Priscilla's Palace of Pain
Author's note: This story's main element is humiliation, some elements of it borderline on slapstick. It is about a haughty prospective princess being dramatically humbled. It is pure fantasy. If you like this kind of thing please continue to read. Includes, Spanking, Oral Sex, BDSM, Analingus, and Humiliation.
"The Palace"
Priscilla Conwyn stepped halfway out of her ornate carriage. Her chauffeur the dignified Hamilton stood in front of her was flanked by two royal guards. Priscilla calmly turned her head and slowly took in the splendor of the Grand Palace. She was certain that what she was looking at was her deserved home, she knew with great certainty that she would eventually rule over the entire kingdom.
Priscilla spoke with an air of haughty dignity "I am pleased to have arrived in this place, the road here was impossibly bumpy."
Priscilla's flowing dress gently grazed upon the cobblestone ground as she finally fully stepped out of the carriage. Her dress was adorned with glitter and shimmered in the sunlight. Priscilla's family had arranged for Priscilla to meet High Prince Blaine on this evening. It was traditional for the noble family of the highest prestige to marry their eldest daughter to the High Prince and Priscilla's family had politicked their way into this standing. Priscilla had been told that she one day would cement her family's legacy into the royal family. Priscilla was told that she was destined to become Queen. Priscilla took the obligation of her destiny seriously, and thus acted as a Queen even before becoming a princess. Priscilla was not concerned with difficult decisions that a powerful Queen would most likely have to make, instead, she was mostly concerned with the pomp and circumstance, with the adoration and the etiquette, with the petty power plays she could perpetrate on the lower nobility and the servants of her future kingdom. Priscilla was determined to look and act the part of a Queen in the most shallow form of the word.
Back on Conwyn Manner Priscilla was known secretly as "The Tyrant," she was allowed to treat the servants and lower members of the nobility with complete contempt. The entire manner walked on eggshells around Priscilla, knowing full well that one day she would most likely become Queen. Every servant and people of lower status than Priscilla were expected to treat her with pure reverence and if they did not, Priscilla was very creative in her punishments. Priscilla had a great love for watching the ritualistic canning of a servant's bare backside. It was a common entertainment for Priscilla at dinner parties. The most minor of crimes could result in a public caning, a single olive falling from a serving plate, a drop of wine spilled upon the floor, accidentally coughing had all been reasons for Priscilla to pursue this punishment against the lowly servants. Guests were expected to clap and cheer on as they witnessed these punishments, for if they did not act overjoyed they too would induce Priscilla's wrath. Witnessing these punishments would make Priscilla's heart flutter, she could not help but smile with unbridled glee.
Now as Priscilla walked towards the palace to meet her destiny, her path was obscured by a small puddle. The first rain of the year had recently occurred, spotting the magnificent Grand palace courtyard with puddles. Priscilla could have easily modified her strides and stepped over the puddle, yet this modification of her stride would momentarily make her look like a regular lowly human being and not the embodiment of royalty that she so desired to be, so she stopped and looked at Hamilton, her trusty chauffeur. Hamilton knew what to do, he removed his white coat and placed it, spread over the puddle. Hamilton could not help but cringe as he saw Priscilla step onto his coat, soiling it with rainwater.
Hamilton was no ordinary chauffeur. Hamilton's position was itself a form of punishment. Originally Hamilton was the head of the Lockridge family. The Lockridge family was from a long caste of nobility, yet Hamilton's father had squandered the family's wealth in foolish investments. When Hamilton's father passed, Hamilton inherited nothing but massive debt, he had no choice but to liquidate his assets to pay his debts. Hamilton's son Dane Lockridge was most recently admitted to the most prestigious naval academy in the entire kingdom. If Hamilton's son could rise to the rank of Admiral the Lockridge family would be returned to prominence, yet Hamilton was in severe debt and could no longer afford his son's tuition and no banker would loan him money. So Hamilton begged his rival family the Conwyn's to allow him to work in service to them in order to pay for his son's naval academy tuition. The head of the Conwyn's family was as sadistic as his daughter and assigned Hamilton the most difficult task of chauffeuring his spoiled eldest daughter. As an older dignified Man, Hamilton was forced to wait hand and foot on Priscilla and although he resented his job he never let it show.
