Spies of Cold War
Spies of Cold War.
A fit, good looking man wearing brown business suit walked to the back door and knocked. Isaac Nicholson made sure that he wouldn't be noticed here, he didn't want anyone to know he was here. House belonged to Michael Carney, a wealthy businessman and weapon manufacturer.
After a minute the door opened and he quickly entered and closed them behind. He turned and faced a middle-aged attractive brunette with voluptuous body. Lana Carney, a wife of owner of the house, was wearing white dress, brown stockings and red high heels.
He looked at her for a moment then kissed her – an action that she eagerly returned.
"Is it safe?" He asked when their lips parted.
"We are alone. He went on two days delegation." She licked her lips as he unbuttoned her dress and released her breast. He pushed her against the wall and impatiently ripped her dress open.
She moaned as his teeth brushed against her nipple. That sent a jolt through her body. After a minute of his ministrations she climaxed. She was a quivering mush in his hands – she was salivating on her own breasts, panting like a dog, her panties drenched with her juices.
'And it's only from breast play.' She thought.
He could play on her like on instrument and she loved every second of it. What's more, she wanted more of it.
"Well then, now that we preformed our greetings, let's get to business, shall we." Isaac said cheerfully.
It started four months ago. Her husband's company was facing financial problems. She was approached by individual who offered money for information. Knowing that this was probably the only way for them not to bankrupt, she agreed and stolen the required information from her husband's safe. The money really helped them and their company. She knew that her benefactor was a commie, but she was not interested in ideology – only in money. And if Reds are ready to pay her husband's company to arm her countryman, all the better. In reality, only her husband's company mattered to her.
After a time she needed a cash again and she approached her benefactor. For payment she was to give information on competitor companies. She didn't have any problems with that, after all it's a competition that would be hurt.
A month ago she approached a bureaucrat to help her acquire... less legal information. She was politely rejected but she didn't stop. After a few attempts she finally found Isaac who, in return for compensation, gave her the information she was searching for. She returned to him for help with another matter, an information about ,but he refused. It took her two weeks of seduction and another bribe to finally convince him to help her.
She discovered that he was pretty skilled lover. He could drive her crazy in bed – something her husband never managed. He made her laugh, he was intelligent, he was good listener... She found herself falling for man. She still loved her husband, but found herself in love with younger man as well. He was charming. She found herself explaining some of her actions – nothing vital, just some of her minor problems. He didn't judge her, just accepted the situation. It really made her day.
Her only problem with him was his obsession with money. She even wondered if he was so good to her because she paid him... but in the end, she didn't care.
Still breathing heavily, Lana walked to living room, not caring about her state of undress. She walked to table and grabbed the envelope with money. She turned only to find Isaac standing behind her. He grabbed the envelope and put it one of his pockets. He spun her around and took of the remnants of her dress and panties. She now only wore brown garter belt, brown stockings and red high-heels.
He kneeled before her and moment later she felt his tongue inside her. After two climaxes she fell on floor exhausted – and he hasn't penetrated her yet. After a moment of rest, due to his urgings she got on all fours. That was when he finally penetrated her... and she came instantly. She shuddered as he started massaging the point between her shoulder blades.
"Does your husband know about how you got information? Don't want to tell him something he shouldn't know... should I ever meet him." Isaac asked.
"No, ah! He doesn't know anythi... ah, right there. He doesn't... ah! know anything..."
He started moving. It took her five orgasms before Isaac reached his own. When he finally came, Lana climaxed with him. Spent, she fell on floor, basking in afterglow.
Isaac reached into his pocket and took out a zip-tie with which he bound her arms behind her back.
It took few moments to come out of afterglow. First thing she noticed was that her hands were bound, then she noticed the gun (Colt Trooper) that Isaac was holding.
"Did you really think your actions will go unnoticed? That you wouldn't be found?" he grabbed her hair and pulled, forcing her on her knees.
He never behaved like that in front of her – like he was completely different man... and that scared her. The fact the her hands were bound and that her held a gun didn't help. Maybe she could convince him with money not to hurt her?
Then the meaning of his words hit her.
"Please! I can make you rich! I have- Ahhh!" she screamed as Isaac twisted her nipple. When her mouth was opened, he gagged her with her own drenched panties and secured them with stocking he found in drawer.
"You betrayed your country. And now you will pay for that." With that said, he covered her head with black bag, blocking her vision.
While Isaac was tying Kana, he considered her for a moment. Isaac couldn't really understand. Even though she was rich, she sold her own country... for petty money. True, she might have some problems, but everyone does. That's the life. That's why you had friends and banks to borrow you money. If worst came, they could just sell the company – that would give them enough money to get by.
When he finished, he looked at her. Clad only in stockings, high-heels and garter-belt, kneeling, bound, her head covered with bag, trembling with fear... That was quite a view.
He considered whether to give her something more to wear but after a moment he discarded the idea. She whored her country, so she deserved to be clothed like a whore. That and what she had on, was more than enough in place she was going to.
After making sure, that Lana's afraid enough not to move or do anything stupid, Isaac searched house for any evidence of her little conspiracy. He did found few documents, but nothing much.
When he finished, Isaac led his prisoner into garage. He opened trunk of Lana's car - blue Plymouth Roadrunner.
"You will behave." She tensed as he trailed gun's barrel over her skin. "I don't exactly need you alive." She shuddered and whimpered at his threat.
Isaac now knew she would behave and not cause any problems. He forced her inside trunk and closed it.
He closed the house and drove out.
Half an hour later Isaac parked in front of 'Sunday's Dinners' restaurant and walked inside. He sat next to gorgeous blond and puts his car keys next to her keys.
Rebecca Webb was Isaac's friend and co-worker, working in IT department – Interrogation and Torture. Even though he acquired some intel from Lana, she had to be properly interrogated. They had yet to know who recruited Lana and the names of people she managed to recruit.
For a few minutes they sat in silence drinking coffee, enjoying their company.
"So, how was she?" Rebecca asked.
Isaac thought for a moment.
"Attractive, great voluptuous body... and boring in bed."
Rebecca laughed.
"Like most women nowadays. That's why it's so easy to seduce them - show them few tricks in bed, liven up their sexual life and they will fall for you."
She finished her coffee and took his car keys.
"See you around."
Isaac watched as Rebecca drove his car away, with Lana still in trunk.
He had no doubt that Lana will confess everything she knows – everybody can be broken, its only matter of time. He briefly wondered what will happen with Lana when Rebecca was done with her.
He shook his head and discarded this thought. Lana was a traitor and she deserved death... but her fate wasn't important.
What mattered, is that he done his patriotic duty in stopping red infestation. He got rid of traitor, before she became a threat to the Greatest Country in the World – USA!