Power Switch

Being in control of one's own orgasm is something that people tend to take for granted. Sure, you can't literally cumanytime you want, but it is close enough – all you really need is a little time alone and bam; gratification, bliss, and a slightly fuzzy feeling. As a man, I've certainly taken advantage of that and personally, I kinda had to. My libido has been higher than average since puberty and hasn't gone down since then; I'm talking a minimum of 4 orgasms a day for me to just feel like I can operate normally. 24 hours without some sort of release, be it sexual or masturbation, and I start getting fidgety; 48 and I'm biting my lip and growling. The longest I've ever gone without cumming of my own free will was about a week, and while I was able to keep up a pretty solid façade about it... it nearly drove me crazy. I'd never felt so itchy, so tense, so tightly wound my entire life. But the moment I finally did get to cum... that was fuckin' glorious.

This is part of why I want Babydoll to have free reign over my orgasms, even if only every so often. I'm a tease, after all – having control over the female orgasm is my drug of choice. I bet it would be interesting, to say the very least, to have the shoe on the other foot for once. Some sort of wager on the table to make it interesting, like if I can go for X days without cumming I get such and such treat, but if I fail I give up something to her in exchange. The stakes could be small; it would mostly be a matter of my pride on the line.

And then, I'd want Babydoll to fuck with me, horribly. She could wear nothing but short skirts and crop tops around the house, just flaunting that beautiful body of hers and knowing how badly I want it, need it... Knowing I can look, even inviting me ordaringme to touch, knowing that after a single day without cumming a single hand on her thigh would turn me into a savage unable to keep from pinning her down and forfeiting the bet to have at her.

From there, should I continue to resist, she could and should make it worse. Put on porn while I'm trying to work; sit in my lap with no panties like it's the most casual thing in the world, and bounce up and down excitedly; she could even just start masturbating in front of me if she thought it would torture me further. She could strut around the house in nothing but one of my t-shirts and bend at the waist for any reason, just to prolong my agony. I'd be ravenous and aching, but I'd love it.

In my mind, I make it to day 3 before she pins me against the wall, one hand on my neck as she mewls plaintively. "You look like you're in pain..." she muses with faugh concern, her free hand going to grab one of mine. "Does ithurt? I bet it does... poor Daddy. But your little Babydoll has just what Daddy needs, doesn't she?" She guides my hand between her thighs – no panties yet again – and grinds herself against my fingers, letting me feel the radiating heat and moisture of her lower lips. "Don't you feel that, Daddy?" she whispers into my ear between moans. "Feel how hit and wet your little girl is? She's missed Daddy's big hard toy so,somuch..."

"You have... Other toys, little girl..." I manage to say between groans and snarls of restrained passion.

"I do... But Daddy's toy is always my favorite." She smiles up at me, the makes a puzzled, pouty face. "Don't you wanna make you little Babydoll happy? I won't be happy until I get what I want..." she pauses and grabs my belt, yanking off my belt and furiously yanking to get my pants loose. "And I want Daddy.Now."

Realizing I have a matter of seconds before my little princess goes full Her Highness and merely takes what she wants; I also realize my hand is still buried between her thighs. A remnant of rational thought saves me, and my fingers set to work on her g-spot rather viciously while my thumb assaults her little clit. She pauses, shocked, and I feel her collapse against me as her knees threaten to betray her and give right on out.

"Nnnngh... Daddy... That's cheating..." she half-heatedly pouts against my neck. "No... No fair...! Aaaanghhh..."

"And when did I ever say I would play fair, little one?" I kiss her forehead and take my free hand and grip the back of her head, snatching up a fistful of her hair and dragging that cute little face up to make her look at me. "Now, you have until I count backwards from 20 to cum or I'll just stop."

"Ch-... Rrrrgh... Cheaterrrrrrr AUGH! Fuck, fuck, Daddy, this isn't..."

"18... 17... 16..." I drone on calmly, working her buttons a bit more and doing my best to keep a straight face.

"Nuh uh, nuh uh..." she manages, gripping my chest. "Daddy please, no cummies yet, no cummies...! Aaaanghhh... Babydoll wants to wait for you..." I slow my fingers down and she stops, panting heavily as she leans forward as much as my grip will allow. "Babydoll doesn't wanna have cummies without Daddy... Please, please, please... I've waited this whole time, I've been a good girl and it's so hard..."