Hamilton still looked like nobility, he wore an elegantly trimmed gray beard, he was always immaculately dressed. The white jacket that Priscilla had just recently soiled without care was in effect a heirloom. It was a jacket used by Hamilton's great-grandfather during his coronation as a military adviser for the King at the time. As Hamilton picked up his soiled jacket, he briefly and silently contemplated how far his family's prestige had fallen. Hamilton slung the jacket over his shoulder and continued to follow Priscilla, who seemed to hover over the earth with her large ornate white dress. Priscilla was destined to make a spectacular impression upon the royal family.
The doors the Grand Palace swung open and immediately upon entering the great hall that lead to the Royal Throne room trumpet music blared. Elegantly dressed men played the royal anthem alerting the Queen of her esteemed guest's arrival. Priscilla turned her head upwards and looked at the vaulted ceilings. Priscilla could feel she was walking on marble floors, even as the trumpets blazed she could hear the sound of her shoes tapping against the marble as she walked. Priscilla let out a smile of pure satisfaction, she could feel her destiny awaiting her in the throne room.
Priscilla was again in awe as the doors to the throne room finally opened, to reveal a massive room, even more, decorated than the hall she was just in. As the doors were closed behind her the trumpets stopped blaring. Many yards ahead a large group of Royals stood, in the center the Queen. The tapping of Priscilla's and her company's boots, shoes and heels rang through the Throne Room, echoing. Priscilla was nervous to meet the Queen, it was most likely more important to impress her majesty than her son. The Queen had a reputation of being stern, but fair, she was a popular Queen, yet her health was in question.
It was twenty years ago that the heroic King Herold had died in battle, leaving the Kingdom to Queen Octavia. Octavia wore nothing but long elegant black dresses after her husband died. Octavia quite purposefully did not remarry as herself and Herold already had an heir to the throne in the High Prince Blaine. Blaine was trained and educated through great expense to carry on the Kingdom's rich military and philosophical traditions, already High Prince Blaine was a decorated General in the Army and a trusted adviser on economic policy. Through Octavia's reign the Kingdom had become more powerful and esteemed than ever before and as the fortunes of its citizens increased, so did the splendor of the Queen's palace. If Priscilla were to inherit the Kingdom someday she would be in a position of unimaginable wealth.
Priscilla stopped and bowed approximately ten feet from Queen Octavia as per tradition. Priscilla looked up as she bowed to see the Queen flanked by High Prince Blaine, dressed in full military regalia. He was more handsome in person than in the paintings she had seen of him previously. His strong masculine jaw and broad shoulders nicely contrasted with his soft blue eyes and youthful smooth skin. Another General named Silas, stood stoically at the Queen's other side, it was rumored he was the Queen's lover, but of course, this was not confirmed. Next to the High Prince Blaine were Blaine's younger sisters; Rosemary and Violet, they looked down upon Priscilla with great judgment, they looked like wolves who wanted to tear Priscilla apart.
Violet and Rosemary both merely 21, and 20 respectively were great admirers of their older brother and wanted nothing but the best for him. They both wore large beautiful dresses, yet their dresses were nowhere near as beautiful as Priscilla's. It was the glitter on Priscilla's dress that made her truly look like a Princess. Physically Rosemary and Violet did not look like sisters, one short and voluptuous, one tall and thin, one with blond hair one with brown, yet they were indeed sisters. They were notorious for their catty behavior towards beautiful women around their older brother's age. They knew full well that the woman their brother married would hold great influence over him, and most importantly whoever married their brother would usurp them in power. Violet and Rosemary saw themselves as their brother's guardians, they were inherently suspicious and jealous of the women who wished to court their brother.
The silence was broken by the Queen letting out an echoing raspy cough, seemingly letting the whole room know of her limited health. The Queen stood and she spoke, with a shaky voice that still somehow remained elegant, loud and full of authority.
"Welcome Priscilla of the esteemed Conwyn family, our families have held strong relations through the years and most recently your family has become the most powerful noble family in the land. As per tradition, you are betrothed to my eldest son, Blaine."
The Queen coughed and paused, then began to speak again.
