Spicing Things Up
This story actually takes place prior to Big City Bondage Chapters 1 & 2.
Lately my wife has been watching shows about how celebrity marriages that start off as fairytale weddings end up in bitter divorce. Pair this with her best friend who thought she married the perfect guy is currently going through a nasty divorce process. She wondered why are married guys willing to risk their marriage for women that are not as attractive as their wife. I told her it comes down to opportunity and convenience and that the married guys are not looking to break up the marriage but more to spice up their life. She says to me what do we need to do to spice up our life so that we don't have to worry about getting divorced. I told her just open lines of communication and that I wanted to try new things in the bedroom.
Now for a little background info. My wife's name is Kristen. She's in her mid-thirties and I have known her since college. She's 5'1" with beautiful red hair. We have no children so she still has a beautiful figure. She is a 36C and has a cute little bubble butt. Lately she likes wearing pushup bras to further accentuate her chest and to drive me wild.
It was just a regular Saturday morning up until Kristen wanted me to run numerous errands for her. I told her no and that I was enjoying the relaxing day.
She asks pretty please and I tell her it's still a no. She says what happens if she makes it worth my while.
I ask what she had in mind.
She says I can wrap her up later.
I tell her deal and start to get ready to do her mindless errands.
It's around 2 p.m. when I finally finish the last of the errands and return home just in time to let the cleaning lady in since Kristen isn't back from her mani/pedi appointment at the nail salon, which is the first one she has been able to book since COVID-19 shut down the state.
Needless to say Kristen wasn't missing this for the world.
As the cleaning lady is vacuuming upstairs, I start to gather the materials for wrap session that will commence once Kristen gets back. I rummage through the downstairs guest bedroom and find the massive pallet wrap I still have left over from when we moved into the condo. The thought of me wrapping Kristen up with that in a full mummification always turned me on but since I haven't wrapped her up in some time, I had to play it safe and stick with the small handheld wrap I had picked up. I finish gathering some more supplies and just have them together over in the guest bedroom for when I need to retrieve them.
Kristen returns around 4 p.m. and shows off her lovely light pink fingernails and pretty red toenails as she wears her flip flops provided by her from the nail salon. As she was getting them done, the sky turned dark and started to downpour. She didn't have an umbrella and her tight white tee shirt was soaked and her tan bra was showing.
She asked for a towel, which I retrieved from the linen closet and told her she should do this look more often. She told me in her sorority days they did a wet tee shirt contest but she didn't win.
I told her that was a shame and the judges must have been blind. I asked her if any of the neighborhood men saw her like this.
She said just Dan and he couldn't keep his eyes off her chest.
I said be careful because he lives by himself on the other end of our unit and his condo is nice and secluded. There is no telling what sinister schemes he may want to do to a busty red head in a wet tight white tee shirt.
She replies with she's more worried about my sinister schemes and what I have in store for her today.
I say speaking of that, let's get you out of these wet clothes.
We go into the master bedroom and I help Kristen with undressing. I get her down to her panties and then I go into the guest room and get the handheld wrap.
Kristen sees what I am up to and tells me no, now is not the time.
I tell her she was just in wet clothes and this will help to warm her up.
She replies with Anna is still here cleaning.
I tell her I can lock the master bedroom so she doesn't interrupt unless you want company.
Kristen says no, after she leaves, then you can wrap me up.
I say okay, but your chest is going to be on full display.
All while Anna is cleaning our downstairs, Kristen keeps whispering in my ears, teasing me because she knows I can't do anything with the cleaning lady in the condo. Kristen asks me what would I do if I looked out the window and saw Dan intercepting her on her way back home with handcuffs, gag and a pair of scissors?
I would tell him to bring the fun inside.
Kristen says what happens if he cut my wet tee shirt off, I would tell him to cut your panties off too for an additional trophy.
I say honestly, I would love to see it and even to see him tie you up in his garage to his motorcycle would be hot to see you bent over it and being spanked silly.
Kristen sees the massive bulge in my pants and comments that she sees this is turning me on.
