Prison of Pleasures


I looked up through the metal bars. The room was large, almost like four 14 by 16 rooms combined at each right angle. In front of me stood a little black and white T.V. - its content was that of hentai and actual bondage porn; varying from which came first. The large expanse contained 1 door and no windows; there were vents but they only let out hot air to supply humidity. Looking to the far end of the room, I saw 4 single beds- each set horizontally to each other; they had posts at each corner and handcuffs tied to each pole. As my eyes wandered closer I saw 2 wooden chairs coated with leather belts- at the head, the arms and the feet of the chair. Across from me was a large table that seemed to be covered with black rubber making it shiny- this one though had spikes jutting out like the pins used in acupuncture. I think it was called the bed of nails. As I glanced in front of me, television aside, there were chains coming out of the ceiling with dummy dolls handcuffed to them. Hearing

A lock being picked I looked at the door. It creaked open but moved no further.

"What's this horrid place?" I whispered to myself as I examined the cage I was in. It was wide enough to fit two average males and tall enough for a 7ft person to sit and have head space. The space between the bars at the bottom of the cage were large enough for a hand to fit through but as they met at the top they became smaller- so much so the one's full pinky finger couldn't fit. I looked down at myself seated there in that prison. I was clothed in a tight black corset, (no underwear) with the top part cut off so that my breasts werent covered; my legs were covered with meshed thigh high stockings- hancuffed with links a reasonable length for me to walk; the gloves on my hands were also meshed- which were both handcuffed to either side of the cage. My brown hair was moist and damp on my forehead and shoulders, and my mascara and eyeliner had run from the humidity. I heard mumbling

"So," he began "in missing persons there's Vivica Taint." He stopped and turned to see if anyone was behind him. Walking towards me once more he continued

"Went missing 4 days ago, she's 24, average build and height,reasonable length brown hair, green eyes and was last seen in brown capris, a white T and sneakers" he paused "If anyone sees her please contact 911". He now stopped; looking down at me he said

"Hi Vivica," I gulped hard "welcome to your new home" turning on his heel he went out. Unconsciously I began crying; what on earth was this hell hole?

"I think I'll call you Number 21, after all you're the 21st girl who's not going to get rescued!" he chuckled. I looked grossly up at him. He was tall and slightly muscular- I wouldn't be able to run and get very far from him; he was wearing a white button up shirt which was open revealing his toned body; he wore boxers with his dick drooping through the front space; no shoes; and his hair was aslong as mine- wet and wild looking. He was shaved but I couldn't help but feel the surfer dude vibe. He inched closer to the cage; thrusting his dick between the bars he said

"Dinner time," I looked up at him in disgust "see that belt on your leg?" I looked down to see what looked like a beeper attached to my leg

"See this buzzer in my hands?" he showed me a small rectangle with a button on it "If I press this button? It will send tiny electric shocks up your body" he smiled "which can damage your internal organs."

I looked down at his drooping cock through the cage

"Make it hard and suck it!" he demanded threatening me with his electric buzzer. I couldn't move my hands seen as though they were chained to the cage; bending forward I looked up at him as I slowly began to flick the head of his cock with my tongue. He looked down at me, encouragingly like a kid just learning to ride a bike. I knew what he wanted, so I figured if I behaved a little less stubborn I would get my freedom. Taking his cock once again into my mouth, I licked the tip at first making it bounce up and fall back down; licking it again I covered the head with my mouth- sucking and using my tongue to swirl around the end of it. Seeing that he was enjoying this, I went down further on his length taking it all in; he moaned and I could feel his pulsing as he rose higher and harder.

"Yea, you're good 21," he applauded me "you make me want to take you out of the cage." He said kicking the metal thing. Shocked at the sudden movement of his feet and the rattling of the cage, his cock slowly fell out of my mouth like a candy I was sucking on as my jaw dropped. He glared at me; taking his cock back into my mouth I sucked on him harder. He threw his head back and placed his hands on his hips as he relaxed. Moaning as my head went slowly up and down on his cock I tried not to hit my forehead against the bars of the cage as I took him deep into my mouth. Since I couldn't hold him the saliva I built up sucking his dick started spilling out my mouth as I massaged his cock with my lips- making it wet and shiny. Seeing him raise his hand for me to stop, my mouth made a popping sound as I released myself from him, I leaned back in the cage with clear liquid running down my chin and onto my chest- making it look like I was drooling.