"As know all too well, one of the burdens of being wealthy and powerful is that our marriages must be based on alliances. Yet with this being said, I must say that I fell deeply in love with Herold, albeit after our marriage. Knowing the Conwyn family as fierce defenders of tradition, order and stability, I see no reason why a strong bond between Blaine and yourself Priscilla cannot be had."
Priscilla looked at Blaine and Blaine looked at her, Priscilla felt an immediate connection to the handsome prince, she could not help but crack a smile. Priscilla's heart fluttered with excitement as the prince smiled back at her, acknowledging that he was attracted to her as well. Priscilla's eyes met the Queen's eyes again and even the Queen let out a smile. Then the Queen began to talk again.
"The purpose of this meeting is for my son and the eldest daughter of the Conwyn family to meet each other, and become familiar with each other's tendencies, before returning to their own manors and then reconvening for a grand marriage ceremony right here in the Grand Palace. Of course, it must be said that if either of you finds a good reason not to marry, the marriage may be called off."
Priscilla looked over towards Blaine's sisters, their arms folded across their chests, their eyes staring daggers at Priscilla. Priscilla swallowed deeply, the two sisters would be difficult for Priscilla to impress enough for them to approve her marriage to Blaine. Although in the end their approval did not matter as much as the Queen's. Priscilla told herself to be at the height of her good behavior and not to do anything that would upset anyone. With the Queen's speech finished Blaine walked towards Priscilla. In Priscilla's mind, he was doing so in slow motion, her heart was beating rapidly, her romantic destiny beginning.
"May I take your hand?" The Prince said in a deep and dignified voice.
Priscilla was barely able to speak,"Certainly."
The prince gently took Priscilla's hand and gently kissed it, he looked into her eyes longingly after doing so. For Priscilla time seemed to freeze, she nearly felt faint, then the Queen spoke.
"Let us leave these two alone."
After the Queen spoke all of the parties in the Throne room left the room, Violet and Rosemary left in a huff, looking over their shoulders as they stormed off.
Blaine noticed that Priscilla was bothered by his sisters, "Do not mind them, they just want the best for me."
"I have done nothing to them, why are they so rude?" Priscilla said angrily.
"I am very sorry, they have been spoiled, they have not gotten the rigorous training and education that I received, they are bitter, for they are destined to be mere socialites. I truly do not blame their bitterness, for it is unfair to them. I also appreciate them as siblings, despite their lack of education they wish for the best for myself and this Kingdom, they are not merely satisfied with their own privilege. They want me to marry someone who will is a good influence on the kingdom and they do not trust you yet, but in time they will, as by all accounts you seem to carry yourself with the utmost elegance. I am sure that by the time we get married they will be your greatest champions, for they are very loyal to this family."
"I certainly hope so." Priscilla said to the prince.
"Let me give you a tour of the palace grounds, there is a lot to see."
In what seemed like a daydream, Priscilla was whisked away by the charming prince to see opulent room after opulent room. The Grand palace seemed to go on forever and ever, no expense was spared in its construction, mirrors, gold plating, silver and stained glass was everywhere. Priscilla became immensely excited about the prospects of living and practically owning such a place. Priscilla was in awe of the way the servants performed so swiftly and immaculately in their tasks.
"Your servants, they are excellent" Priscilla commented towards the prince.
"Yes, my mother has put a priority on the servants executing their tasks with a great amount of precision, you see she is very strict, yet very fair. Any kind of insubordination or failure on behalf of a servant, or even nobility is met with the same punishment. If the error was made as simply as a mistake, the servant may be warned, if it happens again they may be canned. Worse happens, if the servant has been dishonest or malicious, or their error particularly consequential."
"What to do you mean, more severe?" Priscilla asked inquisitively.
"Shame, humiliation, I am sorry to say. My mother's method, although cruel, it is effective."
"Shame, humiliation, how so?" Priscilla pause, smiling somewhat sadistically.
"Nudity, various levels of it I am afraid to say. Possibly their buttocks are bared and struck, possibly completely nude, always with an audience. I find this deplorable, it is a point of contention between my mother and me." The Prince seemed exhausted even explaining, his mother's punishment policy.
