Squat Training Pt. 01
Part I
Mary was in the kitchen when the doorbell rang and she quickly went to the front hall to answer it.
"Laney!" she said as she opened the door and greeted her friend, "I am so glad you were able to come."
The tall woman was in her early thirties and stunningly beautiful. Her long, jet black hair cascaded down over her shoulders and framed an aquiline set of facial features that were highlighted by piercing eyes complimented with long, luscious lashes that gave her face almost an Egyptian goddess quality that was supplemented by a light olive tone to her flawless skin. This was in sharp contrast to Mary, who was quite a bit shorter than Laney, with a bright peach complexion and straw colored hair that was tied in a pony tail. Mary's eyes were far from piercing, but bright, almost dazzlingly blue.
Laney kicked the door shut with her foot and grabbed Mary by the waist, pulling her quickly towards her lips. "I've wanted this for so long," she breathed heavily into Mary's face as she leaned into the kiss. "Whoa!" Mary cried as she pushed her away, Laney's amorous look faded into one of surprise.
"Not so fast, it's going to happen, you just have to be patient," Mary explained, "come with me into the kitchen."
As Laney followed Mary around the corner her draw dropped open and she whispered haltingly "OH...MY...GOD!" and started giggling. "Shhhh!" Mary hissed.
What they were looking at was Mary's husband Mark, squatting naked up on the island in the center of the room. His arms were raised over his head, wrists secured by a rope that ran to an eyebolt in the ceiling and then down to a cleat mounted on the wall. He was blindfolded and wearing a pair of headphones. His naked manhood jutted stiffly up and out like a purple-colored pole. A large brass ring around his package caused his shaved balls to jut out with the skin of his scrotum drawn tight so that his balls looked like a pair of eggs.
Laney knew Mark fairly well, he and Mary owned the CrossFit box that she belonged to. She had always thought of him as something of a hardcore, man-child kind of frat boy. In fact, she had seen him verbally work over the other men at the gym and bring them to tears with his grueling workouts. She also knew he had an eye for the ladies, especially well-endowed ones like Mary and herself. In this brief moment of astonishment, she thought back to when Mary had called to invite her over. She had held a crush on Mary since the first moment she saw her and thought that maybe Mark's wandering eye had pushed her in her direction. Now she didn't know what to think.
"He can't hear us," Mary said quietly, "but speak in a low voice."
Mary reached over and gently touched the inside of Mark's left thigh. He startled and moaned, then widened his legs with a grimace as he strained to open them as far as he could.
"I've got him trained," Mary grinned. Then she put her fingertips gently around his tight balls and rotated her wrist back and forth. "I call this one the doorknob."
Mark reacted instantly, throwing his head back with a deep moan of pleasure and thrusting his hips to push his taught orbs deeper into Mary's hand, his erection bobbing wildly as he moved.
Laney just looked on dumfounded then laughed. "Shhhhh!" Mary warned.
"It's just that when you told me that Mark was tied up, I thought it meant that he wouldn't be here. This is really something else."
"Yes," Mary agreed, "something else. Mark really loves this game and I just thought inviting you over would, let's say, take it to a new level. Go ahead, play with him a bit."
Laney stepped closer to Mark and slowly looked him over. He looked even more buff like this than in his gym gear. She reached out gingerly and touched one of his nipples, slowly circling it with a nail. The bound man smiled and breathed heavily through his teeth. She reached up and scraped the other one and then circled them both with her fingertips at the same time.
Turning to Mary she said, "He doesn't know it's me."
"That's right, we're saving that reveal for later," she replied with an impish grin.
"I really don't understand this, but I like it." Laney continued to run her hands over Marks chest, flicking his nipples and pressing her fingertips firmly into his tight pecs.
Mary explained that Mark had asked her to, as he put it, 'take control of him'. Mary had caught Mark giving extra personalized instruction to one of their female clients when he thought she had left for the day and then she had threatened to leave him.
"He then told me that he was signing his balls over to me. This man is the most ball-centric guy you'll ever meet. I can get him off just by rubbing his nuts. He told me that his male power was centered on his balls and that they are what has always gotten him in trouble. He begged me not to leave him and said that his balls were mine from that day on and that if he didn't respect my ownership of them I could cut them off!"
"Wow," Laney exclaimed, "I mean, he's so virile and manly and now you are in control?"
"Oh yes," Mary smiled, "He's a good boy now and if he isn't he gets disciplined pretty severely. He only strays when I can see it and I think he does it every so often just to test the envelope and get punished. I think men are just little boys inside and want a woman in control."
Laney stopped touching Mark and turned to face Mary. "Do you dress him up as a french maid or anything?"
"No, he's not a cuck, I love him as a man, virility and all. When he has been really good I let him take me---that's a scene I just love and believe me, when I let him loose like that he can be an animal. Men are so much like dogs, watch."