I tell her when she talks dirty to me, it always does.
She says we are going to have to address this immediately.
Unfortunately, immediately didn't happen as fast as I would like it, time moved so slowly and it felt like the cleaning lady took forever.
The moment Anna did leave, I walked Kristen into the master bedroom and started to undress her. I took everything but her panties off and told her this is long overdue. I started playing with her breasts and then picked up the handheld wrap. I took her left wrist and wrapped the plastic around it a few times. Then I held her left wrist against the side of her body and wrapped that around her stomach a few times. Then I took her right wrist and wrapped that in plastic a few times before I placed her right wrist against her stomach and encircled her stomach a few times. I asked her if she could move her hands.
She tried and told me no.
I told her stay right there and went into the guest bedroom for the supplies I gathered earlier. I took two red heart shaped nipple pasties that say "Kiss Me" on them, took off the adhesive back and one by one placed them on her nipples. I pushed firmly on each one making sure they were secure at keeping the nipples concealed.
Her right nipple never gives me problems but that left nipple is resilient. It fights hard against that nipple pasty and eventually poked through.
I tell her I will have to come up with a plan to address that next time.
Kristen laughs.
I open Kristen's panty drawer and start rummaging through it.
She tells me to leave her panties alone.
I pick up a small nude thong and she asks how I found that.
I said it took me some time because it was buried in the back but I found it when Anna was cleaning and you were out.
Kristen replies with she knows it was buried in the back because she didn't want me to find it.
I start to ball it up and I tell Kristen to open up.
Kristen shakes her head no.
I tell her I can use one of her regular panties, but those are much bigger.
Kristen says fine, but before you gag me, can we order dinner, I really want Bertucci's tonight.
I tell her of course. I pull out my phone and I yelp Bertucci's and we order the food for delivery. I show her the order and she opens her mouth as wide as she can. I tell her she is a good girl as I stuff the panties in her mouth. I tell her that she needs to take more of it in.
She does and then I tell her to pucker her lips together. She does as instructed and I pull out an "X" shaped KT Strip.
I plaster it on her face and make sure it holds.
Kristen mumbles something but I go behind her and help lift her onto the bed.
I slide her onto the bed and try to open her legs, she crosses them trying to playfully deny me access to her.
Just then I see her pushing the thong in her mouth up against the KT Strip.
I tell her she better not pop out her mouth stuffing.
Kristen looks me straight in the eyes and out pops the nude tan thong out of the side of the KT Strip over her mouth. Kristen then proceeds to tell me I need to learn how to properly gag a woman.
I tell her next time I won't be so lenient. I pick up a single leg stocking from my supplies and start to stretch it out.
Kristen tells me she is sorry for spitting out her gag and turns her head trying to pick the balled up nude tan thong up with her mouth.
I tell her it's too late.
The stocking fights with Kristen's head before I can finally get it over it.
Kristen says "Fuck".
I smooth it out and tell her I love the sexy cat burglar vibe that she exudes when the nylon is over her face. I walk around the bed and I touch Kristen between the legs and she is all wet. I hop on the bed and begin to mount her.
Kristen moans as I pound her and then I put my hand over her mouth and I ask if she hears that.
She says it's my phone.
I reach over and pick it up and it's Door Dash.
They tell me they are sorry to interrupt but Bertucci's is out of the desert I paid for.
I continue to plow Kristen while on the phone and ask what the other dessert options are. After hearing the list of them, I say that any of the desserts will do.
They tell me they will be leaving momentarily and see me soon.
I thank them and put the phone down.
Kristen tells me Door Dash will be here soon so that we have to finish this up.
I say "Why?"
She says "No, don't even think about it."
I said "What?"
She goes I know what you are thinking and you are not tying me up for Door Dash.
I say the tying up is for me, but you are already tied up. I tell her it will be fine. Just stay tucked away behind the door and Door Dash will never know I have a Super Hottie bound behind the door.
