Split Screen
"Hi daddy, working hard?" Mary had rapped twice on the door, then opened it and strode into my home office.
"Uh, oh, hi Mary. Just taking a short break," I said, scrambling to close down Internet Explorer before my step-daughter could see what I was viewing.
Mary is the 27 year old daughter of my second wife. I have been married to Helen, who is 48 and five years older than me, for two years now. Mary and I get along o.k., I guess, but she is kind of aggressive by nature, and has never acted as though she thought I was a good match for her mother.
"So what brings you by this time of day?" I asked. "Your mother is still at the office."
"Just happened to be in the neighborhood and thought I'd see what you were up to."
"Oh, still mostly just doing research for my book. Making good progress, though I think."
The research that I was supposed to be doing was for a book that I was supposed to be writing. For my last birthday six months ago, Helen, who is a top executive with a Fortune 500 company, had bought me a top of the line computer system for my work. It drove two monitors independently, and was as fast as lightning. She had had her company IT folks tune it up and install every program I had ever heard of, and several others that I had not. When I first sat at the keyboard in my home office, I couldn't believe the things I could do with it, and only understood about half of its real capability.
"Research, daddy? Let me show you something," Mary said, and moved around behind me. She pushed me in my chair up against the desk and reached her arms around me to get to the keyboard.
"There's a little feature of this machine that you may not be familiar with," she said as she opened a log-on window that I had never seen before and quickly typed in some cryptic instructions. When she hit
"Look familiar?" Mary asked.
"Wh-what's that?" I stammered in surprise and shock.
With a few more key strokes, Mary brought up the left hand monitor with a clear image of me sitting at my desk, as I was just a few moments before Mary arrived, when I was watching the scene now showing on the other monitor. I looked very intent but with eyes a little glazed. I had never turned on the webcam that was permanently mounted on top of the right hand monitor; apparently, it had been on without my knowing.
"Where did that come from?" I asked. I was starting to sweat. How humiliating to be caught viewing femdom porn by your much younger step-daughter.
"Oh you haven't seen anything yet, daddy dear," Mary said, pushing me harder against my desk, imprisoning me in my chair. I could feel her full breasts pressing against my shoulder blades, her fit but feminine arms over my shoulders on either side of my neck, her right cheek close against my left ear. The deep, musky smell of her perfume and the natural smell of her body enveloped me. Mary is a tall, curvy auburn haired beauty, perhaps a little prone to gaining weight, a tendency that she battles effectively with daily trips to the gym. With her size and strength, and with me seated as I was, she had all the leverage she needed to keep me trapped securely in place.
"Let me show you this little feature," she continued.
With a few key strokes, the images in both screens jumped to other, similar scenes, and proceeded to display recorded video in a fast forward mode. As the scenes of female domination, discipline and male degradation flashed across the right screen, the left clearly displayed me in my chair before my computer. Periodically, you could see me reach down with my right hand disappearing into the waistband of my pants, then my arm would jerk violently up and down.
During one of these scenes, Mary tapped a key and both screens went to normal speed. In the right screen, a naked man was kneeling on a bed and taking it at both ends. A busty blond was aggressively working his ass with a huge strap-on dildo, while a hairy, muscular man knelt at his head, both hands buried in the man's hair while he forced his rampant dick deep down his throat.
In the left screen, I was obviously jerking off. My hand moving rapidly in my pants.
"Oh my god," I said. "Mary, how long has this been going on? How... how long have you been recording my computer browsing?"
"Since day one, daddy, and it's all still here. If you knew anything about computers, you might have noticed that those huge hard drives were slowly filling even though you've recorded zilch in your 'researches'."
As she spoke, Mary unbuttoned my shirt with her right hand and reached underneath to stroke my left nipple. "So tell me, daddy, in your fantasies, as you were watching this video, which role were you playing? Were you the big hunk who's being serviced by the wimp, or were you the loser taking it up the ass while sucking on your boyfriend's big cock." My nipple was growing hard with her teasing. "Never mind, I think we both know the answer to that question," she said with a laugh, and gave my nipple a little tweak.
