Power Struggle
The sound of a kitchen cabinet closing a little too hard roused Clare from her afternoon nap. She sat up and looked to her phone, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. 5:15, about half an hour later than Matt normally arrived home. She slid off the bed and went to join him in the kitchen.
"Why didn't you wake me up when you got home?" She asked, opening her arms to hug him. He seemed agitated as he pulled food out of the refrigerator and set it on the counter, ignoring her attempt at affection. He didn't answer her, but instead took a glass out of the cabinet and filled it with ice water. "What is the matter love?" Clare asked, her voice filled with worry. "Did something go wrong today?" Matt took a long drink of the water and set the glass down on the counter.
"You were home all day Clare, the house is a mess. I come home thinking that the housework would already be done and I could have a nice relaxing evening with my wife, and not only are the breakfast dishes still in the sink and dinner isn't started, you're sound asleep." He gestured at her pajama bottoms. "You didn't even bother to get dressed." His jaw clenched and released as he looked at the food items in front of him.
Clare froze staring at him. This wasn't the man she knew at all. He had never criticized her for how she kept house or spent her days before. Tears formed in her eyes, and she pushed away from the counter she was leaning on and walked straight out to the back porch.
"Get back here! I'm talking to you Clare." Matt called behind her as she slid the glass door closed. She wasn't listening. Her heart pounded in her ears as the tears started to spill out of her eyes. The glass door slid open and she heard Matt's voice. "What the fuck, Clare, why did you walk off like that?"
She drew in a deep breath and turned to face him. "The house is for love, not whatever this is."
Matt stepped toward her and put his hands on her arms, his dark eyes piercing her. "I want an apology Clare, that was disrespectful. You spent all day at home doing nothing, and when I point that out you sass me." Clare was stunned, he could have slapped her face and it wouldn't have hurt as much as being accused of being lazy and disrespectful. They'd never quarreled before, but she was not going to take this.
Her lips drew into a sharp line and she shook her head quickly. "No Matt. I will not apologize. I wasn't disrespectful, and I sure as fuck wasn't lazy today." She turned her body to free her arms from his grip, stepping to the side to walk away from him.
He held his arm out to bar her from moving. "Clare, apologize, or I'll turn you....."
"Then fucking spank me Matt." She interrupted. "Because I will not apologize for spending the day with Taylor and the 'twins'. We looked forward to today for weeks, I took a vacation day from work so we could have fun today. Taylor asked if she could take them for a sleep over afterward, so you and I could have the house to ourselves for the night, we've been needing that for awhile. You were off work last week for a day, did you spend it home doing housework so I could come home to a clean house and dinner ready?" She knew that was a low blow, but she was angry. It was OK for him to take a vacation day and go fishing with his buddies, but she was expected to spend her free time washing dishes and cooking. "What does it matter that dinner isn't on the table and the sink is full of dishes? We take care of those chores together every single evening when we get home from work. The house isn't any worse now than if I had been at work all day. Do whatever you want Matt, I am not sorry."
She pulled free from him and walked back into the house. She'd show him how serious she was about not apologizing for taking a day for herself and the things she wanted to do. She walked straight to their bedroom, wriggling her rings off her fingers as she did. She set them into the tray on the dresser, all but her wedding rings. She pulled off her bracelets and necklace and set them with the rings. She tugged her shirt over her head and took her pajama bottoms off, leaving them in a puddle on the floor. Finally she slipped her panties off her legs and tossed them onto the pile of clothes. She lowered herself into a kneeling position at the end of the bed, the place Matt usually had her wait when he planned to spank her. But instead of lowering her eyes to the floor she stared straight at the end of the bed. Her gaze proud and defiant, her chin high and her jaw set, determined to take whatever he threw at her without feeling any remorse.
Matt leaned against the door frame of their bedroom, the sight of her naked and kneeling with her head high was striking. He was filled with regret for having spoken so sharply to her. Especially after pointing out his recent fishing trip with Tim and Scott. He remembered how much fun they had out on the lake, even though the fish were not co-operating. He'd returned home in a much better mood, then he prepared dinner while Clare puttered around the kitchen cleaning up the dishes and getting the table ready for dinner. Their tasks were made easier by their enjoyment of each other and the occasional brushes and bumps of their bodies together in the small kitchen. Some of those bumps and brushes being premeditated on his part to be honest.
Suddenly he couldn't explain why he'd thought that today should have been any different and he realized just how wrong he had been. The sight of her patiently waiting to be punished unjustly convicted him. He needed to find a way to end this without loosing face, and he had no idea how to do that. Soundlessly he pushed away from the door frame and walked out to his garage.
