Prisoner of the Slave Farm
The D-day has finally come! The day I decided to finally visit that mystery place I had been fantasizing about long before that. Slave Farm. What a wonderful name for a BDSM resort, a place where slaves are treated like real slaves, by real dominant women. Nice and isolated place, much looking like the famous OWK, but still much more affordable for me and closer to my home. And not that crowded. Plus, it has all the things I've always fantasized about. Public whipping. Ponyplay. Toilet play. Boot/shoe slavery. And much, much more. I found it by surprise, by browsing BDSM-related websites. And somehow, I knew I would be there very shortly.
And that day finally came. I've put my best clothes on, as instructed in the letter from the Head Mistress. I packed up only the least necessary stuff, because I heard I would probably not be sleeping in a very nice room, since those are reserved for women only. Men are sleeping there in stables, slave cells or on the floor of the Mistress' room, if the Mistress allows it. When you are there you are deprived from all your rights. You are there just for one cause - to serve the Mistress you get assigned to. And that's what I had always been dreamed about. Aside of that, as instructed, I didn't take my car. Rather, I changed several trains, busses and ferries to get to that place. I was tired when I finally arrived. But my heart was still being hard, in anticipation of what would come next.
The place was just like I imagined it. An adapted medieval castle, surrounded by high walls and a huge gate. As instructed, I pressed the button. Nobody answered, so I pressed it again. WRONG! This was showing my impatience. My first, big mistake, that would deserve a harsh punishment. You need to be patient in such places. And I learnt that lesson very hard.
The door opened and I saw a nice woman, in her mid-twenties. She was dressed in a uniform reminding to the classical English riding attire - black jacket, white t-shirt, white tight jodhpurs and a pair of shiny, black riding boots with small spurs. In her hand she was holding a riding crop, while on her belt I noticed a huge, coiled bullwhip. A nice officer-style cap completed the outfit. Her green eyes looked sharply to me and a soft, but yet decisive voice came out of her lips:
- Patience is a virtue, slut!!!
- Sorry, Mistress, I was just thinking...
- You don't think here, dirty pig! You listen and obey, do you understand?
- Yes, Ma'am...
- I don't think you do... I'm just thinking whether I should let you in or kick your dirty ass with my boots...
- Please Mistress, forgive me, I will behave, promise...
My begging was interrupted by a swift kick of that black riding boot, right in my groin, followed by a sharp smack of her riding crop right against my back. Even through my clothes, I could feel the power of that smack, not to mention what would happen if I was naked. Another kick landed on my stomach and I fell down. The next thing I recall was her boot right under my face and her voice shortly instructing me to kiss it. Which I did. I could clearly smell the shiny black leather as she started to grind that boot all over my face. The boot left my face for a second and came back right behind my head, as she used the hard boot sole to press my head into the mud.
- Ok, slut... let me explain you the rules. You are the worst piece of shit here and you will be treated that way. Every woman residing here can use and abuse you in any way she likes and you need to respect her. Is that understood?
- Yes, Mistress
She pressed me harder with her boot, so I started to have difficulties to breathe. But she continued:
- Women dressed like me are guards here. Try to escape and you will deal with us. The woman wearing a similar uniform, but the red jacket, is the commander of the guard. Mistresses are those women wearing classy thigh-high boots and short dresses, corsets or those expensive riding outfits. The Headmistress is one of them, she usually wears her Chanel dress and a wide white-and-black hat. First, you will go to the shower and then, you will be assigned to one of the ladies here. You will become her personal toy and she might do anything she likes to you. You bow down to any lady passing by you. Fail to do that, you will be punished. Understood?
- Yes Mistress
- Good, now strip and get on all 4s and crawl to that small white building... faster, you idiot!
Before I could even touch my clothes, I saw her taking a knife from her belt. I got really scared. The knife got right on my belly and I was almost getting ready to scream, but instead, she started to rip my clothes off with it. My expensive jacket, shirt and t-shirt got ripped into pieces in a less than a second. The next came my jeans, which she shredded down too. She kicked my shoes away and left me completely naked.
