Squat Training Pt. 03
This story is entirely fictional and the characters therein are fictional and any association with persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. The story may contain sexual references or behavioral descriptions as well as graphic descriptions that might be considered pornographic. If such things are offensive or distasteful to you, the reader, please cease reading immediately and destroy this data.
Part III
It was early Sunday morning when Mark pulled into the parking spot in front of the Westside Gym. He noticed that the only other vehicle there was his brother-in-law Frank's Land Rover. He took a deep breath, grabbed his kit bag and walked slowly to the door. Mary had held true to her promise that he would be punished for his dalliance with the ladies at his crossfit box, but he had no idea that she would ask her brother to administer it. Frank was older, 40ish, and very protective of his little sister. He had given her away at their wedding since their dad had passed and, on numerous occasions, Frank had made half-jokingly veiled threats to Mark regarding his treatment of her. Mark wasn't afraid, just apprehensive about what Frank would have in mind as a punishment. They did not spend much time together even though they were both in the fitness industry. While Mark was a 6' tall, 180# lean and mean crossfit instructor, Frank was 6-4 and 260# of almost pure heavyweight MMA muscle. Aside from their age difference, Frank was pretty much a loner and had never married. His gym was also far more successful than Mark's and he had recently expanded it to include a fighting ring so that he could draw the MMA folks.
Mark went in and no sooner had he entered the lobby he heard Frank's deep voice bellow, "In here, Mark!". Frank's office was just off the lobby and Mark found him behind his desk doing paperwork.
"Hi Frank," Mark said, walking up to the edge of the desk with his hand outstretched.
"This isn't a social call Mark, you know that. From here on out address me as Sir and only Sir."
Mark was a bit taken back by this and Frank hadn't even looked up from what he was doing. He muttered a confused "Yes sir" and stepped back to sit in one of the chairs Frank had for visitors.
"You'll sit when I tell you to sit!" Frank barked, "Throw your bag on that chair behind you and get your ass to attention."
Mark did as he was told, knowing the drill from being in the Army. Frank had been in the Marines and so the sudden slide into an authoritarian and military scenario didn't seem unusual given the circumstances.
"Now then, I see this as an inconvenience and I don't like to be inconvenienced. I also don't like it when my little sis sends her husband to me for discipline. I have some ideas about that, but I want to be fair, in fact, I don't even know the details of what you did. No matter, here's the deal. I am going to give you a fighting chance to get out of your punishment, mano-a-mano, in the ring. In fact, if you best me I will submit to you and you can punish me instead. If I win, you submit to what I have for you, deal?"
"Uhh, I guess so," Mark was confused, "uhh, Sir!" he added quickly.
"Good, let's go to the mat, just leave your bag where it is, you won't need it. Follow me." Frank stood up from behind the desk, his massive size towering over Mark, and led the smaller man out the door. Frank wore a skintight, sleeveless exercise shirt and pair of loose workout shorts. Mark marveled at his size and how cut he was, which was not how he remembered him from the wedding given that Frank had been wearing a loose suit and did not stick around for the reception. As they walked Frank peeled off his shirt and when they got to the ring at the other side of the building he pulled his shorts off as well. He knew Mark was staring at him so he paused for a moment with his fists on his waist, legs spread. Mark gasped as he took in the perfect physical specimen of mature alpha-male that Frank revealed. Under his shorts was a pair of skintight white MMA briefs that left nothing to the imagination. The inverted v-shaped patch of brown fur framing his pecs traveled down across his abs and disappeared behind the waistband of his boxing briefs. From his tight glutes to the huge bulge at his crotch he was the picture of raw masculinity.
"You'll be wearing this Mark," Frank said as he tossed Mark what appeared to be a dirty jockstrap and climbed into the ring.
"Uhh, Sir," Mark stammered, staring at the dirty jock in his hand, "I don't think I like where this is going." The jock made him uneasy as he had always wondered about Frank's sexuality. As far as he knew there had never been a woman in his life and he was a loner. Mark had suspected that Frank was gay and now he was sure of it.
"I see," Frank replied casually. "You are concerned that at some point I might bugger you up the ass, right?"
Mark nodded slowly. Then Frank continued "That's one thing that won't happen unless you want it to happen. You'll need to beg me and even then I may not do it. You have a choice, get your kit and head back to your wife, or get that jock on and get into this ring."
Mark thought for a minute and then decided that if he left now Mary would no doubt kick him out and that was the last thing he wanted. At least with Frank's assurance that he wouldn't be buggered he felt a bit better. So he peeled off his clothes and pulled the dirty strap on, noticing that it smelled like it had never been washed. He climbed into the ring and faced Frank.