The garage door at the house across the street was open, and Matt could hear clinking of metal tools and an occasional swear word as he walked across to seek the counsel of his buddy. He found Tim hunched over the engine of a car he was in the process of restoring. As he came into view Tim straightened up and smiled "What's up brother?" He asked, noticing Matt wasn't looking as friendly as usual.
"I blew it." Matt said scratching at his cheek with one hand.
"Hmmmm....." Tim pointed to a stack of camping chairs along the wall. "Grab a chair, lets talk about it." He set down his tools and picked up a shop rag to wipe the grease off his hands then took a chair out of the stack and unfolded it for himself. Tim lowered himself into his chair and looked at his friend.
Matt had settled into the chair, but was leaning forward, his elbows braced on his knees and his hands held out straight in front of him, fingertips together. "What happened Matt?" Tim prompted.
Matt shook his head silently, choosing his words carefully. "So Clare had taken today off work. I don't know what I was thinking, but when I got home the house was a mess and dinner wasn't started. She was in the bedroom napping." He paused and drew in a few deep breaths. "I couldn't let it slide. I was short with her, and she was not having it." He halted again, trying to figure out a way to tell the rest of the story without giving Tim too many intimate details. "I demanded she apologize, and when she refused I threatened to put her over my knee."
"Oh no." Tim winced, thinking he knew what would come next.
Matt drew in another deep breath. "She told me to do it because she's not sorry. Then she stripped down to nothing and kneeled at the end of our bed." He rubbed his hands over his face, then pressed his fingers hard against his temples as if he felt a headache coming on.
"Ouch!" Tim said. Matt nodded. The two sat without speaking for a solid minute.
"Here's the thing Tim, I was absolutely wrong and Clare knows it." Matt finally continued. "You know how we went fishing last week, I came home and we spent the evening making dinner and putting the house straight just like we do every evening, and it was no big deal. I was rested and relaxed and Clare was happy that we'd had fun. The house isn't any worse tonight than it would have been if she'd been at work all day, but for some reason I was expecting she would have taken care of it all before I got home. I was irritated to find dishes in the sink and her napping, and I felt that I was entitled to be bothered by it, we've never even argued before. And when Clare called me out for letting loose on her in the house I took offense and demanded she apologize, and that's when she became disrespectful and defiant." Tim nodded. "I can't let those things go, but I sure as hell can't punish her when I'm the one who started the whole mess. I don't know how to fix this. And she's got such a stubborn streak, she'll wait all night on her knees before she'll back down. There's no spanking this out of her."
Matt grew silent, thinking of the time Clare had told him about the power struggle she'd had with her own mother as a child. Her mom had told her to pick up a doll that belonged to one of her sisters. Clare didn't feel that she should have to pick up the toy, since it wasn't hers and she hadn't been playing with it. Her mom had spanked her for refusing. After spanking her she'd directed Clare again to pick the toy up, and Clare again refused, earning another spanking. This pattern repeated several times until one of the other children took pity on Clare and put the toy away for her. There was one last trip over her mother's knee, and then she was sent off to stand in the corner and think about her behavior. She remembered her mother checking under her panties for a few days after that to ensure the bruises she left on Clares little bottom were healing. Even after all these years she didn't regret anything about that incident.
"I don't see a way out of this Tim." Matt finally said. "She's just so fucking stubborn sometimes."
Tim laughed softly "I think the word you're looking for is 'persistent' brother. And that persistence is what got Clare to where she is in life. You wouldn't want her to be any other way, if you really thought about it."
"You may be right." Matt said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. He leaned back against the chair and crossed his ankle over his knee. "What am I supposed to do now?" He asked.
Tim studied his hands on his lap for several seconds then asked "How long has she been in there waiting?"
"Damn, probably a good half hour by now." Matt said.
"I bet her feet and legs are sound asleep." Tim added.
"Likely." Matt said.
Tim chuckled softly. "Brother, I got nothing for you on how you get out of this, but I will say that Shannon has always said she'd rather take a spanking than have to feel her feet and legs wake up after they've been asleep awhile, but whatever you do, you need to get those legs straightened out pretty soon so her circulation can return."
"Good point. Thanks brother." Matt said, standing up and returning his chair to the stack by the wall. "I'll figure this out." He walked out of the garage and back toward his house.