Mary pushed Laney aside and gently touched the tip of Mark's cock." He gasped and whispered "Oh, yes, yes." Mary drew her finger down the front of his organ, her finger wet and slippery with his precum. Then she circled round the base of his cock as he thrusted vainly trying to get more touch on his painfully gorged rod. She drew all of her fingers up through his well-trimmed bush and into the honey-trail of fur that led to his navel. Once her hand reached his abs she began to scratch gently across them. His stomach heaved and he began to pant heavily with his tongue hanging out.
"See? Just like a dog getting a tummy rub." Mary put a hand on Mark's head and rubbed his close-cropped hair. He smiled and murmured "mmmmmmm" as she did this. "See, just a dog, or a little boy."
"Can I play with his cock a bit?"
"Oh yes, be my guest, but be careful, we do not want him to cum." Mary moved away and let her friend get between Marks knees. "First touch his thighs," she instructed.
Using both hands, Laney dragged her nails along Mark's inner thighs and the bound man groaned and grimaced as he spread his legs wider, thrusting his groin out as far as he could. "My God this man can squat," Laney marveled. As her fingertips reached the base of his scrotum she dragged her nails along both sides of his balls. "Ahhhhrggh..." Mark moaned loudly. Laney brought her hands together over Mark's dick like she was praying and slowly dragged them up along his organ. Mark bucked and thrusted, gaining more friction from her touch, his dick wet from precum. Laney quickly pulled her hands up and off his cock while Mark moaned and dropped back. "Whoa boy, not so fast." Mary nodded approvingly.
"Why don't you pinch his nipples while I pinch his cock head?"
"No, too soon," Mary explained, "Remember, he doesn't know you are here. If he feels more than two hands it will tip him off." Both women laughed at this as Laney continued to play with Mark's dick. "Watch his balls," Mary said, "if they start to tighten and pull-up he is close to coming. Go ahead and see if you can get it to happen."
Laney took this as a challenge and began to rub Mark's dick in different ways. Then she asked hesitantly, "Is is OK if I lick it?"
"Go ahead, his precum is really tasty!" Mary giggled, "but first let me tie your hair back like mine." Laney pulled her hands back again and waited until Mary had pulled her hair into a pony tail with one of her bands.
Mark had relaxed his legs back from the extreme stretch that he had held them out in and sighed. Laney thought that his cock had started to droop a bit, then she leaned in, stuck her tongue out and flicked a tiny drop of precum off the end of it.
Mark reacted like he had been subject to an electric shock. "Ahhhhhrggghhh!" he groaned, widening his knees again, but this time pulling back.
"Wow!" Laney exclaimed, "Why did he pull back like that?"
"That's training, honey, training. He knows that once the tongue touches there's no thrusting. Go ahead, play some more. I'll make us some coffee because he's going to need a cool down once you get him to the edge."
"You mean he hasn't been to the edge yet?" Mark grimaced and clenched his teeth, his lips pulled in tight as he waited for the next touch.
"This man? Oh no, he has a long way to go."
Laney turned back to Mark and licked his cock, starting at the bottom. When she reached the top she put her mouth over the head and tongued his slit. Mark moaned and writhed, but he didn't thrust. Laney admired his control, but she was determined to see his balls clench. Now she took him deep into her mouth and paused when she had engulfed his entire cock down to its base.
"Wow Laney, that is really 'deep throat'" Mary exclaimed as she set a cup of coffee down. Laney pulled back slowly, very, very slowly as Mark moaned softly. "He does taste good!" she said as she pulled off him, "What do you feed him?" They both laughed and Laney took a quick sip of her coffee before engulfing Mark's cock again. Mark could feel the added heat and moaned even louder. After pulling back the second time, Laney noted that Mark's balls hadn't yet clenched.
"Try this," Mary said, "Grab one of his balls firmly with your fingertips, like it's trying to get away or something, and then rub the other one."
Laney did as she was told, grabbing Mark's right nut firmly with the fingertips of her left hand, then rubbing his left nut with her right. "Oh my GOD," Mark blurted out as she did this, his head lolling around, his breathing becoming heavy. Then she switched, clenching the opposite ball while rubbing the other. Marks moans became louder.
"I don't know what it is, but this maneuver always gets the same response," Mary observed between sips of coffee.
Suddenly, Laney let go of Mark and stepped back. Mark groaned again.
"I felt his balls try to pull in!" Laney exclaimed.
"Yep, you did it. He was very close to cumming. We need to take a break and let him cool down."
The two women took their coffees to the table while Mark, realizing that he had almost cum, sat back on his heels and sighed.
"This is just amazing," Laney said between sips, "I mean, I've never had this sort of access to a man. Will he get soft now?"
"No, not completely. I gave him a Viagra before you got here. He'll get a little soft, but not all the way. Once he droops a little it will be time to start again, but this time we'll pull the blindfold and headphones."
Laney looked at her friend quizzically.
"Oh, that was the plan all along, I've wanted to surprise him and see how far I can take this." With that she leaned over and kissed Laney full on the lips.