spankings that Anna gave me, and I couldn't even beg for mercy with the big ball gag in my mouth.
Katya scratched her fingernails down my back again. "Maybe latter we'll let you watch Charlotte playing with your darling wife, if you're a good boy."
I heard an "mmmm" from Anna at this, and promised myself I'd be good.
"But first, we need to get started on your punishment." I made an "mmmpfh" sound again through the gag, surely with the whip and the paddle they had already started?!
Apparently not. I felt something cold on my anus as Charlotte applied the lubricant. I was exceptionally grateful when only a small butt plug was pushed up me. It wasn't the first time, but even so I was rather nervous about the thought of having something big shoved up there!
At first I thought someone was lightly trailing a whip over me, then I realized that the butt plug had a tail to it. I don't think I'd ever felt so embarrassed as when I heard the three girls laughing at me.
"Don't worry." Promised Mistress Katya, "it'll be worse when we get the sexy lingerie out for you."
The thought of being caught on video in women's underwear turned my stomach, but there was nothing I could do by now.
"I'd like to see him in something pink and lacy." Offered Anna, obviously enjoying my discomfort.
"Oh yes, he'd suit that. " replied Katya. "How about a little lacy thong?"
"Please! That'd be such a turn on!"
"Well, we aim to please!" smirked Charlotte. My body froze as she pulled the tail out of the way, reached between my legs and took my balls in her hands. I was silent. She started rolling my balls around in a very pleasant fashion and I allowed myself to relax a little.
"Shall I tell you what I'm going to do with these Craig?" She asked in a cute little voice. I tried to nod. "I'm going to squeeze them a bit, then I'm going to see how far I can stretch them. Later, I'm going to have a game of how many clothes pegs I can get on them, but don't worry about that just yet."
I didn't get a chance to worry as her gentle rolling turned into a tight squeeze. I felt tears come to my eyes behind my blindfold as she squeezed and squashed my balls for what felt like eternity.
"God, you're turning me on Craig." Charlotte commented as she squeezed.
"Is he any good with his tongue?" Katya asked Anna.
"Oh yes, he's quite talented!"
"Mmmmm, I might have to try that later." the thought of licking either of them while Anna watched was almost enough to make me forget the pain, until Charlotte squeezed again and I yelped into the gag.
"Hold his tail up a second will you darling?" Katya asked Charlotte. "I want to try something."
I moaned as I felt the plug move inside me as Charlotte pulled on the tail. Then I heard a swish. The pain as the small whip hit my balls was incredible. I think I almost broke the table as I thrashed around.
"All yours again." Charlotte started squeezing again. After the whip, the feel of her hand on my sensitive balls was positively pleasurable!
"I don't think he liked that," Katya said to Anna.
"Oh I don't know. Maybe you'd better do it again just to make sure." I was going to get my own back for this, somehow!
It was worse the second time. She took her time about it, and worse still I knew it was coming and what to expect. Or at least I thought I did. This time one of the strands of the whip caught me between my balls and my anus, and the surprise made me jump as much as the stinging pain in my balls.
"No, I think you were right." Anna observed. "I don't think he liked that!"
That was an understatement. Especially when Katya decided that she liked my reaction so much that she'd do it again. And again. After four strokes I felt like I couldn't take it any more, and it was a relief to have Charlotte go back to squeezing them again.
Then Katya unbuckled my hands and Charlotte took a break from squeezing my balls to unbuckle my legs from the table. Only for a moment though. They led me over to the large wooden frame. One of them put cuffs around my ankles and then spread my legs, running chains through the cuffs and attaching them to the eyeholes on each corner, the other Mistress did the same with my wrists, pulling them up and out as she pulled the chain through the eyehole. I felt extremely open as I stood there, blindfolded, gagged, spread wide and now unable to move again. At least if they'd used a St Andrews cross only one side of me would be feeling vulnerable right now...
"Oh we're going to have some fun with you now, slave!" Gloated Mistress Charlotte as she ran her fingernail up and down the length of my cock, which despite my vulnerability, was still rock hard.