He chuckled as he went towards the only exit in the room with his cocky still hard through the front of his boxers. I smiled at how silly he looked but cleared my throat when I realised I was at a disadvantage here and better yet I was being used.

"Yeah, did you pay?" he asked someone as he walked back into the room, locking the door behind him, not waiting on the person to reply. I noticed he had a leash in his hands.

"What are you doing with that?" I asked finally getting my voice to work. He smiled as he motioned to my neck. Looking in the same direction I saw a collar around my neck with which a leash could be attached.

Jingling the keys on his waist he searched for the one he wanted. It had the number 21 carved on it- merely coincidence I hope as he bent to open my cage and loose my handcuffs from the cage. Attaching the leash to my collar he dragged me to the centre of the room; pushing a button on the wall I saw something I hadn't noticed before. The floor opened up like a trap door and a head and hand rest that were used in the olden days along with a guillotine rose up through the midst. I looked at him with my jaw dropped.

"Don't worry it's too early for that," he re assured as he dragged me to one of the handcuffed beds. Pushing me down onto the bed he handcuffed my hands to the corners at the edge of the bed and without hesitation he lifted my pelvis to meet his and began hammering away as he thrust his cock into my pussy.

"I had no idea you were this wet and horny," he said as held my butt cheeks to ram into me "you like this don't you?" he now bent forward to suck on my exposed nipples- licking them, sucking them, gripping them with his teeth and slightly tugging on them.

"Ahhhhhhhhh," I gasped as his cock pulsed inside me, widening my pussy as he seemed to grow. Why was I so turned on? Why was I enjoying this? I should be screaming for help but here I am "submitting" to a man I don't even know. I was ashamed to call myself a feminist.

"Harder!" I found myself screaming as he fucked me hard and good. Holding up my hips with one of his hands he licked his thumb and began massaging my clitoris as he fucked me. Making fast circular motions with his fingers as he pummeled into me I felt my panting getting heavier, my lips getting dry, my body beginning to sweat more and my nipples hard as a rock.

He released himself

"You're enjoying this too much," he said relieving me of my handcuffs. I frowned as I had been on the verge of my own climax. Grabbing the leash he pulled me towards the wooden leather belted chair I had spotted earlier. Turning my back to him he strapped down my hands to the arms of the chair and tied my leash into the belt on the head rest.

I felt him run his hands down my back, then nothing. After about 25 seconds I heard a zipper, turning to see what was happening I saw him take out a long black shredded leather whip out of a gym bag nearby. Using the whip he brushed my cheeks (face) as he brought my lips in closer for a kiss. His kiss was deep and he tasted of whiskey- as he sucked on my lower lips, I did nothing; trying again he shoved his tongue into my mouth trying to urge mine to react, still I avoided him; this time he sucked on my tongue, as I still did nothing I felt him use the whip and smack me across the ass; I then returned his kiss.

Breaking from me he smiled as if to say 'smart girl'. He brushed the leather tool over my butt cheeks for a couple times- getting me accustomed to the tingling sensation before he simultaneously began to slap me on each cheek with the shredded mess- so much so I felt I wouldn't be able to sit again.

"Had enough?" he asked as he threw the whip onto the nearest bed. I didn't reply. Placing his large, strong and ever so manly hands on my ass he swung a slap to my rear end with brute force. I tried to grit my teeth

"Owwwwwwww!" I squealed as the tears brimmed my eyes

"I asked a question," he said in a slow seductive voice. Gulping hard as I tried to fight the tears

"Yes, I've had enough,"

"Wrong answer," he buzzed as he grabbed my waist to thrust into my pulsing cunt the way he had before. Every time he went into my now oozingly wet and turned on pussy I could feel his lower torso hitting on my cheeks- deepening my pain. I gasped

"Does it hurt?" he asked in a gentle voice. He was concerned? Maybe he wasn't that bad after all.

"Yes," I replied shyly

"Good," he chuckled as he now began to slap my cheeks again every time he thrust into me. Grabbing hold of my hair- intertwining the locks into his fingers; he pulled my hair back as far as the leash would allow using his other hand to fondle my breasts- squeezing and massaging as if he wanted them to produce milk.

