Staked Out Naked
Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.
Reader note Tess O'Meter -- Red.
I am naked.
My wrists and ankles are stretched painful away from my body, muscles starting to quiver from the strain.
I don't know how long I have been here; it seems like all day.
It's all a bit blurry really.
Last night, as I was walking back to my hotel, I passed some local guy who smiled at me.
"This is for my sister," he said before smashing his fist into my sternum.
I landed heavily on my knees, retching, and couldn't do a damn thing to protect myself when my hands were yanked back and secured behind me.
A cloth was dragged over my head, and still coughing and gasping, I was thrown into the trunk of a car.
Once I had my wits back, I tried yelling and screaming for help, but no one came.
The car stopped and I yelled some more.
I heard the trunk open and tried to pull in some air, then I froze as what was unmistakably a blade was pressed against my balls.
"One more sound out of you and I'll cut them off and feed them to my dog, which is no more than you deserve you fucking rapist."
I shook my head but spoke carefully and quietly, so as not to spook the guy who had my manhood at his mercy, "Sir, I promise you, I haven't raped anyone."
My balls were crushed in his huge fist and I cried out.
"You think my sister lied, you think her injuries were what, playing fucking volleyball on the beach?"
"I think there's been a mistake," I managed at a whimper.
"Yea Motherfucker, you made a big fucking mistake," he confirmed, before letting me go and slamming the trunk lid shut.
I lay shaking in the dark, my balls throbbing, sniffing up tears. I couldn't get the hood off or get my hands free.
Who did they think I was?
I'd never hurt anyone.
Okay, I like watching dodgy porn but who doesn't? That's why they make the damn stuff.
This wasn't fair.
I lay, feeling scared and sorry for myself, the air in the trunk on this hot Caribbean night, getting hotter and thinner.
Eventually, dizzy, and terrified, I passed out.
I had come round the following morning, with the help of a bucket of water being thrown into my face.
Spluttering and coughing, shaking my hair out of my eyes, I blinked up at two enormous women who were standing laughing at me.
"Rise and shine," one said and threw another bucket.
Disoriented and dehydrated, it took me a moment to realize that I was still bound, but now my hands were above me.
I was half sat on a small stool, suspended from a tree in a backyard.
I gasped, coughed, cleared my lungs, and got a firmer seat on the stool.
"There's been a mistake," I began calmly, "I haven't done anything. Maybe another American on the island? I can help you if you are looking for someone, someone who's done something bad, but it wasn't me."
I watched them and they watched me.
My heart was pounding, I swear it must have been like a cartoon through my soaked T-Shirt.
One of the women came forward and leaning down, shocked me by running her tongue up the side of my face from my chin to my temple.
I tensed in discomfort, but God help me, felt my fucking stupid cock spring to immediate attention.
She looked at my cock, now tenting my shorts and looked back at me, "You're a liar," she said softly.
I started to explain my innocence more forcefully, but the second women shoved a wad of material into my mouth and then some tape around my head.
I could make no more than muffled protests.
They looked down at me, trembling, bound beneath them.
Then they both started to remove each other's clothing, caressing each other as they went. Tops off, shorts and skirts pushed down, revealing bikini clad, muscular, beautifully proportioned bodies.
I groaned as my cock tried to climb out of my shorts and they looked down at me, their eyes gleaming with triumph, like they had proven some point.
'For fucks sake,' I wanted to yell at them, 'what man who is still breathing, faced by two almost naked real-life Amazon Goddesses, touching each other, is not going to get hard?'
All they could hear was my wide-eyed mumbling.
All they could see was my aroused, trembling, sweating body and my eyes unable to look away from their astounding beauty.
I was fucking doomed.
One of the women grabbed my T-Shirt so forcefully that she nearly pulled me from the seat. She then ripped it straight down, exposing my chest and abs.
Humming a tune to herself, she started to explore me with her hands, even as the second woman grabbed the back of my T-Shirt and ripped it clean off.
They explored my flesh at their leisure and before long I was moaning.
Louder when my shorts went the same way as my T-Shirt, and I was completely at their mercy.
Next, they cheerfully scrubbed me with coarse brushes and rough hands. I started to cry again when they cleaned me intimately.
I felt so helpless and I could do nothing to stop them hurting me. Which they did.
