Prisoner of Love
This was a new feeling.
Not the cold, though I must admit I was shaking slightly.
The feeling of my heart beating strong enough to actually feel it against my ribs. I imagined others could hear it as well.
There's also the feeling of the hard seat on my bare legs.
Only a small field of vision through the slits in the hood covering my head.
The sound of footsteps behind me, preparing the table.
And of course, cold chains. Not just around and between my ankles but also coldly pressing against my back from my shackled wrists.
I wasn't going anywhere like this. Not fast anyway.
I can hear sounds, prisoners' voices echoing down a long hallway.
Occasionally someone bumping into the metal bars.
Louder, the sound of a metal grate opening and closing.
Suddenly she's there. I must have been distracted because her hand has a hold on my face. She turns me towards her so I can get a glimpse through the slits in the hood. She's dark, towering over my sitting form, her grip leaves no doubt in my mind. There will be no fight or flight. Not from her.
"You are not going to admit anything before we get started, are you?" she asks. I've told her before; I don't even know what she wants to hear from me. But she doesn't seem to care. She just shackled me here, started preparing something at that table and just giggled whenever I showed any sign of nervousness.
"No, you're not. You're going to make this fun for me. You are going to tell me exactly what I want to hear after I had my fun." Her hand moves to the back of my neck as she pushes me forward. "Well, let's get started then."
I'm pushed out of my seat; I was nervous enough to start sweating despite the cold. I'm held tight at the back of my neck and at the shackles between my wrists. She makes me shuffle, slowly, towards the table she's been rummaging at this entire time.
The room is only dimly lit, the slits too small to see what is waiting for me.
The table itself has a dark wooden surface, to my right I can see there are dark items waiting for me, or for her?
Plastic or leather? I can't tell and trying to peak I didn't notice I reached the table and bump into it. Her hands keep pushing forward and I'm bent over it.
My legs spread slightly to stabilize myself and I feel my dick touch the still cold wooden surface of the table.
"Aren't you an eager little victim? Spreading yourself so nicely for me."
She pushes me down further until I'm lying down on top of the table. One hand releases my wrists and strokes down along my back, over my ass, and reaches between my legs to cup my exposed balls.
"I could always just squeeze these. I'd get a confession out of you immediately. But where's the fun in that?"
She easily keeps me pressed down against the table as I try to struggle.
"I don't even know what you want to hear!" I plead with her, but she just laughs and tightens her grip on my neck.
"Let's just get you warmed up and maybe I'll give you a hint, Love." she says as she strokes the balls she keeps in her grip until I give up my struggles. "See, just surrender, I can tell you are secretly enjoying this. Don't think that boner is hidden beneath you." An open-handed slap to my rear emphasizes her statement. Soon it's followed by another, and another, and another. My squirming, pinned to the table be her hand on my neck resumes but only seems to encourage her. The spanking continues, painful but easily bearable.
" All warmed up, my Love." she whispers as she releases me.
I can feel her move around me as I let my stomach fall to the table to catch my breath. I am testing my bonds as she talks to herself while rummaging in between the stuff on the table next to me.
My feet have slid further apart while she was spanking me, maybe thirty centimeters between them and the chain is stretched taut. My wrists, bound behind my back, didn't get this luxury and only have a few centimeters of movement. I can feel my stomach move as I take deep breaths and this turns my attention to my dick, trapped between myself and the hardwood table, now fully erect. I can't deny that scary as she is, being under her control is also hot as hell.
I turn my face towards her, maybe I can make out what she is looking for and what she laid out on this table, but I'm too late.
She found it already, as soon as I turn, I can see the black rubber strips dangle in front of me. One-centimeter-wide strips, about 50 of them, connected to a round wooden ring as a handle. The flogger sways softly from her fingers.
Turning my eyes, I see his sibling in her other hand as I hear her voice once more: "You know it stops as soon as you admit it. I want to hear you say it, but not too fast of course. You are going to make it fun for me, aren't you?"
