Principal Reveals Students Need
I was being called into the Principles office, and it wasn't even a school day for me. We were headed to an away game and I had stopped to pick up my spare phone from my locker. I kept a pay-as-you-go phone that my parents didn't know about, and when I picked it up it had a message from Principle Mason to come to his office immediately. The message was time stamped about the time I came into the school. A little creepy but okay, I didn't know how he had this number or how he knew I was even here.
There was only one problem. I hadn't expected to see anyone and I was wearing my altered uniform. I had cut the bottom six inches off of the green and blue plaid skirt and hemmed it up so it barely covered my ass when I stood straight up. My white shirt was not the school issued one but one I had purchased and it was entirely see-through. The only thing I hadn't changed was the annoying tie. I was wearing a long coat, but it was early fall and still way too hot to be wearing any coats. My phone dinged again: How about today Ms Emily. How the hell had he gotten this number? I had blown off most of my senior year and had two strikes out of our three-strike policy so I knew I shouldn't walk away. I looked up at the video camera that covered the hall, tucked myself further into my coat and started walking towards his office.
I opened the heavy door to his office and winced when it slammed behind me.
"You asked to see me?" I managed as innocently as possible.
"I'm so glad you stopped by the school today, as mid-terms have just passed, I reviewed all seniors grades and standings."
I cringed; I was near failing two classes.
He smiled.
"And?" I said finally, the anticipation getting the better of me.
He stood and came around his desk.
"We need to talk, let me help you with your coat." His hands were already pulling the coat off my shoulders before I registered so my frantic attempts at keeping it on were useless.
"Oh, I'm fine, Oh, okay yeah thanks." He draped the coat over the back of a chair and went back to his chair.
"Well this must be a new uniform." His eyes had travelled the length of my body twice before he broke the silence. I awkwardly shifted my weight from foot to foot not sure what to say.
"I guess we don't have much to talk about then. You're failing two classes and now this lovely violation of school dress code, you're suspended Ms. Emily."
I stood in stunned silence. Eventually, I stammered out. "But, sir, I . . .I have two strikes against me already. Please. I . . . Is there any other option? My parents will kill me if I can't graduate."
He stood up again. I couldn't help but notice the bulge in his pants that hadn't been there before. He walked around his desk and around me. Looking me up and down.
"How old are you?"
"I just turned 18 this month."
"Good. Since you're an adult I think we can come to an agreement that doesn't involve your parents."
He returned to his side of the desk and opened the drawer. As he was rummaging about he asked, "Do you agree to do exactly as I tell you?"
I didn't have a choice, I felt my cheeks getting red as I mumbled, "Yes."
"Excuse me little girl?"
"Yes Sir." I said a little louder.
"Good girl, go lock my door and then bend over the end of my desk, grab each side with your hands."
"What are you going to do?" I hadn't moved yet.
He pulled a thick ruler out of his desk, "I'm going to spank you, because that is what happens to disobedient brats like you."
My mouth was open and I still hadn't moved.
"Lock the door and bend over, or I call your father and let him know you have been expelled."
I locked the door, my heart was in my stomach, but for some reason my pussy was betraying me and I was wet. Confused by this development I slowly bent over the desk and held onto each side as instructed.
"I don't even have to pull your skirt up you've made it so short for me. I am going to pull your panties down below your ass cheeks."
I started to stand but the ruler came down hard on my ass and his hand planted into my back and I was pinned down.
"You will remain in this position until your punishment is over, or I tell you to move, do you understand me?"
I was still in shock.
I sucked in air. That hurt.
"Do. You. Understand. Me." His entire body was bent over mine, his bulge pushed into my ass, his lips in my ear. I was terrified, and I was turned on. I couldn't believe my body's reaction.
"Yes sir" I gasped out.
"Good girl." He hooked his fingers into the sides of my panties and pulled them below my ass.
"Alright. This is going to take some time so get comfortable little girl. You are going to get twelve with the ruler per class you are failing, and six with my belt for this uniform. If you try to stand up we will start over. If you decide you are done, we will call your father to come collect you and you will be suspended."
I was struggling to calculate. I was in a panic. Twenty-four with the ruler, six with his belt.
I jumped and cried out involuntarily, "Fuck!"
He chuckled "Do you understand?"
"Yes Sir" I managed again.
"Good. We will begin now, count after each strike."
"Yes Sir."
Three. He had started just above the fattest part of my ass and was overlapping each strike working his way down. Four. Five hit at the crease between my thighs and ass, and I started hyperventilating. Six hit at the top of my thighs. Seven hit in the exact same place and then he started to move back up. By twelve I was crying, my knuckles were white with my grip on the desk, and I was so wet it was running down the inside of my thighs. At twelve he stopped briefly.