"Oh lord," I moaned. "Mary, you've got to keep this between the two of us. I'll do anything you want, just don't tell your mother."
"Boy, you really are naïve, aren't you, daddy. It's mother who told me. Who do you think arranged this setup? Do you really believe that she would have gone to the trouble of building this monitoring capability into your system and then never checked it? What a loser you are," she said as she seized my nipple between the fingers of her right hand and pinched it hard.
"You thought that you had quite the free ride, didn't you daddy, sitting at home, jerking off to internet porn while your wife did the work and paid the bills. Let's see what mom has to say about that, shall we?" and striking a few keys with her left hand, the left monitor went momentarily blank and then filled with the image of Helen sitting behind her large cherry wood desk across town. It was obvious that she could see us clearly. She was looking directly at Mary and I, very business like, very stern.
"Turn off that crap," she said to Mary, "or at least kill the sound."
Mary reached out and muted the right screen.
A look of distaste crossed Helen's face--apparently she had my monitors on split screen--then she continued. "I've put up with this long enough, Bradley."
"Please, Helen, it's not what you think," I interjected. "I was just..."
"I know what you've been doing," Helen interrupted. "I became suspicious shortly after we were married. You've grown steadily less attentive and responsive to my needs, and spent more and more time buried in your office. Strangely, nothing productive ever seemed to result from your efforts. Well, we are going to put a stop to that now."
"No problem, Helen, really," I exclaimed. "I won't ever visit any of those sites again."
Before me, on the right monitor, the man was still working on the stud's erection, while the woman had gotten off of the bed and was leathering his ass with a heavy strap.
"Shut up, Bradley," Helen commanded. "I don't want to hear a word from you unless I ask for it."
"Hush now, daddy," Mary whispered in my ear, as she pulled and twisted my left nipple, brutally.
"I waited for you to grow out of this addiction," Helen continued, "but it's obvious that is not going to happen. So, we're going to take a different approach.
"As it happens, our daughter Mary has a similar interest in the femdom life style; but while you are fascinated by the sub side, she has the personal strength and aggressive self image to act the dom. She inherited her mother's genes," Helen added with a wicked smirk.
"As you know, I've got a business trip to Asia planned for the next two weeks. I won't be coming home tonight, and won't see you again until I get back. While I'm gone, I'm putting you under the less than tender mercies of our daughter."
"No, please, Helen, you can't do this to me."
"Can't? That's a word I never want to hear from your lips again! Mary, see that he is punished for that.
"This is the agenda, Bradley... no, your name isn't Bradley, it's Brianna from now on." A moan escaped my lips. "As I was saying, Brianna, this is the agenda. Since you've been next to worthless as a man, over the next two weeks, Mary is going to train you to be a woman.
"Mary, when I get back, I want to see him transformed. I want his ass ready for my largest dildo, and I want world-class performance out of his tongue."
"No, please," I pleaded.
"That's another infraction," Helen stated flatly. "See that he is well spanked after we are done here, Mary."
Mary gave my nipple another sharp twist. I cried out in fear that she would rip it from my chest.
"You don't have much time, Mary," Helen continued, "so I expect you to work him hard and punish him often. If he is not ready to walk like a lady in the highest of heels, provide head to me and my more manly friends like a top pro, work his tongue far more effectively than he ever used his dick up my cunt and up my ass, I'll get rid of him and we'll look for someone else."
"Please, Helen, please don't do this to me," I begged.
"That's three," Helen said coldly.
Mary bit me hard where my neck meets my shoulder, then gently started kissing the spot while cooing, "there, there, daddy, mustn't be bad, or daughter will spank."
"And Brianna," Helen said to me, "lest you misunderstand, I have no intention of ever turning you loose. If I'm not pleased with your progress when I get back from Asia, I'll have you neutered, smuggled out of the country and sold on the slave market. At your age, you won't bring much, but I know a trader in Turkey that can find you a position as a fuck and whipping boy in the harem of a fat pasha."
I saw Helen reach down to the keyboard on her desk, and the left hand monitor went to black.
"Now You're mine," Mary's deep, sexy voice whispered in my ear.
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