Before I can tell her once more that I have no idea what she wants from me the first swipe of the flogger crosses across my ass. Just the tips touching, making the sting extra sharp. She moves behind me and swings both floggers in continuous circles, without pause I can feel stinging blow after stinging blow. Instinctively I try to get away from her but all I manage is to squirm against the table. In a mocking voice she asks me: " Are you going to start humping that table already? You wouldn't want to blow your load that way, would you? Who knows, maybe I'll reward you if you just admit what we both already know."
After this she speeds up the floggers, the strips mark not just my ass but also my thighs and legs, not just with the small stinging blows but she uses the full weight of the flogger to elicit a harder, deeper sensation as well.
Just as it's getting a bit too much and I start trying to push against the table to escape from her blows she stops.
Her cool hands, floggers still dangling from her fingers, glide from my legs, up over my bottom and I can feel the rubber straps of the flogger follow them as her hands glide up my back.
As she drapes her full body against and over me, I can feel how hot my skin has already become. I imagine I can feel her breath through the hood covering my face, the only part of me that covered, as she whispers in my ear. "Just say it and we can change pain to pleasure. Just admit it: I love you more."
Suddenly the rules of the game become clear to me, and I can't help the laugh that wells up. "Can't do it, babe. Fulfilling the hot prison warden fantasy? You're the best girlfriend ever and I love you more."
Her laugh echoes mine but the sharp pain that follows as she slaps my butt once more tells me that she isn't about to give up yet.
It's been a while since I've seen this side of her shine like today and we're both going to thoroughly enjoy it.
"Well, you know what to say if it gets too much." I hear as she reaches for a new toy from the collection next to me.
Another collection of strands is dragged across my back as she steps between my spread legs and pushes herself against me.
"You do want to stay on my good side of course. Prisoners who don't earn my attention, who knows what happens to them while I'm not paying attention?" A slight trust from her hips makes her meaning clear.
I can't help but notice how exposed I am in this position. She did mention having bought some new toys. Was there a strap-on in that collection of toys?
That damn hood and the low lighting in this room don't allow me a clear view on what's there. I am not sure if I'm hoping there is, or there isn't.
With a flick of her wrist the straps draped across my back come to live.
These are heavier, she's not holding back as much. Only a single hand now but that just means she can control her tools better. My entire back is covered, and she moves the flogger slowly lower while I'm certain she's leaving a red shine and a warm glow behind. Once she's low enough the angle of her strikes changes and I can feel the strands biting into the inside of my thighs. Left, right, left, right, left, ... She's not holding back, and I try to escape her, but the chains prohibit my legs from moving apart and the table holds me upright. If she keeps doing this, I don't think I'll hold out. "Hey, babe." She slows but doesn't stop as she listens. "You know I love you more for a hundred years, right?"
That got a reaction!
Two hard swipes from top to bottom across each buttock make me want to press myself through the table. My squirming seems to satisfy her.
"I'm sure you love me. But you don't love me more. And you'll admit it."
I can feel her stepping aside and the floggers starts spinning once again. I'm surprised to feel the strands stroke across my legs in the upwards direction this time. But my distraction worked, she's not focusing on the inside of my thighs anymore and this way she can't put as much force into it. I seem to have earned myself a slight moment of relief.
She keeps this up for a moment before I can hear her chuckle silently.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
I turn my head towards her, even if I can't look her in the eyes through the tiny slits in the hood. But I think it helps me get the point across.
"Not just that but it's only making me love you more."
Maybe she even noticed that I winked at her behind the hood.
Her laugh should have warned me that something was up, but I was still too pleased with myself when the strands suddenly found a new target. No longer were they aiming at my legs or behind. It was clear that she had this planned as the strands came up between my legs and hit me right on the balls. Being pressed against the table protected me some, as well as her holding back because she does prefer me functional.
And you know, she loves me.
With a surprised yelp I pushed myself onto the tips of my toes but that only served to lift me up from the table and she had a clear target now.
Soft, relatively, but fast she let the blows rain down upon them. I wasn't sure if I should try to lift myself away from the blows, try to hide by pressing myself against the table or try to close my legs, and to be honest, my body wasn't listening to my input as it tried to do all three at the same time.