Of course at this point I end up stopping everything and kneeling with her in the hallway like we're in a sort of bizarre prayer session, rubbing through her hair and trying to soothe her and holding her so tightly to me you might think I was scared she'd fly away. After about the 30th 'yes, I'm fine' I let her get some breathing room and nervously laugh.

"You didn't tell me you were holding back on my behalf..." I mention, still idly playing with her hair. "You didn't have to, y'know..."

"It was gonna be a surprise..." she mutters, still sniffling slightly. "I know how hard Daddy has to work to hold back so I wanted to show I was being supportive..."

"A sweet gesture, I admit... but once again, not necessary."

"Is so." She crosses her arms and stares at me with a stubborn, determined pouting look on her adorable little face. "Daddy supports me all the time! I wanna support you. 'Sides..." she breaks out of her position and giggles, kissing me on the cheek. "Nothing feels better than when Daddy makes me cum anyways. Playing by myself just gets lonely after a while, and all I want is-"

"Understood, little girl..." I manage, cutting her off. "But I won't be breaking my fast early. Not on purpose anyway. And if you really want to support me, you'll hold off too."

Although outwardly she nods and seems to understand, and we move on to other topics, a part of me is legitimately terrified now. I saw a glimmer of Her Majesty rear up, and the fact my little Babydoll is denying herself and this sudden appearance of her more dominant persona cannot be separate instances. My little sweetheart is a precious angel, usually... and rather well behaved, even if she does have occasional bratty moments. But there is only so long she can go without having what she wants before she begins to get rather... well, greedy would be putting it mildly. It's only a matter of time, I realize, before she becomes a bit more insistent.

Surely enough, I wake up on the morning of Day 5 of my little self-restraint exercise tied to the bed, hands above my head, legs shoulder-width apart, and my devious little girl looking much less little in a skimpy, solid black lace lingerie set that hides exactly nothing. In one hand she holds a riding crop, rubbing it sensually slowly across by bare chest. In the other hand is my dick, already wide awake and ready to start the day off with a bang. Each light motion of her hand is delicious agony, and it is already taking a considerable effort to keep myself from giving in right away. I stir to test the restraints, and finally manage to ask just what is going on.

"Oh, I'm sure you know what's going on,Daddy..." she hisses out, the word curling like plumes of smoke. "Your little girl has been as patient as patient can be but... now, I'm officially done with that approach." She abruptly squeezes down on the base of my shaft hard, and I instinctively wince and pull my head away only to be guided back to eyes-center position with a nudging of the crop. "I entertained your little game for as long I could, but... then something occurred to me."

"And what was that, Babydoll?" I ask, already dreading the answer.

"Your little fast, as you like to call it... is alright in theory," she stated, releasing my aching member to grip the crop with both hands. "The problem comes with the reality of the matter... your restraint of yourself is keeping me away from what I want. What I need. And I am not inclined to go without what I need because of some... exercise of yours. It hardly seems fair, does it?" As she says this, the crop is now rubbing delicately across the length of me and I am trying futilely not to buck my hips in desperation.

"I can... understand your position..." I reply, wrists till trying to twist their way free of the ropes. "But I think you're misunderstanding-"

Thwack.The crop strikes a thin red line across my chest, just above nipple level. Expertly placed, perfectly stinging – she hasn't lost her touch a bit.

"Let me finish. I understand your position; you've explained it to me. But what you don't understand... what I didn't understand at first..." she pauses, dropping the crop and taking a seat on my chest before grabbing up a fistful of hair, "is that you've fuckin'ruinedme, you delicious bastard..."

I can't answer before her tongue's in my mouth, her lips siphoning out all oxygen in my lungs which is made easier by a delicate, perfectly manicured, beautiful little hand around my throat as she kisses me right into the realm of light-headed fuzziness. I gasp for air as she begins alternating between nuzzling and kissing me one moment and outright choking me the next – at one point both her hands are gripping my throat as she looks down on me with what can only be called adoration.