Priscilla hid her smile, although Priscilla herself was more arbitrary and sadistic to the Queen, she was glad to know that she would get the pleasure of witnessing such punishments in her new home, once she married the prince.
"Don't you find it deplorable?" The prince questioned.
"Yes...yes of course." Priscilla replied.
"I am glad we are in agreement, many things will change when I am King. I love my mother and my family, but I feel as though they possess an unseemly streak of sadism."
The Prince and Priscilla walked through the Grand Palace and its grounds, viewing gardens, libraries and art galleries. Priscilla listened to the Prince speak and feigned agreement with every topic he brought up, despite the fact that she had no interest in his proposed economic, military or social policies. The High Prince Blaine seemed to enjoy Priscilla agreeing with his long winded diatribes. The visit was going extraordinarily well for both parties. Priscilla impressing the prince and cementing herself as the future High Princess and eventual Queen, the Prince getting someone who will listen to him and most importantly agrees with him on everything.
"The Room of Mirrors"
Eventually, the Prince and Priscilla found themselves in a room the Prince referred to a "My room of mirrors."
Once in the "room of mirrors" High Prince Blaine softly touched Priscilla on her cheek turning her head towards him, and then he softly kissed her on her lips. Priscilla could feel the heat emanating from the Prince's flesh, she was already swooning, her heart fluttering with unbridled desire.
"I may be a Prince, but I am not old fashioned, I want to know what I am getting into." The Prince softly whispered into Priscilla's ear.
Priscilla looked around the room, every square inch of the room was a mirror.
"Do you feel the same?" High Prince Blaine said to Priscilla goading her further.
Priscilla looked into High Prince Blaine's eyes and said, "yes."
"I must see you in the flesh, I must see that you are willing to please me, in the ways that I require." The prince said as he softly touched Priscilla's cheek and looked deeply into her eyes.
"disrobe" The Prince stated, clearly breathing heavily himself.
"Disrobe? No one has seen me in the nude."
"It will only be me, I will be the only one to see you and if you wish to marry me, don't you want to know if I find you beautiful? Don't you want to know what I require? What about you, what do you require of me?"
Priscilla was confused by the Prince's line of questioning, but she knew that if she were to marry the Prince she must impress him. So Priscilla began to disrobe.
High Prince Blaine's trousers bulged as he saw Priscilla slowly remove the top half of her dress to reveal medium sized round breasts. Priscilla was red in the face, no man had ever seen her in the nude. Priscilla looked at all of the mirrors around her, she knew the prince would see her from every angle.
Priscilla stopped and asked a question. "How many women have you brought into this room?"
"Priscilla my dear, I am, but a mortal and I do say that I have committed several acts of sin with some paid courtesans, but after today, I can assure you that if I can see that my needs will be met that I will commit myself to you fully."
Priscilla paused with her hand on her hip, standing topless in front of the High Prince, "And what are these needs? What do you require?"
The High Prince looked nervous, but he composed himself enough to speak bluntly, "I require servitude, believe it or not, having a taxing decision making position like myself, leaves me feeling helpless, the Sword of Damocles dangles above my head, like my family, my sisters and my mother I do feel pleasure in a certain type of sadism, but not the public type, I like the intimate private type."
Priscilla paused, she knew there would be a catch to marrying the Prince. Priscilla was not used to sacrificing her dignity, but she felt as though she had no choice. She understood the Prince's desire, she herself as a sadist after all. Yet, Priscilla was not one to submit herself, to anyone. Priscilla let her mind wander. Possibly submitting herself to such a handsome and powerful man would bring her a new pleasure, she had never dedicated herself to anyone but herself her whole life. Priscilla believed that at worst she would only sacrifice some of her dignity in private to be able to stand with more dignity and esteem in front of the public. After all, this is what Priscilla craved more than anything. Public adoration. Priscilla began to disrobe more, disrobing the lower part of her dress, exposing her naked ass to the High Prince.
"I like a woman with a thick ass, I find it quite attractive." The prince was sweating as he looked at Priscilla, completely nude except for her white stockings. Priscilla felt a twinge of anger strike her when she heard the prince say she had a "thick ass." Priscilla was self-conscious about her ass, yet she was also flattered because he found her so obviously attractive.