I put on a tee shirt and a pair of shorts. Then help Kristen up off the bed. I find the pair of panties she was wearing earlier and start to ball them up. I ask her what was that you were saying about someone needs to learn how to properly gag a woman.
Kristen tells me she doesn't remember that part.
I lift up the stocking over her mouth, wedge the panties into her mouth and then pull the stocking cap down.
Kristen says "I'm sorry".
I say you can make up for it after we get dinner. I parade Kristen around to the front door and wait for Door Dash to drop off our dinner.
While we wait, I decide to play with Kristen's chest and whisper into her ear. I say what would you do if I left you like this: half wrapped, tits on display with red heart shaped "Kiss Me" nipple pasties over them, no panties, and a stocking over your beautiful face?
Kristen mutters something.
I continue with what if I left you outside Dan's front door and rang the door bell for him to find you?
Kristen mutters "You wouldn't dare."
I tell her don't tempt me.
Just then, Door Dash is coming up the stairs to our condo and I turn to Kristen and put a finger over my mouth to signal to her to be quiet.
Door Dash rings the doorbell and I open it up. They tell me they have my order and apologize that Bertucci's didn't have the original requested dessert but the replacement is in the bag.
I thank them and tell them I want to give them a cash tip but I can't seem to find my wallet.
I know Kristen must have rolled her eyes at that one.
I tell Door Dash I will be right back and leave the door open. As long as Kristen doesn't move or make a sound she is fine. I hurry back and give Door Dash a generous tip.
They leave and I shut the door.
The look on Kristen's face was priceless.
I take the stocking off from over her face and tell her to spit out her panties.
She tells me that was so crazy and adventurous. She was convinced Door Dash would see her but they never looked over at her. She stood still as best she could and tried to control her breathing.
I cut her out of the plastic wrap and we both enjoy dinner.
At dinner we are enjoying our Italian food and Kristen tells me that she is so horny from earlier today and that we need to finish what we started.
I asked her what she had in mind.
She told me that it was so hot being completely helpless and ignored while Door Dash dropped off dinner that she wanted to try something else. Something that involved possibly being caught.
I told her I have always dreamt about having sex with her on our back deck. I said it's nice and secluded and that we would have to wait until nightfall.
She tells me that would be hot and that they need to wait until dark so the neighbors don't see anything.
As I was throwing out the trash, I noticed the back deck was still soaked from the afternoon downpour. I tell Kristen we can put towels down but Kristen says we'll have to take a rain check on it then but instead comes up with the idea that since the master bedroom abuts the back deck, why don't we just have sex on the carpet in front of the sliding door.
I said that sounds great.
We run into the bedroom and I put a pillow down for Kristen's head.
She opens the sliding door and so it's just the screen so we can get the fresh air and still have to stay quiet.
I palm Kristen's breasts and tell it this reminds me of the time we were in Boston and on the 7th floor of the hotel and I was groping and fondling her in front of the whole City. That there were so many people in close proximity but no one to save the Princess from being fucked. I pull Kristen down to the floor and we lovingly embrace each other before she lies down with her head on the pillow. I mount her while I play with her beautiful breasts and lick her nipples. I tell her we need to be quiet and keep thrusting into her.
She starts to lightly moan and I put my hand over her mouth.
I tell her I so want to fuck her on the back deck and I don't care if we get caught. I tell Kristen I want to handcuff her to the railing on the back deck butt naked and have sex with her.
Kristen says we'll do that tomorrow.
I ask why can't we do it now.
She says because it's wet outside.
I tell her we're both already wet. I tell her to talk dirty to me and repeat what I want to do to her.
She says I want to strip her naked, march her out to the back deck, lie her down spread eagle on the back deck, raise her hands over her head, handcuff her hands behind one of the wooden railing posts, and have sex with her until we both erupt.
I ask if I can gag her, she says of course so she doesn't make a sound as they wouldn't want their nosy neighbors to find her all completely helpless and fucked.
I said not even Dan.
Kristen replies with especially not Dan because he may kidnap her and throw her in the sidecar of his motorcycle.
I said I would pay to see that.
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