"I've been so selective, so careful, so cloistered off..." she begins again, occasionally letting up on the pressure so I can inhale a few sweet moments of oxygen. "Then you came along, and ruined everything... god, I hate you for that, you know? Here I was... fully in control, never even letting a man's hand anywhere near me... and out of left field comes you, with thatstupidsmile and thatadorablelittle face, and thatvoiceof yours all inside my ears and making me feel things I'd thought long buried..." she paused to slap me, twice, hard, then began kissing me again. "You got up to the walls of my castle, and when you couldn't climb them you dug a tunnel like a damned dog. But still, I let you in... I let you try, I figuredsurely you'd fail, or ruin it yourself somehow, or give up like the others did when I turned out to be no easy task. And instead, you... you made mecum. You got into my panties, into my mind, and within seconds I wascumming. How fuckingdareyou... you...?!"

At this point, the hand around my neck began shaking my head back and forth, slamming me about rather painfully on the mattress. Seconds later she was cuddling me again, cooing, whispering sweetened words in my ears. She finally sat back up, glaring at me again.

"You made me feel things and it pisses me off. But what's worse is... after awakening this part of me... you woulddareto try and cut it off. Like I'd give up on these lips, these arms..." she was trailing off, lightly rubbing and occasionally digging her claws into pars of my arms and chest as she nestled up against me like a mewling kitten. "Oh, silly Daddy... you do understand, don't you? I've decided that you are mine, after all..." she reaches behind herself, vigorously dry-rubbing my cock while maintaining eye contact. "And that means you don't get to hold this part back from me like this. So now... We're gonna play a different game."

She slips back from me and begins straddling me, rubbing her dripping pussy back and forth across my cock before smirking down at me, one hand pressed against my chest and the other gripping my hair.

"And what game might we be playing, Babydoll?" I asked, almost dreading the answer.

"Oh, it's a very,veryfun game, Daddy..." she growled out, digging into my chest as she began to stroke herself across me more energetically. "It's called 'make Her Highness cum herself stupid or she'll do unspeakable things to you. I'm gonna get on top of this stupidly huge thing you call a dick... And then I'm going to use it. And if you know what's good for you, Daddy... You won't cum before I do."

I spend each moment her eyes are on some other part of my body to try out the ropes. Admirable knot work, but not unbreakable. I can slip these but I need time. I need to keep her busy, distracted. I do something I never do and tilt my neck sideways, offering it up to her. Full access to one of my most vulnerable areas without resistance.

"Oooh,Daddy..." she squealed deviously, nuzzling giddily against it and purring like a panthress in full throes of heat. "For me? Oh, you're such a good boy..." her tongue drags across it, her nails digging into my shoulders as she begins sinking her teeth into the tender flesh. I've never felt so helpless, so weak... So fucking utterly and completelyowned.

A part of me hates myself for loving it. That part is even more revolted by the moans and yes, even the whimpers, she draws from me with her nails and bites and kisses... And even worse, my dick is overly enthusiastic, drooling precum and twitching eagerly against her pert little brown ass. I do my best to push it from my mind and focus on moving as subtly as possible to get my wrist free, pausing when she pauses.

"So eager, aren't ya Daddy dear?" she asks, gripping the back of my head again and snatching me up to look at her. "I bet you're just itching to pop inside your little girl, aren't ya? Mmm, you probably won't last more than a few seconds at this rate..." she pauses, licking my left ear as she grinds herself against me a bit more. "So you best hurry up and make me cum."

My thumb is aching, my wrist rubbed raw... But the right hand is almost free. I hold it still and nod, not willing to tip my advantage just yet. I let her get up off of me first. I let her strip slowly, exposing her breasts out of the bustier and slip her panties off, glistening like grass in the morning with a dew far sweeter than honey, and shove them into my mouth. I let her tease the head of my cock against her clit and watch her smirk and writhe, so confident and in control... And I let her slowly engulf me and taunt the upper half of my shaft even as I feel the glorious, maddening agony of desperate need for release build almost instantly.

"Daddy sounds like he's in pain..." she coos, leaning over and lightly licking my lower lip. "Poor Daddy... bet he just wanna go ahead and cum for me, doesn't he? Mmm, go ahead and pour it on in, Daddy... I promise, I'll only hurt you a little bit..."