My whole body was scrubbed, my hair was shampooed, then the soap rinsed off with more buckets of freezing cold water.
I hung, semi suspended as they left me to dry, sitting close by with cold cans and chatting about some woman on the island.
I stopped sniveling and tried to listen; they were talking about me.
"It's good timing that she is on the island, she will know how to deal with him."
"HA! Poor bastard."
"She's here several more days, although he may not last that long."
"She will be pleased, and Old Betty is so happy that we have found a suitable present for The Lady."
"Old Betty is happy that she didn't have to spend her money or give up one of her slaves."
They both giggled.
I was amazed.
There were rumors about this island. That it was basically run by the women and the men were little more than slaves.
They were talking almost like it was true.
And who was this Lady?
Deciding that I was dry enough they came back over and examined me again.
Running her fingers through my hair, which needed a trim and was starting to curl, one of them said, "Should we shave his head as well?"
"No," the older woman shook her head, running her hand over my jaw," The Lady likes her scruff and a good head of hair. We'll leave that, it will please her."
They had then moved into my view a couple of cutthroat razors, and I nearly died from fright right then.
They started to rub oil into my body, and I tried to calm my breathing, jittery from terror and the pleasure of their touch.
They weren't going to kill me. I was a present for someone wasn't I? I would have a chance of escape.
There was no chance of escape as they both picked up a razor and started to shave me.
My chest, stomach and most intimate places were left bare, and somehow unmanly, despite my desperate gagged pleas for mercy.
I had started to feel unlike myself.
I had started to feel like a thing.
Hopeless against their superior strength I had been placed back into a car and driven a short distance, then marched along a beach towards a small group of trees, sticking up from the sand.
In this small area of shade, created by five spindly mangrove trees, their roots buried deep in the sand, I had been tied spread-eagled.
The area was deserted, nothing but a small bungalow on the beach above me, but no sign of life.
Ours were the only footsteps in the sand.
Once I was bound securely, they removed my gag.
I tried again as they attached some sort of note to my wrist.
"Please, I swear. I didn't rape anyone, it wasn't me."
"Then you must have a double."
"Please, it's a mistake," I pleaded.
The older women bent down and stroked my face, not unkindly, "I sincerely hope for your sake that's not the case," she said.
Standing again she gave her last words of wisdom.
"Don't make a fuss, no one will hear you. The Lady will find you if it is meant. You are hers now."
Then they had left me.
Hours ago.
- x
I lay, pulled apart, fading in and out as the sea crashes against the beach.
I'm so thirsty, I can't even swallow, and I'm starting to think that I have been left here to die.
I'm not sure what's real anymore, so when I see a figure walking down the beach, I watch without much interest.
I'm probably imagining it.
The figure gets closer and seems to spot me, heading my way with a smile.
Maybe she's real. I try to call out but it's just a rasp.
She comes closer.
Bare feet, shorts and vest top, big floppy hat, sunglasses, and hair that has been teased into a tangled mess by the breeze.
This isn't what I imagined when they spoke of The Lady.
This could be a random tourist, or local, and I'm naked, spread-eagled, and helpless.
For Christ's sake, why am I getting hard again? Like this isn't embarrassing enough. What the hell is wrong with me?
The woman reaches me.
She is carrying a large tumbler of icy orange juice, the glass sweating, and as she leans over to read the note tied to my bound wrist, freezing wet drops are scattered across my body, making me jump.
I'm suddenly unbearable thirsty, I try to speak but there is no sound.
She leans down and places her cold glass on my stomach.
I can't see her eyes, but she hasn't offered to let me drink, which seems wrong.
She places a finger on my lips as I try to speak again.
"Hush now, or it will be worse for you."
Warning, "Don't spill my drink," before she starts to explore my body with her hands.
Her nails scrap across my nipples, making me jump and she grabs her drink before it spills, hissing at me.
"Sorry," I manage to croak out, whimpering as she grips my hair and yanks my head back.
"You will address me as Mistress, and not speak without permission," she informs me.
Oh, Shit it's her, it's The Lady.
"Sorry Mistress," I managed, and her grip turns to a stroke.
"Are you thirsty? Would you like some of this?" she asks kindly.
"Yes, please Mistress," I say, momentarily relieved before she crushes my hope by pouring the icy drink all over my chest and stomach.