With a swift move of her arm, she pushed me to the ground and I felt a sharp kick in my ass. "Move, move...", she yelled as I started to crawl on my hands and knees, feeling the fresh, wet grass under me. As I was crawling on all 4s, she urged me forward using her heavy boots, each kick being stronger and crueler. My ass was in pain, but she kept kicking me. "Better get used to this, slut! You will feel boot kicks all over your body every day from now", she said as we finally approached that small building. Two other guardesses approached her and laughed.
Entering there, I spotted a huge hall with showers in it. She kicked my belly until I rolled under the shower and I felt cold water spraying all over my body. Women laughed as I tried to shower myself quickly. Few minutes later, as the water turned off, they threw me a towel and my slave clothes. Work pants and t-shirt, no shoes. As I left the shower, the ladies took me to the Guard Commander's office. Again, like any other beginner I made that same mistake. I started to walk, so my hostess kicked me again. I had to CRAWL. Ohhhhhh!!! She knocked on the door and kicked me in. The Commander stood up and walked to me. She extended her right boot. But this time, I knew immediately what to do. "He learns fast, that's good... I like it", she said. Luckily, I got it right this time, because I heard she was very cruel to novices. She got back behind her desk and started to browse something on the laptop. "Mhmmm... let's see... experiences slave, intermediate, very few limits... can endure pain. Just perrrfect... Well, slave, you will get assigned to Lady Catherine van Akker, you will be her personal slave. Aside of this, when she instructs you to do so, you will serve any other lady she lends you to. Susie, take him to his stall! But before that, let me place the collar on his neck...". As she said that, I saw her walking to the closet, taking a dog-like collar. As she returned back, I felt her attaching the collar and a scanner device beeped as she locked it. "Locked!". She attached a leash to it and gave it to Susan, my kicking-fan hostess, who took it with a smile and pulled me to my future dorm.
By the leash attached to the collar on my neck, I was pulled into a large stable. Other slaves were sleeping in other boxes, but I could somehow not hear or see them. Each box had an old-school hay-filled mattress, bucket, metal bowl and a blanket. "There you sleep", guard Susan said, "this bowl is for your lunch", she explained as she kicked the bowl slightly with the tip of her boot. Finally, she kicked the bucket strongly and added: "And this is where you piss and shit in. You empty this once per day, along with other slaves. Now, rest... you will need your strength for tomorrow, as your full training starts. You are allowed to jerk off, but I would strongly advise you not to do so now. By masturbating you lose your energy. And then, you risk to get harshly punished if you cannot endure the programme. That is the sole thing you decide here yourself. Good night, slut!". The lock on the box clicked and the light went out.
It was still dark in my stall when the door unlocked again. All I could see white pants and black boots walking to me, followed by a swift kick in my stomach. I could clearly feel that it was another lady, since the kicking style was different. Susan was using the toe of her boot, while this lady used the full inner side of the heavy riding boot. That could wake a dead man from a grave. At the moment when I wanted to start walking, I felt something very sharp jabbing my back, forcing me to get back down to the floor again. Ahhhh, spurs... never felt them on my skin before. Although not that sharp as I expected, even those blunt spurs were effective enough for me to follow orders. Another, blunt kick of the upper side of her booted foot to my ass made a clear signal to me what to do: move! The lady attached the leash to my collar again and walked me like a fucking dog to the backyard. It was still dark outside. I could feel the fresh smell of dawn. The lady pulled me to a central place where I could clearly see a pole. With a sharp move of her hand, she pulled my leash towards the upside and forced me to stand up. She then instructed me to take off my slave clothes. As I did it, she kicked me once again, this time her boot hit precisely the inner side of my knees and I dropped to my kneecaps immediately. I was instructed to stay on my knees. Naked! The lady walked away from me and I felt some relief. Soon, I saw another lady approaching me, holding a pillow. As she came very close, my eyes got wide of fear as I saw what was laying down on that pillow: a long, nicely crafted whip! I could not see how long it was since it was tied in a coil. The lady turned around and stepped a bit away from me.
Minutes of silence and desperate waiting for what would come the next, sometimes interrupted by a light cold morning breeze, were suddenly broken by the sound of heels clicking on the stone-clad ground. An expensive, black coat, mid-thigh long, tightly fit to the lady's body still revealed her sexy, athletic, nicely shaped legs that approached me close. Long black straight hair, going to her middle back. Nice, clear brown eyes. Fresh lips and white teeth glimmered in the dark as she introduced herself.