Her foot stopped my legs from closing at the same time as her hand slapped my ass harder than before. My body reacted by springing upwards once more and allowing her to get a few more swipes in with her flogger before she let me collapse on the table.
As I gasped for breath, she once more pressed herself against me.
I could feel her heat pressed against me as she gave me another chance.
"Are you ready yet, Love?"
Her fingers curl around my shoulders, I can feel her cheek pressed to mine through the hood.
There was no way I could get away from her. I know that her sadistic streak overshadows my occasional interest in a bit of tough love.
I did the only thing I could.
"Babe, I can't lie to you." I feel her tense against my back.
"I think I love you even more now. I think I don't just love you more, I love you most."
I can feel her sigh and take a deep breath. I enjoy feeling this movement of her body against my back. Knowing that I'm still running my mouth is apparently the sign she needed. "Well, you made your choice."
As she stands up, I try to follow but she pushes my feet wider and makes sure my stomach is flat on the table so it carries most of my weight.
I don't think I'll like what's coming next.
I hear the sound of something hitting the floor, lightly.
Just as I'm wondering what it is I hear the crack behind me.
A warning. The singletail. A single braid of leather, over a meter long, about 3 cm wide for the most part of its length but ending in a thin leather rhombus.
All the force of the swing is transferred to that little area at the end and causes that crack in the air. She gives me a moment to prepare, or to get scared. This thing hurts. The first strike reaches a bit too far. The thicker part of the whip hits my leg. This doesn't hurt at all, but the next hits are better. Changing the location without any logic behind it, I can never predict where it will land. I try to wriggle away from her, but the hits keep coming. One after another. Right cheek, left thigh, across my back, right calve, right cheek again. Then she gets the perfect distance. Only the absolute tip of the whip hits me, all force connected in a single point. I can't help but cry out and instinctively push the table forward in my attempt to escape.
My head falls forward, resting on the table as I breathe through the pain. Immediately her hand is there, soothing, trying to ease the pain a bit.
I told you she loves me.
"So, do you have anything to tell me now, Love?"
I need a moment to gather myself before I can lift my head up and turn towards her. As she is soothing the pain she caused, there is only one thing to say. I wait a few more seconds before I utter the words, enjoying the sensation of her hand soothing the sting of that final blow.
"I love you more."
There is no reaction to my words this time. She continues what she's doing for a bit longer before she helps me stand up.
I'm wondering if I've won. Maybe she's worried that she went to far with that final hit?
But I'm quickly proven wrong as she turns me toward a chair waiting for me.
The chain at my ankles is attached behind the chairs front legs, my wrists are attached to the backrest. I'm not going anywhere.
"I think I want you to see this next part." she utters as my hood is pulled up.
She stands before me. Black string, black T-shirt, checkered shirt on top, it's not the outfit you'd expect of a dominatrix nor of a prison warden, but she makes it work.
" I love you more." I can't help but say it.
She sticks to her role, her face remains strict, but her eyes betray how much she is enjoying this game we're playing.
She walks away from me.
For the first time I get a chance to look around.
Our living room looks mostly the same as usual.
A prison soundscape is cast to the tv. A bag of toys can be seen on the table.
Still can't see what's in it from here!
She is walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
My mouth feels dry and she notices as I smack my lips.
"You want some as well, Love?" I nod.
She smiles broadly as she walks back towards me.
She leans forward as she offers me her glass to drink.
The evil sparkle in her eyes appears to late to be a useful warning when she tilts the glass a bit too early.
"Poor thing, so thirsty, so cold. Too bad you obviously don't want me to be nicer to you."
Drenched in cold water I watch her skip away from me. Not the most intimidating form of movement, but I think her point is made quite clearly.
"Since pain didn't convince you to tell me what I wanted to hear, let's try pleasure. You know that one can be worse." Her words pull my attention from the cold water dripping down my front back to her.
She is holding a black egg-shaped thing. I don't recognize it so it must be the new toy she was talking about earlier.
