Princess Chelsea

Ever since puberty I have been enamored with beautiful dominant women. Most of the fantasies I have ever had revolved around being at the feet of, and wrapped around the finger of a beautiful femme fatale. Throughout my entire life I have sought these types of women but have never found one that really shared my desires. Sure, I have met my share of demanding women but it usually turned out that they were demanding and controlling in a vanilla way and it never extended to the bedroom let alone into a Mistress/slave relationship. Even if I did sense that there may be a slight interest I wouldn't take the step of asking because of the painful rejection that might occur when I told them of my fantasies. I had seen a professional dominatrix a time or two but always felt when the session was over that it was too impersonal and just a business transaction for services rendered, not the real thing. I had almost given up hope completely.

That was until the day I found an interesting ad. It was short, simple, and to the point and would change my life forever. It simply read, "Beautiful, Sexy, Princess seeks submissive slave to tend to all my desires. Must be willing to follow orders and surrender totally to my whims. I will NOT be your girlfriend, lover, or wife. I will own you. Looks are of little importance, willingness to suffer required. If interested impress me by sending a gracious e-mail and pic to..."

I was definitely interested but cautious. The internet has always been a haven for disappointment, but my curiosity got the best of me and after spending a few days composing, I sent a polite e-mail and picture of myself to her. I kept it simple, and tried to stay away from spitting out all of my own fantasies which I am sure she was already receiving from others. I awoke in the morning and raced to my computer checking my inbox to see if there was a response. There was nothing. Oh well, I thought. Not the first time I have sent an e-mail to such an ad and not gotten a reply, so I just went on with my day. Besides, the ad was 2 weeks old and this woman probably had a flood of requests and picked some lucky guy, or guys already. No big deal, it was probably more of a financial arrangement than anything else, and I wasn't as attractive as a lot of others would be in that department.

A week later I had already forgot about my e-mail and was again browsing the usual female domination websites when I suddenly got an e-mail in my box I didn't recognize and almost deleted as spam. It was from her! I opened the e-mail and was filled with lust when I read it:

Congratulations boy! You passed my first test. You wrote a decent e-mail, sent a pic that didn't include some ridiculous close-up of your penis ( so many get thrown out for that) and have not wasted my time and pestered me with follow-ups. My name is Chelsea. I am young, beautiful, and used to having boys wrapped around my finger. Some would say I am a total cock tease with a sadistic streak.

The e-mail went on about some of the things she expected in a potential submissive and some of her likes and dislikes, but to be honest my head was abuzz with desire.

Over the next week we exchanged e-mails, and even a couple of phone calls. She sent me a few stunning pictures of herself, but of course I am always skeptical about pictures that people use on the internet. My fears were somewhat put at ease when I heard her golden honey voice on the phone. She definitely sounded like the woman in the photos. Sometimes she would tease me a bit, but it was mostly her asking me questions about my own fantasies and desires. I wasn't required to call her by any titles and the conversations tended to be more vanilla than I had hoped for, but she had told me this would be the case until she felt comfortable enough to want to get to know me in that other way. Then, as she said, things would abruptly change. Finally on a Thursday evening I received the e-mail I had been waiting for. I opened it and it told me that if I was still serious, that I could meet her at noon sharp on Friday. I was to have the whole weekend free for what she called "orientation." She wrote that there was no reason to respond to the e-mail because if I showed up she would know I was serious and if I did not that she would never speak to me again, this would be a one-time chance to make an impression. It went on to give me directions on where to go. Needlessly to say, my cock shuddered and I was not about to back out!

I awoke Friday morning and made sure I was impeccably clean and shaved. Especially my groin area as she said she liked her slaves to remove all pubic hair. As I locked my apartment door and walked to my car I could barely hide the bulge in my pants. This was really happening.