She picks up an ice cube and sucks absently on it as she watches me struggling to hold back tears.
Smirking at my bobbing cock.
I have literally no idea why I'm turned on right now, because this normal looking woman is terrifying.
Suddenly she bends down, sweeping her hair aside so that it tickles my chest and takes my mouth in a possessive kiss.
I nearly choke on the ice cube as she passes it into my mouth, but as she rises, I have the precious cube of frozen water on my tongue, and I moan as I let it melt.
When it is gone, she plucks another melting cube from my stomach and places it on my waiting tongue.
I smile at her as I suck it, maybe if we can be friends. But then she straddles me and lowers herself onto my abdomen. Almost but not quite sitting on my cock.
Every thought flies out of my head and straight to my cock, which immediately starts bouncing against her ass.
The Lady, my Mistress, No the woman, starts to gather sand and spread it across my body.
I'm confused until she has a good layer covering me, and then she starts to touch me.
I bite my lip and mutter and try not to cry out as I endure the cruelest massage.
The sand is abrasive against my skin. It's too harsh to be pleasurable, but as her hands sweep across me, roughly grinding into my nipples and stomach, my whimpers turn into sobbing moans.
My fists clench and unclench as I try to stay true to myself, but despite my stinging skin, when she pushes her centre down over my cock I moan louder still.
I'll do anything to get release.
She starts to examine my cock and balls, I'm so embarrassed where they shaved me, but her touch feels so good.
I'm leaking all over her hand as she squeezes and tugs me.
Then suddenly she stands and pulls off her shorts, looking at them closely.
I smile in my excitement, "Thank you Mistress," the smile falling from my face as she turns her shorts and I see that I have smeared pre-cum all over the back of them.
"Really?" she sneers, "You think that your messy, disgusting cock is going inside me?"
I tremble as she kneels back down between my out-spread legs, "Dirty boys get punished."
The woman, Oh God, my Mistress, takes my balls and starts to squeeze and knead.
To my horror, once I start to whimper and shift in discomfort, she picks up a handful of sand and suddenly my tender nuts are being mashed between her sand filled hands.
I sob and desperately shake my head, but she merely smirks at my straining cock and collecting more sand, hammers my poor balls even harder, until I'm screaming.
The torture seems to go on for hours, and I feel like I am on fire, throbbing so hard I feel sick, when she finally stops.
After a few moments she speaks.
"Thank me."
"W-What?" I ask confused.
"Thank me for your pain," she demands, giving my cock a quick flick.
"T-Thank you Mistress," I stammer, my breath hitching.
The examination starts again and now my Mistress pushes against my hole.
My breathing falters, I've never been touched there.
I watch in overstimulated terror as Mistress pushes her fingers deep inside herself, and uses her own arousal to lubricate my anus.
"Now it's time for some punishment," she warns me and pushes her finger inside me.
My entire body strains in an arch against my binds, as I howl in pain and terror.
Relentlessly she pushes deep, tutting at me under her breath, and as her seeking fingers hit my prostate I nearly pass out.
A massive wave of unbearable pleasure sweeps me away and my sobs quickly become guttural moans as I rock into her hand.
I'm so close, so close.
I thrust and thrust and then mutter, "Please Mistress, I'm cumming."
Suddenly I am empty again, thrusting against nothing, all stimulant ended.
I'm gasping and frustrated, sweat pouring from me as my Mistress stands and brushes off her hands.
"Your pleasure is denied," she tells me and collecting her empty drink, walks away.
My head spins as nausea and fear engulf me.
My cock slowly deflates and with it my hope.
I won't starve here, there won't be time, I need water desperately.
I start to laugh as I listen to the sea.
All that water, no good at all for me.
Then my blood runs cold as my sluggish brain finally registers that the sea is getting louder.
The tide is coming in.
I tug futilely at my restraints again, but soon give up.
I'm helpless.
At this realization my cock throbs and grows again.
Standing up like a flagpole, maybe he is trying to attract assistance.
What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. Me?
I become aware of a noise behind me and manage to turn slightly, catching a glimpse of The Lady. Fuck it, my Mistress coming back.
She places a large bag behind the branch by my head and comes around with a bottle of water.
She has changed, and looks fresh and young in a light, floaty dress.