"Good Boy! Now there are some rules Mark, as I want this to be a fair fight, but the rules only apply to me. I will not hit you with a closed fist or strike your nuts in any way. You, on the other hand, can hit me, punch me, grab me or kick me anywhere you like and as hard as you like to try and take me down. Both of us will signal that we are about to break a bone or dislocate something to give the other man the opportunity to tap out. There is only one round and it goes until one of us yields. Agreed?"
"Yes Sir!" Mark said excitedly. He knew exactly how he was going to take Frank down and it wouldn't be painless for the big man. It was clear that Frank was not wearing a cup, and the size of his dick was staggering as it was sharply outlined under the tight fabric of his shorts. Mark estimated 8" and lying atop a pair of balls that were the size of lemons. Those balls made an easy target and he began thinking about what punishment he might give Frank after he won. "I wonder how Frank would look coming into the gym tomorrow dressed like a cheerleader?" he mused, "Or maybe have to sprint naked around the building a few times."
"OK," Frank said, "let's go."
The big man just stood in place as Mark charged him from the other side of the ring. Frank knew what Mark was going to try to do and that was incapacitate him with a hard hit to the groin. Mark's plan was to ram his head into Frank's crotch before he knew what hit him. He thought he was faster than Frank, and besides, he had the no rules advantage. Suddenly Frank sidestepped and Mark was astonished at how quickly the huge man could move. As Frank stepped aside he landed a loud smacking slap to one of Mark's ass cheeks causing Mark to run into the ropes and let out a loud yelp of pain. Turning around, he charged Frank again, wildly. This time Frank did not step out of the way, but instead he crouched and slapped Mark roughly across his face. "Owww! Unfair, you said you wouldn't hit me in the face!"
"No Mark, I said I wouldn't hit you with a closed fist, that was a slap, like this one." Frank slapped Mark hard on the other cheek, hard enough to snap his head sideways. "If I hit you with my fist you'd be knocked out--I want you awake," Frank grinned. Mark was starting to feel dizzy from the slaps, which might as well have been punches from the beefy paws that Frank wielded. Angrily, he tried to kick Frank between his legs, but Frank just grabbed his foot and flipped him over onto the mat.
"Time to end this, boy" Frank growled as he pounced on Mark. Mark's breath went out of him as Frank rapidly crawled over him like a huge spider, lifting his legs up to his shoulders and locking Mark's muscular arms against his own thighs.
"This move is called a 'spladle' and I am surprised that you let me get you into it so quickly. You should be feeling a great deal of pain right now, but not enough yet to be damaging."
Marks legs were spread wide, his butt was elevated and his head painfully pushed towards his crotch. All he could see in front of his face was the bulge of his own junk in the stained and crusty pouch of the jockstrap. His face had never been as close to his own groin as it was now. Then Frank began to slowly tighten the hold and Mark was forced to cry out, "I give, I yield, please stop!"
"What? I don't understand, I think you have a bit more flexibility left in you" Frank said chuckling and tightening a bit more so that Marks face was so close to the pouch that he could have licked it.
"Please SIR! I yield SIR! I'll submit to anything."
"YES, YES SIR!" Mark gasped.
"Well then, I guess I can let you loose." Frank released his hold and Mark crumpled into a fetal position on the mat, sucking for breath, beaten.
Frank left the ring and fetched his shirt and put it on, then he went to a cooler by the wall and pulled out a couple of bottles of Gatorade. Mark had shakily gotten to his feet and was leaning against the ropes.
"Sit down and drink this Mark," Frank said as he snapped the lid off the bottle and handed it to him.
"Thank you," Mark replied and when Frank glared at him he added a hasty "Sir". He knew his punishment had just begun.
Frank went back into his office to give Mark a chance to recover a bit and when he returned he was carrying a large weightlifting belt, a jar of some sort and something in a Ziploc bag that Mark couldn't quite make out.
"Get to attention!" Frank barked and Mark, fully recovered, popped to his feet in the classic military stance. "Now then, you will, for now and ever after, only address me as sir and speak only when spoken to. You will obey, instantly, and unquestioningly, any command that I give you. Infraction of any of my rules will invoke a punishment. The punishment you are about to receive is for what you were sent to me today for, do you understand?"
"Yes Sir, I understand." Mark felt a chill of excitement mixed with fear run up his spine at that moment. He had always been the Alpha-male, easily besting any of the members of his box and driving them to insane levels of performance by his will alone. Now he stood here, agreeing to be controlled by a man clearly his superior in every way. It disturbed him and excited him at the same time.
