
The room was so dark and warm. I rolled about in the bed, tangling my self in the sheet and Sir's shirt. I smiled as I breathed in his scent my thoughts lingering on him, my skin heated more. I knew I shouldn't but I wanted to touch myself my thoughts swirling around him, my hands momentarily danced over my skin before I came to my senses and stopped. I also knew I shouldn't remove Sir's shirt but I really wasn't in the mood to get up and go adjust the heat. I thought about it a little more before untangling myself from the blankets.

I stood removing Sir's oversized shirt I wrapped it around the pillow so I could smell him as I drifted off to sleep. My eyes snapped open as I felt the bed sink. I didn't move because I knew who it was, I also knew I would be in trouble. While sleeping I had kicked the covers off, and my naked body was soon covered by Sir's, his legs tangling in mine, and his arms sliding along mine to find my hands. His naked chest pressed into my back and my bare breast sank into the cool sheets.

"You're naked," Sir stated into my ear. I nodded. He bit my shoulder; desire and pain flooded through my system.

"Yes, Sir, I am naked," I replied correctly.


"I was hot and didn't feel like getting up to adjust the heat Sir."

He nodded then kissed the base of my neck before rolling over he slapped my bare ass and sent me to adjust the thermostat. I reached for Sir's shirt but he stopped me. "You didn't have it on a moment ago." I nodded.

I came back to lay with Sir on the bed when he motioned for me to sit on his lap. I climbed over his legs and sat on them, he pulled me forward settling me just behind his cock. I glanced at it and fought the urge to touch it seeing as I hadn't been given permission.

"So I was thinking of calling you and letting you know I'd be back from my business trip early, but decided to instead to surprise you. I come back and here you are disobeying rules that we have set down." I nod, and he slaps my thigh.

"Yes, Sir." I responded. I was always forgetting that rule. He smiled as his hand began dancing over my skin.

"It makes me wonder what other rules you break when I'm away." I begin to stutter about how I don't break any rules when he shushes me. "I won't be worrying about it tonight, so there is no need to explain."

His hands are skimming up and down my thigh, his fingers digging slightly into my flesh. I whimpered.

"Did you miss me," he asked.

"Yes, Sir," I answered.

His hands drifted up to tease my nipples, "What did you miss?"

"Everything, Sir," I replied.

"That's not a very good answer," he smiled as he began rolling my nipples softly between his thumb and forefinger.

"I miss your touch most when you are gone, Sir. I also miss your voice," I groan out knowing he is teasing me.

"Much better," he smiles, "but you forgot something." I immediately reply Sir. "Good girl. I've been thinking about you and what I would want to do when I got back and I've decided that I want to cuddle with you." I tense sitting above him. He stroked my hips and lower back kneading the muscles. "You can always just say it," he whispers. I nod knowing that I can fall back onto it and nothing will happen. I thought about how much time Sir had spent with me to be his version of perfection and how many times he had pushed me to that point of nearly saying it. But somehow I'd always found a way to take what he gave.

As he watched me nibbling on my lower lip thinking he patted the side of the bed I sometimes laid on and began to slide me into position...we hadn't even begun and I could feel my heart pounding as though it would burst from my chest.

I rolled as he pulled me down towards him hoping he'd allow spooning to qualify as cuddling for tonight. He laughed softly before kissing my shoulder and turning me to face him. He placed my stiff arms around his body and wrapped his long legs in mine, his arms banded around my body. Those strong arms that spanked me, teased me and tied me down becoming my prison. My mouth went dry and I felt as though I couldn't breath. My heart was pounding, and Sir was quietly tightening his arms pulling me closer in an attempt to comfort me. I groaned fighting back tears as he kissed me softly and in that moment I thought I could do it, lie beside him wrapped in his arms and not panic.

I was wrong...within a few moments I felt as though I was going to pass out. Sir began softly stoking my back. I know in my mind that saying it is simply a sign of complete trust; the one thing that keeps a small part of oneself safe. I whimpered. "Starfish," I managed to breath into Sir's ear. I could feel him smile against my forehead as he kissed me softly there.

"I didn't hear you," he said.

My lower lip trembled and a tear threatened to spill out of my eyes, "Starfish," I said clearly this time and was instantly released. I scurried over to my side of the bed, Sir remained on his. I calmed myself, knowing I would wake up in his arms but for now I wasn't trapped.

I lay there and felt him get up. I panicked thinking Sir was leaving, I sat up. "Sir, I'm sorry if you want to cuddle with me then I will." He chuckled softly before returning to the bed and kissing me gently on the forehead. I watched as he went to his luggage after digging around for something. He brought back a long, slim, black box. He had be turn and face away from him. I felt something being slide around my neck, it was warm and cool, and had a slight weight to it. As I heard a click and the weight sink onto my neck I knew what it was. I reached my hand up to touch it.

"Not yet," Sir said. I waited patiently and when he told me to shut my eyes I did. I couldn't help but feel excited. "Open," Sir instructed. I did and slowly saw my reflection in the mirror. I smiled softly my collar, my hand reached up to touch the leather chocker that had a small silver lock on it; if one looked closely you could see Sir's initials etched into the silver. I smiled softly. He turned me and kissed me on the forehead. "I was hoping I could give it to you today." We lay back down and drifted off to sleep.


I was dangling my arms stretched high above my head and covering my ears and a blindfold covering my eyes. I was balanced on my tips of my big toes thanks to a spreader bar. I was spinning slowly, I tried to listen but it was hard. I whimpered softly as I felt the whip caress my hip. As I spun slowly in the air it lingered on the skin and followed the path around. I held my breath, and thought about how I had caused this.

