Private Chamber
I hear you go to the front door and I look out into the hall to watch you. As I suspected you start flirting with the postman again. The way you laugh, the tone of your voice, the way you lean your body, the way you smile and glance into his eyes, the way you position your night dress to show off your cleavage, no wonder he always knocks twice.
You close the door, turn and notice me with a guilty start.
"What are doing?"
"You were flirting with him weren't you."
You try to hold my gaze but can't and you start fidgeting from side to side. You're lying and you know I know you're lying.
"You know the rules. No flirting with other men. I'm the only man in your life. You belong to me."
You look up and stare at me defiantly. You push out your hip. You are so beautiful. You know how I love to break your resistance and turn a rebellious uncooperative woman into the willing sex slave she longs to be, eager to be used by her master to please his every whim.
I advance towards you but you hold your ground and stick out your breasts. Excellent, defiant to the last, I'm going to have fun with you this morning. Fortunately I recently bought an extra toy that will be perfect for the job. You will not be so quick to flirt with the postman the next time he calls.
I grab your hair and drag you towards our special room. You are such a misbehaving slut I've had to set up a special room so I can give you the punishments you deserve. For some reason you never seem to learn your lesson but don't worry I'm a patient man and will always find time to deal with your wayward behaviour.
"Leave me alone, let go of my hair you bastard."
Oh you are going to pay for that. You know how severely I treat you when you swear at me, I have no choice it's for your own good.
"Shut up you dirty little tramp. You have to be punished for what you've done. Who knows what you'd do if I wasn't here to protect you from yourself."
I tap out the combination on the door lock. This is our private chamber, strictly off limits to anyone else except perhaps some special guests one day.
You try to pull back but I am too strong for you. "Get inside bitch". I give your hair a hard pull and slap your beautiful curvy behind to make sure you get the message. "Take your night dress off." It is thin and revealing but it needs to come off if I'm to punish you properly.
I move behind you and push you face down onto the two large cushions in the centre of the room. Your knees rest on the floor and I grab your arms and place your wrists in the cuffs attached to the floor by the corners of the cushions. I attach similar cuffs to your ankles and then lift up the ends of the long strap attached to the floor by the side of the cushions and buckle it round your back. That's better now you are completely at my mercy and I'm going to take full advantage of you.
"So you little tramp are you sorry for what you've done."
"I haven't done any wrong. Let me go."
"I'm very disappointed with you. You're such a slut. The least you could do is admit it. Fortunately I know what to do with a bitch like you."
I take out your blindfold and cover your eyes. A slut should always be blind folded before her punishment so she is even more helpless and vulnerable.
I take out my new toy and allow the ends to gently run along the length of your back. "Oh my god what's that, please don't hit me with it. I'm sorry I flirted with the postman I can't help it. Please forgive me."
"It's too late for that. This is a cat o'nine tails. This is how bad little girls like you are taught to be good girls who obey and respect their master."
I take hold of your hair with my left hand and pull your head back. "Now slut here's your punishment." I swing the whip hard towards your lovely soft bottom. The nine separate thongs sting into your ass. Your whole body arches in shock making your delicious bottom stick up even more as you make a deep gasp. Perfect, now who is in control.
I swing hard again. Normally I go much slower but you swore at me on the way to our chamber so I have to punish you severely. Its for your own good.
I swing again aiming for a different spot on your divine cheeks. I like to ensure every inch is covered. At last your initial shock wears off and you let out your earlier breath as a loud scream. Beautiful. You are my slave and you will obey me or pay the price. Your scream excites the beast within me. He wants more. He wants to subjugate and dominate you totally. He wants to hear you beg for mercy. I feel the power a true master feels over his helpless slave. Its hot and its exciting. I can do whatever I like with you and you have no control what so ever.
I swing a fourth time even harder. Your scream is louder still. The beast is restless within me. Why do you have to corrupt me you little slut. Its all your fault. Finally you catch your breath.
"Please stop, I can't take anymore. I'll do anything you ask."
I reach between your legs and slide my hand over your pussy. Just as I suspected you're dripping wet.
"You filthy slut, you're dripping wet. What kind of a girl enjoys being whipped. Only a complete slut would enjoy this. What are you?"
"I'm a complete slut master. Use me anyway you want but please stop whipping me."
"Very well." I turn and start to move away as though returning the whip. Then just as you begin to relax slightly I suddenly take a step back and make a vicious swing onto your heavenly rounded bottom. Your scream is the loudest I have ever achieved. I feel the bond between torturer and victim more intensely than ever before. You are completely under my power, you have no free will at all.
Your body collapses onto the cushions and you sob gently your head hanging over the edge in submission. Tears run out the side of the blind fold. My heart goes out to you. You can't help being such a slut. I wish I did not have to discipline you so hard but its for your own good. I gently stroke your hair.