Stopping his thrusts for a couple seconds he pulled my head back so he could whisper against the nape of my neck

"You're better than I thought you would be 21," I said nothing- my head stayed in this position as he continued to fuck me. His thrusts becoming harder and faster by the second, I began moaning as he did.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm," I hear him moan as he drilled my pussy with his cock- his thick, hard, pulsing, long shaft of a cock.

Releasing my hair he held my hips now, holding me steady as he spilled his seed into me

"No!!!" I screamed "please don't come inside me." He refused to listen as he continued to shoot millions of his slimy, creamy thick substance into my cunt and up its passage.

"Shut up bitch," he withdrew from me and slapped me across the face with the back of his hand. Walking out of the room again, I stayed there tied to the chair for 23 minutes- with my cunt dripping cum onto the floor, my legs buckling beneath me, my stomach growling and my body soaked in sweat.

I was tired and hungry and I don't know how I had gotten to this place. I looked around to see if I could find something that could be used to escape. Scanning I saw nothing of obvious aid to me- he must have had the place properly inspected after the 20 girls before me. As I got weaker I fell to my knees tightening the leash around my neck which was bound to the chair. I felt my voice leaving me

"Somebody help me!" I screamed seen that it was left to this. I heard no response

"Somebody help me!" I screamed one last time as my voice gave way. Bursting through the door, he shouted

"What do you think you're doing bitch?!" as he used the back of his hand to slap me across the face as he had done before "don't scare my customers, "by the way the house's soundproof." He chuckled and I could see the grills on his top row of front teeth. Moving towards the chair I was attached he unleashed me.

"Its show time," he smiled as he led me to the front of the room. He handcuffed my hands to the chains I had seen dangling from the ceiling earlier. My voice already gone, I mouthed

"What are you going to do?"

"You'll see 21, you'll see," he smiled as he left the room. Five minutes later I heard a lot of male voices outside that forsaken door and it scared me. What was this place? I could hear him as he came back

"Okay now come in," he smiled as he waved his towards to me. I saw around 20 men walk in after him

"Examine the merchandise, I prepped her a bit," he smiled to his own content. I saw the 40 pairs of eyes glowing at me. They all had numbers pasted on their shirts- apparently according to who paid first. One brave fellow approached me; squeezing and groping my breasts in his hands, he grinned broadly as he was pleased with his purchase. Disgusted I spit in his face, his smile broadened as he ignored me to continue his inspection. The others weren't as lenient with me as I got slap across the face for so called rudeness towards them

"Show's over, number 1 begin!" Master shouted. I didn't know his name and he hadn't told me what to call him but observing the position and the type I was in- it was just suitable to say all these men were now my masters.

Number one didn't want much as he only fondled me. I observed him- he was short and nerdy- looked as if he had been stuck in an office most if not all of his life. He didn't remove any clothing, not even his tie. It was sad really. Cupping my face in his hands he kissed my eyelids, my cheeks, my ear, my neck and moved down to my chest. Grabbing my breasts and pushing them so close together the nipples almost touched- he licked the round hard little buds, sucking on them and teasing them with his tongue. My knees met as I tried to muffle my excitement. Running his hands down my corset covered stomach he parted my thighs which I had tried so hard to keep concealed. My legs spread as far as the handcuffs would allow; removing his glasses he looked me in the eyes as he parted the folds of my lips. His hands were cold; I shut my eyes as he delved further- parting my inner lips

"Warm," he whispered a smile across my ear and he fondled my clitoris. I became heated as he gentle stroked my sensitive area getting me turned on

"Mmmmmmmmm," I moaned as he moved behind me. Using his left hand he massaged my breasts and fondled my wetness with his right. I could feel him hard and nudging against my back and I wanted him ever so badly to relieve himself. I threw my head back onto his shoulder as his strokes became harder and more intense. The pleasure was building up inside me and I couldn't help but scream

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I let out as tiny ripples were sent through my body. I panted hard. Removing his fingers from me I saw him lick them before my very eyes. It was then that I had noticed that the other 19 men were still there. I stood watching them with their dicks in their hands- stroking furiously as they masturbated to me. I knew then what guilty pleasures had felt like as I licked my dry lips.