"What I see in you Mark is a man-boy with unbalanced discipline. I've decided to take on your training personally, to make a better man out of you, to push you into places that you haven't been before. Since you've behaved like an undisciplined boy, I am going to start with you over my knee."
Mark looked shellshocked as Frank pulled a large plyo-box over and sat on it. "OK, get over here!'
"Sir," Mark whined, "this isn't what I thought it was going to be. Please, Sir." So far everything had been above board in a manner of speaking. Mark had received spankings from his dad many times as he was growing up and this wasn't much different. Mark missed his dad and already he was beginning to see Frank like a father figure, something he had wanted but never seemed to materialize until now.
"No, this certainly isn't what you thought, but the longer you delay getting your ass over here the worse it will be."
The younger man got the message and moved quickly. He lay across Frank's huge, hairy thighs, his butt in air, his hands outstretched to the floor for balance. Mark's package lay directly on top of Franks huge bulge and he could feel the heat of it and the contour of the massive dick. Then Frank laid a heavy slap to one of Mark's exposed butt cheeks and then quickly slapped the other. "Oww!" Mark said each time Frank hit him. After what must have been twenty or so hits Mark began to bounce as he tried escaping the rapid smacks his ass was enduring. He was breathing hard and something else was also getting hard. Then Frank stopped and helped him stand.
Mark danced a bit as he rubbed his hands on his red backside. "Wow Sir, that was some punishment, you can bet I won't go astray again!"
Frank laughed, "That was just the warm-up boy, now take that jock off and don't make me tell you twice."
"Uh Sir," Mark said uneasily, "I don't think me getting fucked was part of the deal...Sir."
"Boy, I am getting tired of explaining things to you and when I tell you something you can count on it and I told you I would not do that to you unless you begged me to. Now I am getting angry and your punishment is only going to get worse the more you delay it."
Mark quickly grabbed the waistband of the jock and slipped it off, his semi-hard cock bouncing forward as the band cleared it.
Frank smiled, "Now that's better and I see you developed a little bit of a boner over my knee."
Mark's face turned red with embarrassment and he covered his package with his hands.
"Get back to attention!" Frank barked and Mark snapped to as Frank looked him over. "Now go into the weight room and fetch a pair of 100 pound kettlebells and bring them here." Mark wondered if Frank planned to work him out as his punishment since hundred pounders were pretty huge. He ran to the weight area on the other side of the gym and came back farmer-carrying the bells. "Good form," Frank commented as Mark returned to the side of the ring carrying the weights. "Put them here."
Mark grunted and set the bells down where Frank had indicated near the ring. Frank pointed at the bells and said "Put your feet here under the handles and bend over and grab the middle rope." Mark did as he was told and found himself bent over such that he could see his cock and balls dangling back between his legs as he balanced on the bells. Frank came over and adjusted the position of Mark's hands on the rope a bit wider and then wrapped a pair of velcro straps around each of his hands, securing them to the rope. Then Frank did the same to each of his feet, strapping them into the handle of each bell.
"Now let me explain my expectations. First, get your head up and keep it that way. You're going to get ten swats with my lifting belt and you'll count each one. If you fail to count, I add a swat. If you drop your head, I add a swat. Any questions?"
"No SIR!" Mark replied and lifted his head to look across to the other side of the ring. He trembled a bit because he knew this was going to be much worse than the over-the-knee spanking, but he was going to man-up and get it over with. Then Frank grabbed his ass with both hands and Mark jumped.
"Just relax boy, I have wanted you in this position for quite some time," he chuckled, "your glutes are very well-developed, so tight."
Frank continued to massage Mark's butt and ran his hands down the man's legs as if he was sizing up an animal purchase. As he was doing this Mark started to feel more relaxed, maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all, he thought.
Frank's hands moved to Mark's midsection as he kneaded and rubbed the ab muscles. Mark sighed.
"Now let's see what you have down under."
Frank put both his hands on the inside of Mark's thighs causing him to jump and tremble. With a smile of satisfaction Frank noted Mark's balls draw up as he activated the cremasteric reflex. Frank grabbed Mark's sack and kneaded his balls gently. "Uhhhhhhhhhhh!" Mark exclaimed as his knees buckled at the touch. "Wow! Your balls are sensitive! You know, at your wedding I overhead Mary tell one of her girlfriends that you had the most sensitive balls of any man she had ever slept with. She said that she could get you off just by stroking your nuts. Is that true?"
Mark's face went a bright crimson as he flushed with embarrassment at the fact that one of his most personal details was pretty much public knowledge. "Yes, Sir," he said dejectedly.