She took my balls in her hand and gently massaged them. Then I felt the ponytail being gently pulled on. The nipple clamps took me by surprise though. We'd used pegs before, but these felt tighter. And as the mistress let go of them, I realized they had weights attached to the clips and a chain between them. There weights weren't too much to make the pain unbearable, but enough to make me realize they were there!
"I figured a few weights on your nipples to match the ones we're about to put on your balls." Commented Mistress Charlotte. I "mmphed" softly into my gag as she pulled a little on the chain between the clamps. The chain had a loop on the end of it, and this was fastened to my cock, pulling it upwards and leaving my balls rather exposed.
Mistress Katya ran a long fingernail up the underside of my hard cock and made me shiver. "I can't wait to play with this later."
"But right this minute, we're going to devote some attention to your balls". I groaned, the squeezing and whipping had been enough attention as far as my balls were concerned!
I felt something cold and soft being wrapped around my balls. It took me a moment to guess that it was a strip of black leather. I could feel chains hanging from it and as she clipped the leather strap in place I realized it was a ball-stretcher. The leather strap was tight but not painfully so, but I knew when she pulled gently on the chains dangling below it that this was going to hurt!
"There are some nice weights here which we're going to attach to your balls slave" Mistress Charlotte commented. "I'd try not to squirm too much, they pull a lot more if they're swinging around." This sounded like good advice, but was quickly forgotten as the first weight was attached. I jerked as I felt the pull and the weights started swinging. I was glad of the gag, I clamped my teeth down on the ball as another weight went on. The pain was a strong ache, but it was soon accompanied by a sharp pain as a weight was attached to the chain between my nipples, pulling even more on my poor nipples. And I'd thought the nipple weights on their own were bad!
I moaned again, and heard Anna sniggering in the background.
"Do you think that's enough weights?" Mistress Katya asked Anna.
"I think another one on his balls should do it." replied my lovely wife. She'd squeezed my balls, tied them up, nibbled them, and it had been pretty painful, but nothing compared to the feeling of the swinging weights pulling my balls towards the floor.
"Now you're suitably weighted, lets get on with the pegs."
As she said it, I felt Mistress Charlotte pinch my inner thigh and attach a peg. I groaned but they didn't stop. Between the two of them they attached another dozen pegs to my thighs, my sides and around the clamps on my nipples.
I was really squirming now. I was gagged, blindfolded and spread wide open with a strap pulling my cock upwards. My nipples felt like they were on fire, I had a plug with a tail on it pushed up me, I was covered in pegs, and as I squirmed I could feel the weights on my balls swinging. When I thought it couldn't get any worse, I felt the tips of two riding crops running across my buttocks.
They were standing either side. I tried not to listen as they discussed how hard they should crop me. Anna's helpful comment was that my bum looked red, but it could be a lot redder. At this I started frantically shaking my head, but to no avail as the first stroke fell across my bum.
They really got into it, alternating strokes from either side, taking it in turns to bring their crop down on my bum and the top of my legs. I tried not to squirm or jerk, every time I did I felt the weights swinging. Every time my muscles clenched, I felt the butt plug a little more.
I lost track of the number of spanks, grateful that the ball gag had prevented them from being able to make me count out loud. Eventually I just tried to concentrate on staying still, and forget about the pegs and the weights.
Then one of them stopped and came round in front of me.
"This is a gorgeous cock." Commented Charlotte. "I hope you make regular use of it," she added to Anna.
"MmmHmmm." Was her only response.
Mistress Katya had come up behind me and started rubbing her leather-clad breasts against my back as she dug her fingers and nails into my rather red bum. Charlotte traced a fingernail gently up the underside of my hard cock, from the metal band to the tip.
I almost forgot the pain from the weights and the pegs as she took my cock between her thumb and forefinger and started rubbing it up and down.
"Shall we tell you what you lovely wife is doing, slave?" I heard a sigh from Anna and nodded.
"Well she started off trying to be discrete, but now her skirt is up around her waist and, well, lets put it like this, her fingers are busy."
"So you'd like to watch me lick her?" Mistress charlotte asked. A frantic nod and my cock surged in her hand.
She ran her fingernail across my taunt balls where they peaked out of the bottom of the ball stretcher. "I could walk over there right now, kneel between her legs, push her hand away and flick my tongue over her clit, couldn't I?"