"I'll give you a break, but do not get up." He was massaging my thighs and ass with his right hand and holding me down with his left. "It has been a long time since I've spanked anyone, the new rules are a little restrictive. But since you're 18 we can keep this to us." His finger grazed the inside of my wet thigh. He chuckled and slid his hand up a little more until it just grazed the outside of my pussy. I jumped and his left hand pushed down firmly. "So you're an actual slut not just dressed as one?" He held his wet hand in front of my face. "This punishment might last longer than I thought." I wasn't sure what he meant by that, and I was still trying to catch my breath knowing I wasn't even half way done.
He repeated the entire exercise hitting in exactly the same spots as before. He had practice. I was crying and hiccupping trying to count. My right leg was involuntarily coming off the ground with each strike, and I was debating if this was better or worse than what I would get from my father if I got expelled.
Twelve. He set the ruler down in front of my face and started massaging my ass again. This time he pulled my panties down to my knees and cupped my entire pussy with his hand. I was soaked. "You little whore." He whispered. I heard him unbuckle his belt. I wasn't sure I could take it. My ass was on fire.
"Please, no more." I begged.
"Your entire ass is going to be bruised, how about we punish you a different way for this uniform?" I stayed in place.
"What do you mean?" It was mostly a sob.
"Do you want to be spanked more?" I kept crying. He had his bulge pressed into my ass again and was bending over me asking the question in my ear. He grabbed my tie, tightened it around my neck and pulled the end hard. He released and said, "Answer me."
"No Sir."
"Good girl. You are going to stay right where you are while I use you like the whore you are. Do you understand?" I had been having sex with my boyfriend for a year so while I didn't want to do this it was better than being expelled and I knew I wouldn't be able to lie still for another spanking. Plus I was so turned on I wasn't sure I didn't want him to fuck me.
I whispered, "Yes Sir"
He took my hands from their death grip, and put my arms overlapping behind my back. Then he adjusted my tie so he could take the end and tie it around my arms so I was struggling between choking myself and holding myself up.
He pulled my panties the rest of the was off, pulled me a little way away from the desk and kicked my feet out until my legs were spread open. Then he went to his desk and pulled something out. Finally, he was behind me and I heard him unzip his pants. Slowly he inserted his cock into me. I gasped. It was huge, and I was tiny. It hurt. He was gentle just until he got all the way in. He stayed like that for a second while he undid the tie, let my head back down and grabbed my forearms in his left hand. His right hand was squirting something onto my ass, and then a he was slowly fucking my ass with a finger. This was something I had not done. "No, please no."
"Emily, you said you would do anything I tell you to. Be good slut for me." He jammed a finger into my ass and started fucking me hard with his cock. I was screaming and squirming with each pump of his hips. This hurt, this was not like the sex with my boyfriend, but despite the pain I could feel my body responding. He kept finger fucking my ass. He pulled his right hand away from fucking my ass and slapped my sore ass cheek. I started crying again.
"Good girl Emily, your father will be so proud of you at graduation." He went back to my ass hole and added another finger. Suddenly, I was cumming harder than I had before in my life. He slowed down, "Did you just cum whore?"
"Yes Sir"
"Good girl" He pulled out. "On your knees." I slid off the desk onto my knees. "Turn around and face me." I did as I was told, I was in a daze. He presented his cock to me and I automatically opened my mouth and started sucking it. "You are going to finish me off with your mouth and swallow my cum." I nodded best I could with his cock in my mouth. I ran my tongue over the head and took as much as I could. I was gagging, he grabbed my hair and fucked my mouth. He was shooting his cum into my throat within thirty seconds.
"You're a good little slut." He was looking down at me caressing my cheek. "Probably why you're failing school." He helped me up, put me in his chair, wrapped a blanket around me, then grabbed a chocolate milk out of a mini-fridge I hadn't noticed before and some apple slices. I was suddenly exhausted and starving. I ate everything he gave me in an automatic fashion. Then fell asleep. He woke me a few hours later. "I think that game is ending and you're expected home soon." I was disoriented and immediately embarrassed. I grabbed my panties, put them on awkwardly, and wrapped myself in my coat and made a dash for the door.
He stopped me, "Emily, when you need another punishment just come to me, no one can hear us through the doors, but next time you're getting naked and I'm using that ass." Confused I left quickly. I had no plans of going back, he was crazy.
A week later I found myself drawn to his office, I kept walking by the door without meaning to. On one of these useless trips, head down I ran right into him. "Are you going to come get what you need or are you going to keep pacing?" He held his door open. I walked in.