"Good morning, slave. My name is Lady Catherine van Akker, you will address me as Lady Catherine. I will be your Mistress. From now on you are mine".
As she approached, she extended her right boot. I recognized that perfect work from the famous Berlin bootmaker Fernando. Nice, custom-tailored thigh high boots. I knew immediately what I had to do. What a nice smell next to my cheek. As I kissed, she asked me to extend my tongue and give that boot a nice, long lick. "I want to see that tongue clearly out, slave... or I'm gonna tear it out of your mouth!". As I started to lick I felt the taste of that finest leather. Fernando knows how to make boots! While I licked that boot from the toe, across the instep towards her ankle, she slid her boot gently on my cheek, caressing me for doing a good job. After thoroughly licking both her boots, she gently pushed me away with her right boot as she instructed me to get up again, but stay on my knees.
"Now, crawl to the lady with that pillow, pick the bullwhip with your teeth and crawl back to me, but don't even think of dropping that whip, you slut!", she said. My knees could feel the hard ground as I crawled to the lady. The whip was nicely coiled, so I could pick it up with my front teeth very easily. Still on my knees, as instructed, I crawled to my new owner. As she removed the whip from my jaw, she uncoiled it and my jaw opened from the shocking sight. In front of me, she unfolded a 6-foot long bullwhip, single-tail, with a nice handle and nasty spikes on it. The tip of the whip had a small tail. She brought the handle of the whip to my lips and asked me to kiss it, which I did. I noticed the handle was nicely crafted for her gentle, female hand and it had a small wrist strap. That thing was obviously designed to provide maximum comfort to the torturess, while causing maximum pain to the slave being on its receiving end.
Next thing I heard were the rules. This was supposed to be my first regular weekly whipping. I would get one every week and it would not be that harsh. The Lady may, of course, administer punishment whippings in the meantime, should that be necessary and those would be much more difficult. In either case, the slave had to receive his punishment standing firmly on his knees all the time. Anytime he falls down, he would get a punishment from hell, as Lady Catherine described it. She didn't want to reveal what that was for now.
A minute of silence was broken by a scarefully cracking sound in the air. Another crack, even harsher and a whistling sound of the whip. Silence again. Morning breeze caressing my body, before the third, final crack, worst than the first two, caused a cold chill all over my body, followed by a sharp smack all over my back. A sub-second later, the horrifying burning pain took over my whole back skin and I started to scream, as I thought my whole body was on fire! Lady Catherine started to laugh:
"What's up, silly boy? We've just started. Remember to keep yourself on your knees. Oh yes, just forgot... you need to count. Backwards from ten this time! When you count to zero we're done."
Understood? Yes, Mistressss... AAAAAH"
I sceamed as I got another lash of her nasty whip and my mouth could just say: "TEN!". Another lash, very mean, the tip of the whip going right between my shoulder blades and I screamed again: "NINE!". The next hit smashed me all over my back, while the tip of the whip hit my waistline, where the skin is usually thinner and I screamed harder. "EIGHT! Aaaaah!". As she continued to whip me, I could stand more pain, so I assumed I got used to it... until the countdown reached the number of four, when she probably changed the angle or distance to me, so the whip naughtily folded around my body and it hit me right over my stomach, with the tip hitting my right nipple. That brought me over the edge and I could not stand on my knees anymore. I fell down.
That was a very wrong move, apparently. As I tried to get up, I could hear footsteps of the guardess behind me. And then she kicked me hard, right into my chest. "Get up!". Another hard kick and I almost fainted, when I felt her spur digging right into my nipple and I started to scream. That was enough for me to get up at once. Later on, when I had the first chance to talk to another slave on the Farm, I found out that every time you fall down during whipping the guard comes over and kicks you. If you don't get up after first few kicks, the guard uses her spurs all over your body, digging them into your flesh until you bleed. So it's good after all I could stand up very quickly and get those final three lashes of Lady Catherine's whip. As this was over, Lady Catherine approached me and I had to kiss the whip first, then her boot and then I had to thank her for whipping. At the same time, I had to kiss the boot of the guardess and thank her too. This was a part of the ritual. Even though I did everything right, I still got that final kick in the ass from Lady Catherine as she left. This time with the pointed toe of her perfect boot. Ahhhhh, Fernando knows how to make boots. Damn it!
