Princess Takes Her Turn

Twenty minutes had come and gone before I finally stopped myself. I turned the vibrator off and inserted it into Jen's mouth with a small grin. A simple head nod had her suckling it like her very life depended upon it. Once it was cleaned of me, I removed it from her mouth. I glanced down and noticed the small puddle of wetness beneath Jen.

"Now, then. I can do this all night, sweetheart. I can get you so close that you can taste it and stop. I can find ways to torture you all through the night if I have to. Honestly, I would rather not. I want to taste you on my tongue. I want to savor each quiver your body makes. However, I require perfect stillness from you. Can you give me that?"

My eyes looked deeply into hers. She no longer looked put out. Instead, high color graced her cheeks and her eyes sparkled with undisguised pleasure. She nodded. I immediately climbed back onto her bed and placed myself between her thighs. Blowing a few gentle puffs of air upon her clit brought a happy grin to my face. Soon I went back to licking and sucking, flicking her clit quickly with the point of my tongue before pushing it deeply inside to taste all the nooks and crannies of her pretty pussy. She moaned loudly, yet stayed perfectly still, except for the minute quivers that shuddered through her. Finally, I inserted the same silver vibrator into her tight, wet hole and turned it on full speed as my tongue went into a frantic flicking spree. She came, hard. Pussy juice oozed around the vibrator, making the puddle beneath her even larger. When the trembling of her limbs ceased, I stopped.

I sat up, the better to see her eyes. She lay there, replete, a blissful smile on her beautifully shaped mouth. I chuckled as I undid her ankle straps, rubbing her ankles and calves to get the circulation going. Climbing off the bed, I strode to the headboard and undid her wrists as well. Jen lay there, unmoving. Her skin kept that beautiful 'just fucked' blush, which (astonishing to me) faded from every part of her eventually except for her breasts.

Soon after her release, she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"That was perfect, Michelle. You won the first round. But remember, we still have 3 more days to get through and, ummm, tomorrow night is MY turn."

I laughed, a trifle uneasily, and climbed into her bed to cuddle and sleep. We lay entwined and finally, after many moments, fell into the sleep of the sexually fulfilled.

The next day was filled with shopping, taking the children to the park, going out to the movies and other things that "girl friends" do. I had a lot of fun and I was pretty sure she did as well. Once the children were tucked in, we watched a movie, holding hands and enjoying one another's company. It seemed that she had forgotten her statement of the night before. That is until she glanced at me. Her eyes had a devilish gleam, one I was not too sure I could trust.

"All right, pet. Playtime is over. I want you on the floor 'kneeling up', you know what I mean."

The look in her eyes let me know she was in no way, shape or form, joking. I moved quickly, kneeling in front of her with my ass sitting on my heels, my hands clasped behind my back. She stood up and walked slowly behind me, her hand gentle upon my hair. When she was directly behind me, she jerked my head back, so that I was looking into her beautiful eyes.

"Listen carefully, little one. I want you to go to the bathroom and prepare our bath using equal amounts of vanilla and sandalwood oil. Make the water as warm as we both can stand it. I want the water drawn and you naked, within the next few minutes. So, get moving."

I hurried to do as I was bid, my pussy twitching convulsively. The thought of Jen ordering me and punishing me if I failed, filled me with utter happiness and made me want to be as perfect as possible for her. I started the water and then stripped off my clothing. My nipples hardened as the cool air washed over them and there was all ready the beginning traces of dampness on my inner thighs. The tub was half filled with sweetly scented water when Jen entered. I turned the water off and waited for her to speak.

"Get in and sit toward the back. I want to feel your breasts behind me."

I did as she said, scooting as far back as possible to leave room for her. She stripped quickly and then got in. With a sigh, she leaned back against me. Handing me a loofah and vanilla body wash she told me to wash her upper body and back. I did as commanded, taking my time. Enjoying the sensation of the loofah gliding over her soft skin. When she was cleaned to both of our satisfaction, she stood up. Water rolled off of her.

"Now, my legs and cunt."

Soon, her body glowed from the thorough scrubbing. Sitting down, staring up at her, I felt my heart would burst from the perfection of this moment. She smiled down at me and then spoke.

"Bathe yourself now, pet. I want you warm and clean. When you are done, go immediately to the bedroom. I want you lying face down. Place a pillow under your pelvic area for me, so that it is slightly raised. Do not bother to dry off. I will be in shortly, and you had better be as I ask."

I soaped myself well and rinsed, not once, but twice. Jen had all ready left the bathroom. I could hear her moving through the house. I stood up and shook slightly to remove some of the water and then hurried to the bedroom to place myself in the position she asked for.

What seemed like ages later, Jen entered the room. In her hand was a length of black cloth. She lifted my head gently and placed the cloth in my mouth and tied the loose ends tightly behind my head.

I had been effectively gagged. I heard the whisper of a belt being 'swished' through the air before the very first stinging contact. There was hesitancy at first, as Jen got used to being the beater and not the beaten, but that did not last for long and soon my ass was sore and HOT. I moaned and cried, but did not move, though my body screamed to escape the stinging assault.

Finally, the beating stopped. Sweat dripped into my eyes and my ass throbbed but inside I was grinning like an insane monkey. Jen moved toward the top of the bed and bent to look into my eyes.

"Did you enjoy that, pet?"

I nodded, what else could I do?

"Well, I am sure I have some other things you will enjoy just as much. Remove the pillow and then flip over. " I did as she said, and waited, breathlessly for what would come next.

Jen pulled a silk blind from a bag placed near her dresser. With a tilt of her head and an arched eyebrow, she let me know that I was to be blinded for what occurred next. I hated the thought of not being able to see but I said nothing and made no movements. If she wanted me blind, then blind I would be. After the blind was fastened securely, I heard her rummaging in a bag and then the light metallic jingle of cuffs.

“Raise your arms, pet. I want you cuffed and shackled.”

I followed the command in her soft voice, raising my arms above my head and waiting for her to attach the cuffs. Within a few moments I was secured to the bed. I felt the mattress give as she climbed into the bed with me. Every sensation was heightened and I could hear the pounding of my heart as she lightly stroked my belly and breasts.

Eventually, I felt coldness encircle my left nipple…maybe an ice cube? Then heat as her warm mouth suckled me. I could feel myself becoming wetter but I managed to control my moans as Jen took her time, playing my body like a well-tuned instrument. When the coldness finally reached my clit, I jerked and earned a slap for moving.

“Lay still.”

Soon I could feel her mouth moving on me, warm and soft. She gently teased my inner pussy lips and clit before darting a tongue inside to scoop out my juices. It felt like hours of torture before she finally allowed me to cum. And then, she sat on my face and ordered me to make her cum. I could not breathe as she rode my face, grinding her cunt into my nose and mouth. I stuck my tongue into her, as far as I could and hardened it, jabbing it inside of her like a miniature dick. She rode my mouth hard, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Eventually, I had cum all over my face.

Jen stopped soon after and then began to open the cuffs and shackles. Last of all, she removed the blindfold. With a wicked giggle, she threw those things to the side and then pulled me into her arms.

“I believe the score is tied…one to one. Let’s get some sleep, pet.”

I snuggled into her, feeling the heat and heft of her sexy body next to me as I drifted to sleep.

My last thought was simply: How could I top this?