Following Her directions to a tee, I nervously drove to her house. It was fairly large, and rested on a beautiful tree-covered lot almost completely sheltered from the view of neighbors. I was relieved that I had not been directed to some trailer park, or some abandoned dirty industrial building in the rundown area of town. I parked in the gravel drive way, collected my thoughts, and looked at my watch. It was 11:57. I got out of the car and approached her door. When I collected my nerves and reached out to knock the door suddenly opened. Standing before me was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was blonde with her hair cascading down her shoulders, slightly taller than me with a perfect body, sparkling blue eyes, long legs and ample cleavage that fit her petite frame perfectly. She was dressed normally, nothing that appeared kinky in any way, but then again so was I.

"Hello, you must be my new toy wannabe...nice to meet you," she said cordially as she reached out to shake my hand.

I reached out, gently shook Her hand and studdered out a " I....I ... guess I am."

"Oh, a shy boy, I like that already, come on in," Chelsea responded while sensing my nervousness.

"Well. To get started...Take off all your clothes, fold them neatly, on the floor beside you and wait here on your knees. I am going to go change into something a little, well... more motivating." With a wink and a smile my young seductress skipped out of the room.

I quickly removed my clothes and knelt on the cold hardwood floor and made sure my cellphone was turned off. There was a tingle down my spine and I felt so vulnerable being naked on this woman's floor. I felt like I had waited for hours but in truth it was only about 20 minutes. I was beginning to think this was some kind of odd hidden camera show or something. I thought to myself this must be the luckiest day in the world, and now it is going to turn into a big joke. She was a beautiful woman, just as in the photos, and said she was going to make me her slave, and so far she was so sweet, sexy and sensual with no hint of the sadist I was half expecting.

Finally, I heard the clicking of heels in the hallway and my jaw dropped to the floor as she re-entered the room. There she stood. This goddess of my dreams, in a super sexy schoolgirl outfit. The tops of her breasts teased out slightly from her black lacy bra and tight white button down shirt. A perfectly tanned midriff showed off a jeweled belly button ring that led down to a hot short red pleated plaid skirt which barely covered her well-toned "to die for" ass and gave way to a pair of "kick me now" legs. Her feet were encased in a pair of black shiny Mary Jane style shoes that bore a six inch heel, that led up to an equally intoxicating pair of opaque black thigh-high stockings topped with pink bows. Her long blonde hair was now in low ponytails that rested on each side of her head. My cock had her full attention instantly. My first instinct was to hide it, but I felt somewhat paralyzed by both excitement, and the humiliation of kneeling there naked in front of this young lady. Obviously when she had asked what I fantasized about in previous e-mails, she had taken notes.

She came up and knelt down within inches of my face and in an ultra sweet tone said "Is this the way you greet your new Princess?"

I knew instantly what to do. I leaned down and planted a soft kiss on the toe of each shoe and let out a muffled, "I am sorry."

Smack! Pain shot across my face as her hand made contact with my cheek. Unshaken by my groan Chelsea leaned down to my ear and whispered," I think you mean, I am sorry... Princess."

" I am sorry Princess Chelsea," I responded. This was the moment I realized that I may be in for more than I originally thought and that she really did mean that at this point the casual conversations we had before would change abruptly.

" Just Princess will work slave, the less you speak the easier this will be. Stand up piggy and keep your eyes down, I want to get a look at my potential property." She circled me like a lioness would her prey. Coming back around to the front of me She let out a giggle, "Did I give you permission to get that little thingy hard?"

I blushed in shame and embarrassment, "No, Princess."

"I am flattered you are so excited, but...we will have to do something about that. Besides, we couldn't have little piggies running around with hard-ons all day. How would anything ever get done?" She sauntered away for a second and returned with something in her hand. Slap! Slap! Slap! With 3 heavy blows to my balls and I doubled over in pain. My cock was on fire and no longer hard. The item in her hand was a riding crop. As I straightened back up She told me to look at her. At this point I almost didn't want to, knowing I may just get hard again.

I looked up at her and saw a sadistic smile cross her face as she played with a long blonde ponytail with her free hand curling a few strands around in her fingers. My Princess walked away again and returned with a large leather collar with a ring attached to the front. Going around to my back she placed it on me. The collar was stiff and made it so I could barely move my head. I felt her hot breath on my neck and could smell her jasmine scented shampoo as I heard the sound of a padlock clicking shut after the buckles were tightened into place. A sense of helplessness played across my soul. She attached a short leash to the ring on my collar and led me over to her couch. My Princess took a seat on the couch and positioned me as her footstool.