As number one left number two approached who wasn't as gentle. He, the total opposite of number one was tall, dark and bulky with muscle. Without hesitation and the need for foreplay I saw him take out his 11" black cock. Using his fingers he parted my lips as he thrust into my still wet little cunt. He held my hips as he furiously jabbed at my pussy. I gritted my teeth at the force and the expanse of cock I was being exposed to. Using his right hand, he grabbed hold of the back of my neck, squeezing hard at the sides as he continued to fuck me hard from behind. With each hard and deep thrust I could feel his belt slap me across the leg as he hadn't pulled down his pants fully.

"Ahhhhhhhh," he sighed as he emptied his cum into me. Pulling out almost immediately he walked and stood in front of me. Standing there smiling at me, he grabbed me by the hair and pulling my head down he used my mouth to clean his cock off as he shoved it into my mouth.

After he left it was number three's turn. The remaining 17 men I noticed had different fantasies they wanted to experiment with me. Some wanted just to pleasure me; some wanted only to fuck my face; some wanted to fuck my face and my pussy; some just wanted to fuck my pussy; some wanted to fuck me as I gave another guy head but of all the weird things they did to me- number 18 was the freakiest.

He was a rather slender guy- had multiple piercings, a Mohawk and a dildo. When he approached me I was shocked and had asked him

"What are you going to do?" he just smiled as he went behind me. Reaching the purple rubber dildo round to my face- he insisted I sucked on it. As he gave it to me to suck on, I heard him shuffle as he pulled out his cock. It wasn't as big as the others but if he could work it, we could both be pleased. After I finished smothering the dildo he had brought with my saliva- just the way he wanted, I heard him laugh hysterically aloud. The remaining 2 men anticipated his act as he had apparently done this to all the girls he bought.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as he shoved the dildo I had wet with my lips into my ass. I felt like something had ripped as he wasn't gentle and I had never had anal sex before. He didn't pull it out after. Instead he continued to fuck my cunt with the dildo in between my butt cheeks. And every time he thrust into my pussy that never seemed to be able to run dry I could feel the fake dick urging itself more and more up my anal passage giving me the impression I was being fucked by two guys. He continued to laugh hysterically as he fucked me which only contributed to freaking me out.

Hours had passed and I now felt that I had been fucking non-stop for days. My pussy felt utterly swollen as every guy that "paid" for my services didn't hesitate to get their moneys' worth. My mouth had tasted of different variation of cock, sperm and pussy and my breasts were red with the continuous groping I had felt. I tried to rest as I shut my eyes thinking it was finally over. I gasped as "he" threw a bucket of cold water on me

"Don't fall asleep you have one more," he smiled as he went behind me to remove the corset, my handcuffs and my leash. Relieved I thought it was finally over. But my hopes and dreams failed me as he put me into the wooden contraption I had seen earlier. Opening the board half way- he let me rest my hands and wrists in the available spaces before he shut them on me and locked them with a bolt.

"What's this for?" I asked trying to keep my body up. He went into his pocket and took out a cigarette; as if moving in slowing motion he lighted the thing and took a couple puffs. Blowing the smoke into my face he said

"This is for my best customer," he smiled "you've seen today why you were called 21 right?" I looked at him puzzled

"You experienced 20 guys now...." Realizing and getting the drift of what he was saying, I realized there was one guy left. I could handle this I thought- the sooner I did the closer my freedom

"This guy paid the most for you," he smiled once more as he looked in the direction of the door. I followed his eyes. The guy I saw standing at the door was naked- tall about 6ft, dark, dread locks, pale brown eyes, no facial hair, muscular and toned, as my eyes went down I saw he held something rather large in his hands, and every time he let it go it slapped against his thigh stopping at his knee. He looked at me and smiled and his toy seemed to levitate.

"Holy fuck!" I screamed as I realized that was no toy- that looked like a 21" cock and it was getting hard. Looking back at my "master" he smiled as he said his last words to me before he left

"He gets as long as he wants with you" he threw him the keys "and access to all the equipment you see here." He left. Hot body walked over to me and using the keys he had gotten he unlocked me from my chamber. I stood up straight and looked at my surroundings.