The guard attached the leash to my collar again and she took me to the small stable-like building where a dozen of other slaves were already sitting around a huge table. We got our breakfast. Meals were the only moments when the ladies did not watch us closely, so we could freely chat among ourselves. But not always. One of the guards, a young Latino woman, liked to pick up one of the slaves, throw his whole meal to the floor and then make him eat it from there, while pushing his head down with her heavy riding boot. He had to lick the floor clean and for any food rests on the floor he would get a strong kick in his ass, body or balls. Besides, we had to finish our meals pretty much quickly - all we got was a half an hour. After that, guards would take us to the yard, where our Mistresses would take us further.
Shortly after getting lined up in the yard, I saw several ladies approaching us. Lady Catherine was among them. She smiled, as she took my leash from the guard and pulled it gently. For the time being, Lady Catherine allowed me to walk like a human being, on my two legs only. She brought me to her suite, located in the nicely decorated main palace. That was the very first time I could see where ladies reside on the Farm. A woman with a ponytail, wearing a tight, white short dress and white high-heeled shoes, served her the breakfast on the little table. Lady addressed her as girl, although she was probably almost 35. "Later on I learnt this was a female slave, which surprised me a lot. So after all, this place had sub girls too, even though they resided in a separate part of the Farm. The girl also helped Ms Catherine remove her coat, allowing me to admire her tight, purple short dress and to see the full length of her magnificent thigh-high boots. The shape of the dressed revealed the perfect hourglass-shaped athletic body, crowned by her nice, firm breasts. Medium-sized breasts, but still very firm, perfectly proportional to the rest of her body.
Lady Catherine ordered me to kneel down, right beside her, as she was eating. She took her freshly baked croissant and she sipped her coffee slowly. I could not help myself from watching her fresh, full red lips, folding around the croissant pieces as she used her white teeth and sensual tongue to take it slowly. She licked her lips from time to time, which made me really aroused. She certainly noticed that, but she assumed I was hungry, when she suddenly took a piece of her croissant by her hand and threw it to the floor: "Hungry, slut? Eat it, then!"
Not hesitating any second, my mouth headed quickly to the floor and I started to eat. Wow! The taste was perfect. She laughed, watching me eat it and she threw another piece to me. As I rushed to pick it up, she pressed the sole of her boot right on my head, pressing my face into that croissant. She laughed as the croissant smeared all over my chin and lips. She removed her boot from my head, then pulled the leash towards her: "Look at me, slave!", she said as my eyes met hers. Her tongue moved in her closed mouth for a while, her head went a bit backwards, her full lips opening a bit... and the next second a huge ball of her spit left her soft lips and landed right on my dirty face. She repeated this a couple of time, each time the sight of her spit on her full lips turned me on like heaven.,"This is for you to clean yourself up", she said and laughed at me as I used my tongue to remove her saliva from my lips and, hence, clean myself up.
"Now, lay down on the floor and open your mouth! On your back! And put your head between my boots, here...", she ordered to me, tapping her boot on the floor showing me right where she wanted my head. Soon, I could feel her boots on either side of my head. She squeezed my head between her booted feet. She tossed her head to the back and her firm breasts started to shake. She gargled her throat, gathering her saliva and slime from her lungs and throat. Finally, I could see her face and full lips again, where a ball of spit was ready to get delivered to my slut mouth. Her lips parted a bit, the yellow ball of saliva started to get bigger as she opened more and the drool started to flow slowly from her mouth right into my open mouth, hitting my throat. Her full lips shaped the ball of her saliva carefully, targeting to hit my throat as much directly as possible. As she finished with it, she closed her mouth once again, moved her tongue and I got another, quick spit in my mouth. "Now, swallow that, bitch!", she said and I did it. The taste was sweeter than I expected, probably caused by the taste of coffee and croissant which I could feel in that mix. Well, this was my morning coffee, apparently served in a strange way. She caressed my cheek with her boot.