"Now slave, you just stay put, and don't speak unless I tell you to. I have plenty of things to do to see if I even want to keep you, but right now I want to finish the article I was reading before you arrived." With that she pressed the tip of one heel into my rib cage and dragged it across my body. It was painful but I held my ground. " do mark nicely my little slave."

Although I couldn't see myself I knew that she was talking about the scratch mark her heel made. Strangely, I got a sense of pride and satisfaction from the compliment.

After about half an hour of Princess Chelsea reading a magazine while playfully prodding me with her heels, she finally took away Her feet and said. "Ok piggy, we have some work to do with you. We will see just how nicely you will mark now." She gave a firm tug on the leash, "Follow me."

Thinking my knees finally would get a little relief I started to stand up but immediately saw by the look in her eyes that I was to crawl. As she led me down the hallway and a couple of small staircases my eyes were transfixed on her perfectly formed buttocks every time her tiny skirt swayed with her hips. I always had a bit of a fetish for hosiery, garters and stockings. The glimpse of skin contrasting with the black thigh highs could push me over the edge. I was staring a little too much and I ran right into the back of her legs when she stopped. "Have a good look did you?" She giggled over her shoulder.

Princess opened a door and quickly led me inside. The room was fairly large and once in I realized it was a basement dungeon. The floor was cement and rather cold. There was a large wood cross on one side of the room and a small iron cage in the corner. In the center was a small padded bench and on the walls hung all sorts of intimidating torture implements. On the ceiling was mounted some sort of winch with a large chain hanging from it, under this is where my Princess led me.

She quickly placed a leather cuff onto each of my wrists, connected the two, and attached them to the chain. With a few rotations of the winch I was pulled to my feet and a spreader bar was attached between my ankles. A few more tugs on the chain and I was suspended on my tip toes. My Princess looked deep into my eyes and said softly, "Now, that I have your full attention..." The riding crop slowly teased the underside of my once again rock hard cock. "Now slave, I can be sweet at times, but definitely a cold-hearted bitch at others.... I want to tell you that I do not play with safe words or any silly things like that. This is real slavery and I expect you to follow one rule. My one big rule is that I make the rules and my word is your law. Do you understand that?"

"Yes Princess," I eagerly responded.

She stepped slightly to the side and I was taken completely off guard by what I saw. It was a video camera, "Don't worry piggy, that's not on....for now."

I felt a sense of relief fall over me a bit. I didn't mind being on video, but it was what she may do with the video that had me in fear. She walked around once again and the sense of excitement flooded me almost making me dizzy.

"Now slave, I am going to be kind enough to give you a choice before we begin. The choice will only last for the weekend, then you will be sent home with a new choice. Aren't I kind?"

"Yes Princess, thank you Princess." I said in a meek voice.

"You may choose to leave right now. No harm, no foul, as they say. If so, we will have no further communication. The second choice is that you surrender to me completely for the whole weekend. No safewords. No, OK I'm done, just complete and total surrender."

There was a pause. Before I could say anything through my now dry mouth she began speaking again." It will just be one weekend out of your mundane life. That is the only commitment you need to make right now. You do find me attractive don't you? You do want to please me don't you?"

I knew there was only one answer, "Yes, Princess!"

"Yes, you want to please me? Yes, you find me attractive? Or yes, you will surrender. Speak up piggy." She said as she tilted her head to the side.

"Yes, Princess, all 3, Princess!" I said a bit stronger this time.

"See, you are already learning, that is such a good sign my little play toy."

The sexual excitement of my predicament took over my reason and I had to agreed, especially when she brought up going back to my mundane life. My cock wouldn't let me say no, no matter what she may have asked. I was sure she knew I was already wrapped around her fingers.