I'm not sure where the strength to hold out comes from but it can't be from and external source. Babydoll is working me to perfection, teasing just the head before giving me a slight taste of what it would feel like to be fully engulfed by her warmth after so long. Each second is an agonizingly blissful eternity and I want to scream, despite the taste of dripping pussy and cloth filling my mouth and muffling all sound. But somehow I keep my balance. I wait, languishing away at her mercy, for one slip up. As much of a tactician as she is, my sweet devious little girl is not infallible; all it takes is one slight miscalculation, one slight overstep. She's riding me so slowly I can feel each second of that precise moment the head of my cock bumps the ridges of her g-spot just a bit harder than she anticipated, and rests there a bit longer than she'd have planned. She gasps and collapses forward, catching herself on her hands before she hits my chest. She's been denying herself as well, I can't forget, and the tiniest ghost of unexpected pleasure shoots through her like lightning and the resulting thunder gives her a few moments of being shaken from her foundation, mere seconds where she closes her eyes to gather herself.

All the time in the world for me to slip that right hand free.

The second I get out of the ropes I snatch a handful of her hair, snarling as I drag her in closer to me. She's going au natural tonight, and I feel my baby girl's natural hair against my palms and it sends messages through me like a tracker dog catching the scent of his target. She glances at me, shock filling her face, too confused for the moment to even attempt reasserting her dominance.

That moment is all I needed, now that I have a free hand to grant me a bit of leverage. I hold her still and snarl "almost had me, little girl" right into her ear before slamming myself into her, to the hilt, making her take the full length after all that damned taunting.

"ShhhhhiiiiiiiiIIIIII-!!" she squeals out, barely able to finish the curse word before I begin pounding the oxygen out of her with my dick. She rocks loosely against me and mouths out words, mostly 'fuck', and grasps for the wisps of her composure as they float further away with each thrust. By the time she has enough air in her to make noise again, it's merely a series of guttural groans, punctuated by whimpers.

Music to my ears.

"What happened to all that good shit you were talkin' a second ago, huh?" I sneer at her, releasing her hair only to grab her gorgeous little neck. "You were running that lil' mouth so much a second ago, weren't you? C'mon, look at me.Look at me."

She does, hesitantly. The fierceness and determination of Her Highness has receded into the psyche, leaving behind nothing but my adorable little princess, now a bit dazed, very confused, and so fucking wet she was drenching the mattress under me and each push into her milking, greedy little pussy was insanely loud with the slapping, sloshing sound of sex. The way she's squeezing onto me and the way her fluids start to flow out as she almost forces me away from her lets me know she's cumming, too lost in the sensation after so much waiting to form the words to beg. I keep pounding her as she does and she squeals more helpless little noises, eyes forced shut tight.

"Ain't got shit to say now, do ya?" I taunt her, applying a bit more pressure to her neck. Something about being back in control after having completely given it up feels even better than I'd imagined it could be.

Babydoll shakes her head a bit, not breaking eye contact with me at this point. Daddy is back in full effect and he is not taking it easy on his sweet lil girl this time. I hold her still for a moment, then release her neck, motioning to the other rope. She doesn't need verbal instructions – seconds later and I'm free. A few seconds more and she's bent over and I'm snatching her hips back against every last thrust as she groaned and mewled plaintively from the feel of being back at my mercy. She begins begging me to cum soon enough; I make her earn it. Through yelps as I began painted her ass crimson slap after slap, she proudly proclaims, as loud as possible, that she's Daddy's hopeless fuckdoll, that she just can't help herself, that she's a greedy cock-junkie... and whatever else I make her say. Hard to remember all the words - by the time she starts cumming and explodes in a dripping geyser, coating my legs and the bed, I'm just so relieved not to have to hold back I could actually weep.

I bite down on the back of her neck instead: a feral gesture, a mating gesture. Then I pull out, flip her over, and paint her bronzed chest pearl white. The volume and amount of the load surprises both of us – a few shots hit her face and neck, and by the time the flow slows down I feel like I could just pass out and die a happy man. As I flop over she lays next to me, unable to get up long enough to even clean herself off. I let her rest her head against me, and we lay in silence for a while before she finally pipes up.