"There there little girl. Its over now but you had to be punished for what you did."
"I know sir, thank you for caring so much that you give me be the guidance I need. I'd be lost without you."
"Hush now, let me kiss and rub it better." I run my lips down your back gently kissing as I go. Your buttocks are bright red with angry lines running across them. They look wonderful, a freshly whipped slave always does. I am your master and I have made my mark on you. I rub and kiss your cheeks. Your bottom is very hot and radiates heat into my face. I slide my right hand between your legs and onto your pussy. I don't how but you are even wetter than before. I tease out your clit and start making circles round it with my fingers. You moan and move your ass back to give me better access. I nibble at your lovely cheeks then part them with my left hand whilst gently rubbing your clit from side to side.
"Now cum for your master like a good little slut." I slide my tongue deep into your anus and savour the intense physical intimacy. Your body shudders as the climax sweeps over you. I'm so proud. Only sluts of the highest quality can cum on command. I continue rubbing and swirling to prolong your orgasm for as long as possible.
When your shudders die down I step back and remove the cuffs and the waist strap. Its been fun so far but I haven't finished with you yet not by a long way. I put my hands on your shoulders and drag you onto the floor. "Get up bitch you can't lie around all day. Kneel with your hands forward." I place padded cuffs around your wrists. "Now bitch hang your head in shame and beg for forgiveness."
"Please forgive me master I'm just a slut who can't help myself. I want all the men I meet to like me. I want them to show me attention and look at my breasts. It makes me feel like a woman."
"Do I show you attention, do I make you feel like a woman?"
"Yes master you do and I've learnt my lesson. I won't do it again. I belong to you. I am your slave. Please use my body so I can make it up to you. Please forgive me."
"Very well slut. We shall see. Now kiss the whip that has made you see the error of your ways." I place the whip handle next to your mouth and you caress it with your lips. I push it slightly into your mouth and you suck on it like the head of a cock. "Enough bitch now kiss your master's feet."
You are still wearing your blindfold and have to reach forward to find my feet with your hands before bowing down and kissing them. A slave should always know her place in life and give her master the respect he deserves. "Enough bitch now kneel."
You move back to a kneeling position with your back straight and your breasts out. Your hands are together and your head is bowed in submission.
Your mouth is slightly open. Your lips look so sensual. Your face is flushed. Your large full breasts gently rise and fall as you breathe. You are so beautiful, so submissive and demur. The beast rises within me again. I can't control it. I have to conquer and subjugate you. I have to force myself inside you. I have to possess you. You must feel my power and submit yourself. This is the effect you have on me. Its all your fault. Will I ever escape from your web.
I drag you to the sofa and throw you face down over the padded arm rest.
"Please be gentle with me" you beg knowing this will have the opposite effect on me. You need to be ravished almost as much as I need to ravish you.
"Shut up you fucking bitch. You need to be treated like the slut you are." I hold you down with my hands while you wriggle and squirm deliciously.
"Hold still you fucking slut or I'll use the whip on you again." You freeze instantly. So you've had enough of the whip have you. Well don't worry I've got something else in store for you now.
I line my rock hard cock up with your pussy lips. We are both leaking copious amounts of fluid. I grab hold of your hair with my right hand and pull your head back.
"This is what you need you dirty little slut" and I ram my cock deep into your pussy with all the force I can muster. You scream as I violate your depths. Excellent, you felt that didn't you bitch. I push you down with my left hand, my body hard and dominate over your soft vulnerable form. I start driving back and forth in your hot wet pussy. You make noises somewhere between a grunt and a moan. The noise a slut makes while her body is thoroughly used.
"Had enough yet you fucking little tramp?"
"Don't, please stop, it hurts" at the same time you push your ass back and up so I can deeper inside you. You're priceless you really are.
I let go of your hair with my right hand and bring it down several times as hard as I can on your right cheek. "You fucking bitch this is what you get when you disobey your master."
I slide my index finger into your anus. There is so much pussy and cock juice around it slips in easily. "God you're a tight bitch." This takes you over the edge and I feel your body shudder and your pussy spasm against by cock. The slut within you just can't help herself can she.
I grab your hair again with my right hand and your buttock with my left. I start ramming into you with all the force I can muster, pulling on your hair and ass for maximum leverage and penetration. "Take it bitch." You start screaming again. You can't take much more of this. With one last desperate plunge I shoot my cum deep into your pussy.
I collapse onto your back and hold you gently. You are mine once more. You are forgiven.
Perhaps next time we should get the postman to join us when we play one of our games. He always brings a large package with him. I'm sure he'd want to deliver it to you particularly if I offer you to him tied up, bent over, blind folded and completely helpless.