"I like how your crotch is trimmed. Balls left a little fuzzy, but clean shaven at the bottom." As Frank said this he rubbed the shaved bottom of Mark's scrotum lightly with his fingertips. Mark moaned and began to tremble, his dick now as hard as a wooden pole.
"Boy, you are way too tense, I'll need to loosen you up a bit." Mark didn't know what he meant by that, but he did know that he was feeling more relaxed after Frank had rubbed his balls.
Frank stepped back and reached for the jar he had brought out earlier. "This should loosen you up," he said as Mark heard the sound of a jar being opened and smelled the distinctive aroma of muscle rub.
"Oh no, Sir, please!" Mark gasped as Frank applied a large dollop of the balm to his nuts. Frank worked the oily salve all over the sack, stretching and pulling the tight skin. At first, it had no effect, but as his hands warmed it the expected burning sensation began.
"Arrrrgh!" Mark cried as his balls ignited. He dropped his head to look back and saw his nuts pulsating, shiny and red from the rub.
"You were told to keep your head back boy, that's an extra swat."
Mark snapped his head back up, his teeth grinding at the burning pain in his balls. He squirmed as he tried to relieve the burn. Frank hadn't said anything about squirming.
Frank gave Mark's balls a light pat from below and weighed his shiny and oiled sack with his fingertips. "Much better, much looser. Now the fun one." Mark didn't know what Frank meant by that and wondered when he would get around to belting him, but then he heard the sound of the Ziploc bag snapping open.
"This is a ginger fig boy," Frank explained as he held what looked like a peeled turnip in front of Mark's face. The sharp smell of ginger drowning out the smell of the muscle rub. "I'm going to shove this up your ass, it will keep you from clenching up during the strapping. I just want you to know that I am not going back on what I promised about not buggering you until you beg for it, but a ginger fig up the butt doesn't count. I keep these in the fridge, so it might be a bit cold going in."
Mark felt Frank's hand on the small of his back and then the cold tip of the fig against his anus. Then Frank pushed it suddenly, the cold tuber stretching him open until his hole closed tightly on the narrow end of the plug. "It's OK for you to try and expel the fig," Frank went on, "I don't want it going too far up in you or we'll have a heckuva time getting it out. Of course, the more you try to get rid of it, the sharper the swats will sting--it's just diabolical!"
Mark bore down to try and get the fig to pop out as Frank suggested, but his ass had a different idea. As the fig warmed it began to burn and his hole just clenched more tightly around the narrow end that Frank had carved in it. Now not only were his balls on fire, but his ass as well.
Suddenly Mark heard a loud swoosh sound and felt the pressure of the lifting belt across his ass. He barely felt it, just the heavy pressure causing him to squeeze the ginger fig tighter and this just intensified the burning. "Unhhhhhh" he groaned loudly, the fire in his nuts and rectum adding now to the sudden sting of the belt. "Well, that's not what I wanted to hear boy, now I add another swat!" Frank said menacingly.
"ONE...SIR!" Mark yelled quickly. "Too late boy, you'll be counting to 12 now" and the belt swung again, landing squarely and smartly on Mark's backside. This time he felt the sting intensely as he was now pushing hard to expel the plug and his glutes were loose and open.
"Two, SIR!" he yelled through gritted teeth. Now he was sweating and Frank was just warming up. The big man paused to let Mark settle from his gyrations, then he expertly swung the belt up from below to catch Mark's tight bubble-buns at the crease where they met his thighs. This new swing lifted the younger man up on his toes, at least as far as he could get on them given that he was balancing on a pair of kettlebells.
"Unhhhh...three...SIR!" Mark cried, his entire lower body was burning and sweat was beginning to pour off him. By the eleventh swat Mark was in tears and his entire body was vibrating from the pain and the effort to remain standing. Now his head dropped forward in exhaustion, his eyes closed.
Frank ran his hand through the wet hair on Mark's head, grabbed and pulled back. "I'd add another one boy, since you were supposed to keep your head up, but this last one will be special and you need an adjustment anyway." Frank reached down and grabbed Mark's ballsack, pulling it back between his legs. Then he reared back with the belt, bringing it deftly down and up with a sidewards motion. After the main area of the belt caught Mark's ass, the narrower tongue slipped in and wrapped around Mark's sack, snapping it quickly back as the belt slid away.
"Eeeeeyow!" Mark screeched as this new pain shot up through his abdomen. He collapsed as far as he could given the straps holding him in place, then he gave a weak "Twelve, Sir."
Frank pulled the fig out from Marks ass and then undid the straps holding his hands to the ropes and his feet to the kettlebells. Mark sagged into the larger mans arms. "You did pretty good," Frank said as he held a bottle of Gatorade to Mark's lips, cradling him like a baby.