She places it behind me and grabs a flask of lube. The water still dripping from me cooled my enthusiasm but as she bends towards me that is quickly remedied. A few strokes of her hand as she brings her lips ever closer are all I need to get back to full mast. Her lips, tantalizingly close, tongue flicking out, keeping the barest possible distance between itself and me.
"You don't think you're the only one who's wet, do you?" She asks as I can feel her breath caress me. She stands back up. It's clear that the view into her cleavage as she supports herself with one hand on my shoulder is purposeful, but I miss it. My eyes are drawn to the thong she is pulling off at the same time, her bare pussy exposing itself, her wetness obvious.
She straddles me looking directly in my eyes as het heat engulfs me.
"You know you don't get to cum until I get what I want from you."
My eyes roam all over her, focusing on her lower lips swallowing me as I say what she really wants to hear. "I love you more, babe."
"Let's see how long you keep that up." she utters as her hips start rocking slowly.
She was right. Pleasure can certainly be worse than pain. Her heat engulfed me and all pain from before was instantly forgotten. Seeing her like this, boobs bouncing in front of my face, her face radiating lust and love, there was no way I was holding out.
"Oh babe, don't you want me to have fun?" she pouted as her movements slowed and finally stopped. It was only a small reprieve before she started moving again, stopping each time when my grunts made it clear that I was teetering on the edge. She must have kept me there for ten minutes before she decided pain was back on the menu as well. "Poor babe. You can't handle pure pleasure. Let me help you with that." I was about to ask what she was threatening me with when she lowered herself on me once more. Her face joining the movement, and a flicker of teeth showing before she bit down on my shoulder. Hard.
Expertly she bit hard enough to overwhelm the pleasure when needed, easing up just enough when she felt my hardness diminish.
Pleasure and pain together, it probably was enough for her to win our game as exhaustion and overload were taking over for me, but she had a different goal now. Her movements sped up and love could take a backseat in favor for lust for the moment. Her orgasm was out of reach in this position, but she knew exactly what she needed.
She reached behind my chair and pulled my hands free. Standing up, pulling me forward I could see the game was forgotten for the moment.
With a twirl she danced in between my chained hands, pressed her back against me and the look over her shoulder clearly told me that she would get the orgasm she'd been building towards, and I better not screw this up for her. As she reached over the table, she was draped almost in the exact position she had me in earlier, a view I could only briefly appreciate before she moved so far forward that my still tied wrists were pulling me along with her. Fully stretched she could just barely reach the condom she laid out beforehand.
Before she can turn to hand it to me my tied hands gesture my helplessness in front of her and she smiles as her teeth rip open the packaging and remind me of the bitemarks that cover my shoulders and chest. Pressing herself against me for a moment to figure out where I am she quickly reaches behind her and rolls the condom over me before almost collapsing onto the table.
"Get to work, prisoner. You know what to do." Her tone indicates that the game is still going but perhaps her momentary distraction will cost her.
"Yes Ma'am" I nudge myself between her lips and easily slide back inside her.
A few deep strokes elicit some of the loveliest moans from her, but those are just a warmup.
"I think my job is to love you more?" I utter as I fully withdraw from her folds and take aim a bit higher. She barely has time to throw a surprised look over her shoulder before I push against and conquer her tight ring. Her wetness allows me to fully impale myself and her head falls back down onto the table.
For the moment it seems that despite being still tied and shackled I have the upper hand. Long, deep strokes filling her from behind overwhelm her for a moment as no sound escapes her. Overwhelmed by the feelings during the evening I realize my body has given up on reaching an orgasm for the moment. Sad for me, but perfect for what I have planned.
Plundering her from behind I bend myself forward and cover her body with my own, pulling against my bonds trapped underneath her, I can feel something give. My hands, no longer connected at the wrist grab her by the hips and the added stability and leverage allow me to really get into a rhythm.
My evil warden, releasing a quite moan or whimper every time she's pounded against the table. Her tight little ring, gripping my dick as I retreat before filling her up again and again. I can't help but ask: "Are you ready to admit it yet, Love?"