Last night in my excitement with Sir I had forgotten to set the alarm. It was my job to make sure Sir was up, while he was in the shower I cooked breakfast. He would come downstairs and we would eat together. After he would head off to work, I would take my shower and then begin chores. But I had forgot, Sir had been livid this morning and made sure I knew it. I rushed to make sure he had something to eat but he had been late to work. After breakfast, which I didn't get to eat I was sent upstairs, and instructed to remain in the room. When Sir had come home the spanking had started. I remember what we had started with the wide flat paddle that was a personal favorite. I enjoyed my spankings normally but this was clearly a spanking that was not meant to be enjoyed.

My legs were being released and I remained balanced on my toes. "You may lower yourself to flat foot." I did but instead of making me feel better it made me feel worse as pain shot up my legs from me being on my toes for so long. I whimpered, though I was still hopeful things weren't as bad as I had them after all I still had my collar which had been my biggest fear. The weight of it was reassuring. Next my arms were being lowered and I crumpled to the floor. I waited for Sir to comfort me as he usually did but it didn't come this time. I thought to myself that I would remember the last thing he used on me tonight but would likely forget everything else. The multi-strand whip would caress my skin again as I was sent to my spot.

Overall my spot was fairly nice compared to most, a spot simply on the floor; mine had a large dog bed and a pillow as well as a blanket and of course and alarm. As I hadn't been told I could get up I began crawling towards my spot but from the spinning and being blindfolded I didn't really know where it was. I took a step and was greeted by the whip. I took another step and was greeted again, so I stopped and then tried moving in a slightly different direction again I was hit though it wasn't as hard as the first to have been. So I stopped and turned and moved forward again, this time nothing happened until I reached my spot. I waited and soon Sir said to take my blindfold off and to go to bed. I set my alarm and settled down.

The next day I awoke to my alarm going off, I moved my sore muscles to turn it off. Not wanting to upset Sir though I quickly looked to the bed to tell him it was time to get up. I looked but he wasn't in bed. I panicked I looked at my clock and then at another in the room before deciding the clocks were right. I quickly got up and went to the bed thinking I was simply at a bad angle and couldn't see him. He was gone but the neat bed had a note on it.

Pet~ I hope you understand about last night and what it was a punishment. I know that you understand though that your punishments are meant to make you a better person. Today I want you to take a bath scent it with the vanilla and lavender, have breakfast and then return to the room. I don't want you to do chores today and you may watch television if you wish. You may eat whatever you like both for breakfast and lunch. I will return before dinner. Sir

I smiled and went to draw my bath as he had instructed. I spent the day as Sir had instructed. I chilled on the bed and watched television but a point got bored with that so I turned it to the exercise channel and began working out. It kept me rather entertained. I was having so much fun I didn't hear Sir's car nor did I hear him when he came in to the room. He stood and watched me for a while before coughing. I ran to the bed and sat down. He smiled and laughed before wandering over and kissing me.

"Come with me," he said. He pulled me along into the bathroom. I was wearing the black velour track suit; he kissed me as he slowly pulled it off. He smiled at my nakedness. "Do you remember how you used to blush when I did this the first few times," he asked as he pulled his clothes off.

I nodded and then quickly corrected myself, "Yes, Sir." I smiled at the memory. He stood naked before me and turned and started the water in the shower. He pulled me in the large shower and began wetting us. He's hands ran over my body. He pulled me closer and began kissing me as the water poured over our skin. He cuddled me.

He pulled me away and looked into my eyes, "Never make me punish you as you did last night. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir," I nodded.

He kissed my forehead, "We have been together for far too long." He kissed me softly then. He soaped up the sponge and began covering my body with rich creamy lather. This was the same vanilla lavender he liked me to use; he bought it special at a Renaissance Festival we went to every year. I smiled softly as he babied me. As he neared finishing, I began soaping up his sponge and began washing his back. I washed him from head to toe, including his hair as he began explaining what was going to occur tonight.

"We're going out to dinner tonight, Pet. Do you know why?"

"No, Sir I don't," I replied.

"Because you have belonged to me now for a full year," he said.

"I didn't know it had been so long, Sir," I replied. I smiled to myself though happy that it had indeed been so long.

Sir washed my hair, and then we climbed out of the shower, "I hope your shower this after noon helped your muscles."

"It did, Sir, very much so." He covered my in lotion and then left me alone in the bathroom to do my hair and make-up as he went to the walk-in closet and got himself ready.

I came out and saw the long black gown lying on the bed. I smiled and walked over to it but didn't touch it because if tonight was as special as Sir was making it feel I knew he'd want to dress me. I stood naked in the room waiting patiently. Sir came out and kissed my shoulder softly, "Do you like it?"

"Yes, Sir," I said, I turned to kiss him softly. He picked it up, the black gown had tiny silver flowers dancing down one side, and it was a spaghetti strap style with several of them extending from on spot on the front. Sir carefully pulled the gown over my body, pulling it down my body to the floor. He then pulled out a pair of black and silver platforms and placed them on my tiny feet.

"It was hard finding a pair of shoes that would fit your tiny feet. And now that I'm looking at them I believe one day we should go to the spa and you can get a pedicure. Maybe tomorrow, it will be Saturday and we'll have time." I nodded. I ran my hands over my body and smiled. He kissed me softly. "Let's go," Sir said.

Sir and I headed off..and you will have to wait to hear about what happened next.