"Awwwe, Thank you my little pet, " she smiled broadly, "we are going to have so much fun together, well at least I am going to have fun with you." She grasped something off the wall and before I knew it I had a penis shaped gag stuck in my mouth. "This is for your own good my pet, I am not in the mood for back talk or screaming"

She giggled as she picked up a large deerskin flogger. She twirled it in her hand and began reigning it down on my back, ass and thighs. The heavy thuds of the flogger warmed my body and actually felt wonderful as if I was being massaged. Looking at my rock hard penis, Princess stopped the flogging and purred, " Ohhh, piggy likes that!" Without warning a heavy under hand blow struck my balls, then another and another. I instantly felt like I was about to either throw up or swallow the gag in my mouth. She just laughed hysterically.

She put down the flogger and this time picked up a cane."Do you know what this is my little toy?" she said knowing there was no way I could respond. "This is the tool I use for punishment. It's not a very forgiving tool, but is always one that leaves quite the ...impression."

She dragged the tip of the cane down my forehead, my chest, my stomach before tapping it lightly on my now helplessly hanging ball sack. "I usually prefer to punish boys last, because that way it hurts more, but...I find sometimes they just can't take it and on occasion even pass out."

My eyes grew wide as she ran her tongue over her teeth enjoying the full effect of her words. She began to speak again as I tried not to panic. "Punishment is not a game and is not to be enjoyed. For today it will only be 5 punishment lashes of the cane. No more, no less. I am being lenient because you are new, but don't mistake this for kindness. You were one minute early coming here today. I said noon, you attempted to knock upon my door at 11:59. You missed calling me Princess until I reminded you. Lastly, your little bump into me in the hallway. You should take comfort though. Most make far more mistakes."

Chelsea stepped around to my back and I heard the swish of the cane cut through the air. I tensed my body to reduce as much of the pain as possible but no strike came.

"Ah, ah, ah. If you tense in anticipation then the blow does not count and I will begin again." She announced as I almost choked on my gag. There was a silence for a moment and her heels clicked away for a few seconds. I heard a few clicks and some music came on and she adjusted the volume up a bit. She came close to my ear again saying teasingly,"There, the swish will no longer be an issue."

She let her fingers drag through my hair and down my back letting her nails bite into the flesh a bit. I waited. Then waited some more, but no blow came. I breathed through my nose a bit more normally when out of nowhere I felt the impact of the cane on the flesh of my ass. A blinding pain followed as if I had been hit with a stun gun. My ass was on fire as I tried to dance away a bit, but failed because of my restraints. That was one, how would I ever survive 4 more. As I swayed a bit, but before I recovered, I felt the next blow. It almost took my breath from me. I then felt her hand brush across the blows and I tried to recover just to get it over with.

I heard the swish of the third and tensed, but the pain was not dulled in the slightest. "Oh, you really must be a pain slut to ignore my warning. I am a girl of my word though. We will just begin again at one." Her voice was stern and uncompromising but I could also sense she was enjoying every moment of this scenario.

This time through I survived all 5 blows. Princess Chelsea came around the front of me and placed a kiss on top of the gag in my mouth, lifted a finger to my cheek and rubbed it in one of the tears that flowed from my eye. Her beautiful eyes looked right into mine as she placed that finger in her mouth and sucked on it for a second. She grabbed my shaft and ran her fingers it's swollen length, and slapped it back down without even looking up. "That's done slave. Now I can have a little fun with you."

I groaned to myself careful not to let it be audible as the cane had destroyed any resistance to anything that I might have been able to muster. This was beginning to become one of those, "be careful what you wish for situations."

For about the next hour or so she showed her skill with a variety of different whips, paddles, floggers and more. I found that one of her favorite games of all was to change up the rhythm of her blows to throw off all attempts to soften them. She wasn't especially harsh with me on any of them but just seemed to be playing around a bit and testing my limits. The sheer amount of blows, and implements were taking their effect and had me becoming exhausted in a hurry.

I will say that Princess Chelsea had a keen sense of when I had enough of something and was able to provide a break just when I was about to break. If it is trust that is key, this woman seemed to build it just as I thought I may not be able to trust her. This made my desire to suffer increase at every turn, slap, and lash.