Kneeling next to me, she lifts my head and brings the water to my lips.
I'm so scared that it's a trick, but she allows me to sip. Little by little until the water is gone.
I feel lightheaded again, from sheer relief.
"Please, Mistress," I say (hesitating a little at Mistress), "Please the tide is coming in."
She throws the bottle towards her bag.
"I may decide to give you a chance," she says, "but first there is something else you need to sip."
Then she lifts higher on her knees and as the breeze kicks up her dress, I can see she is naked underneath.
My mouth goes bone dry again as I watch her run her finger through her wet pussy.
She runs the finger along my lip, and I moan as she bends down and kisses me.
I'm beyond turned on now. It's becoming painful.
"Make me cum," she whispers against my lips, "and I will give you a chance."
I nod as she straddles me.
She's about to rape my face and I don't care because all I can think about is tasting her again.
Her glistening wetness smothers my face and I drink her in, as she moans and rocks against me.
Running my tongue through her, sucking her in. Gasping for air.
My cock is leaking so much it feels like I'm pissing myself and all I want is more.
Her hands are on my chest and her nails almost pierce my skin as she starts to moan and tremble, finally shattering against me.
Flooding over my mouth and face with her cum.
I had heard of women 'squirting' but this was the first time it had happened to me and my balls were literally vibrating with lust.
My cock is straining hard, and I fear it may be due to oxygen deprivation.
I gasp in air as Mistress lifts herself from me.
She looks down at me smiling.
"Would you like me to untie you so you can wipe that off?" she indicates her arousal smearing my mouth and face.
"Yes, please Mistress," I say, and she laughs at me.
Fucking laughs at me.
I'm furious and this makes her laugh harder, but then once again a loud crash reminds me that the sea is getting closer and this bitch holds my life in her hands.
I can't make her angry, I need her to release me.
I want her to release me.
Don't I?
Oh, Christ, I'm so turned on.
I don't care I just need to cum before I die.
"Mistress, please," I beg.
She lowers herself back to me and drags her hot, wet pussy over my stomach and then over my crotch.
She kisses me as my dick is dragged through her folds, and I mutter promises against her lips.
I'll do anything if she'll just please fuck me.
"I want to hurt you," she whispers.
"Yes, please my Mistress, punish me."
I'll suffer anything if you just suck my cock. Just lick me. Just kiss the tip.
"To serve me, you need to pass a test," she cautions.
"I'll do anything," I whisper.
"It's very dangerous, you must be brave," she says.
"I'll do anything," I promise again.
I groan as she rubs against me.
Anything, suffer anything, give anything.
Please, release me from these bonds, release me from this longing.
Suddenly my feet are bathed in icy water and I took at Mistress in horror.
I panic, "Please, please, Oh God Mistress, please help me."
I lift my head and stare in terror at the sea, which is sweeping with icy threat over my toes on every few runs.
Mistress walks unhurriedly over to her bag and then removes a strap-on, hanging it high on the branch that my right leg is roped to.
I stare in disbelief.
"That is your reward," she promises, "if you survive."
She then giggles as the waves kiss her feet as well, before pulling more equipment out of her bag and dumping it on my stomach.
I gaze in a strange kind of detached horror at the mask, snorkel, and duct tape.
Smiling my Mistress shows me the extended tube, which is securely attached to the snorkel, and as she duct-tapes it to the tree just behind my head, I realize.
It's not time for me for to leave here yet.
She has created a breathing apparatus that will be above the tide line, but I am doomed to suffer below it.
The sand around me is becoming cold and wet as the tide creeps in.
I let my head fall back and surrender to it as a powerful masochistic urge pulls me under.
"Open your eyes, look here," Mistress calls.
She holds her hand about two feet above my head.
"This is the high tide water mark," she says, and my eyes close again as I start to shake and grunt.
Seeing I'm close, Mistress takes me in her hand and starts to stroke me.
I yell and start to thrust immediately, quickly spilling over her hand, even as the sea sweeps over my lower body.
Mistress lowers herself back to my crotch and teases me again as she pulls the mask over my eyes, before kissing me.
I kiss her back fervently.
I belong to her now.
As she breaks the kiss a large wave crashes against her back and over me, briefly submerging me.
She shrieks and laughs, as I cough and choke.