Matt paused in the door frame of their bedroom again, Clare had not moved a bit. Still on her knees, head held high and jaw set with a look of defiance. Still so beautiful. Stubborn. He walked to the bed and took a seat at the end of it, locking eyes with her as he did.
"Come here Clare." He tried to make his voice soft so she would understand he'd had a change of heart. She made an attempt to stand, but her legs were clumsy after being cramped up for so long. Her feet and toes were completely white, there was little blood in them. He reached for her and supported her as she stood and found her balance. "Lay over my lap." He instructed. She lowered herself over his lap with a little difficulty. Her legs stretched straight on one side, and her arms circled over her head, minimizing the risk that she would throw them back to defend her bottom as he spanked it. She waited for the feel of his hand on her back to hold her in position, and the gentle caress of his other hand on her bare skin, but they didn't come.
Her legs began to prickle, as her blood regained the ability to flow freely through her veins. She began to squirm uncomfortably. "Be still, stop wiggling." Matt directed. The tingling intensified and she couldn't help but wiggle her toes. "I said be still." Matt said shortly.
"I can't. It hurts like crazy." Clare shot back irritated.
"Hush." Matt still hadn't placed his hands on her anywhere, not wanting to take her attention away from the burning of her legs and feet. Tears leaked from Clares eyes as she willed her body to hold still until the tingling stopped. Finally the pain subsided and she was able to relax her legs. Matt noticed her legs go slack, and knew that her circulation was restored. He placed one hand on the small of her back, and made gentle strokes on her bare bottom with the other. He slid a finger down her slit and noted how wet she was. His hand traveled down the back of her thigh, then returned up the other thigh to her bottom. He repeated the route, down one thigh and back up the other several times without speaking. Then he placed a hand on her left thigh and began massaging her muscle with his fingers.
"Clare, I owe you an apology." He said. "I was wrong tonight, and I'm very sorry for not thinking that you are entitled to the same recreation and rest time that I am." His hand moved to the other leg, gently kneading the muscle with his fingers. "I wish I could rewind tonight to the point where I came home and found you sleeping. I would like to have woken you with soft kisses on your neck instead of a slamming cabinet door." His hand traveled back up and gently stroked her bottom. "We would have made dinner and cleaned up the kitchen the same as we do every night, and you would have told me stories about your day the same as I did after my fishing trip. I took that away from you tonight Clare, and I regret that."
His hand moved between her legs and he slid two fingers inside her wet pussy. Clare squirmed with the unexpected intrusion and ground her hips against his lap. He slid his fingers back until they were almost out of her, then gently thrust them back in as far as he could go. Clare moved her hips in time with him, he began to stroke her faster and she moaned softly. He tucked her hip under his arm and held her to his body tightly, moving the hand that was penetrating her faster and readying her to orgasm. Her muscles began to spasm around his fingers and he slowed his strokes, allowing her to fully enjoy the climax.
Her body went slack again and he slid his fingers out of her. "Stand up." He said softly, when she didn't move he slid her legs off the edge of the bed. "I'll help you up." He offered. She was sluggish, her body seeming confused as to what to do. He supported her as she stood, then moved her to stand between his legs facing him. He kissed her gently, waiting to feel her lips return the pressure. His hands traveled over her round bottom, then moved up her back as he moved in for another kiss. He pulled her body to his, embracing her gently and kissing for a third time. She let out a soft moan and allowed his tongue to gently probe her mouth. His hand slid between her legs again and his fingers slipped back inside her.
"Clare?" Matt said pulling his face away from hers, his fingers still deep inside her.
"Yes my love?" She replied.
"We need to address the other problem tonight."
Clares eyes opened and she looked at him. "What problem?" She asked, wondering if he was still going to punish her for the way she reacted to him.
"Clare, I decide what spankings happen around here, not you." He said, stroking her bottom with his free hand and slowly moving his fingers inside her. "We are not going to have power struggles. Nobody wins that way." His hand caressed the back of her thigh.
"Yes love." Clare answered softly, finally feeling her defiance subside and her submissive spirit return. He moved his fingers inside her quickly, building her to a climax and allowing her to release herself. He waited until her body relaxed and then kissed her again.
"Ten good ones." He said, pressing his lips to hers. He kissed her firmly on her lips ten times, counting each one under his breath. By the time he was finished Clare was starting to giggle at the silliness. When he finished Clare unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his arms. "What are you doing baby?" He asked.
"Make up sex is the best." She purred.
"Oh, are we making up now?" He tried to sound casual.
"Isn't that how arguments are supposed to end?" She asked.
"Hmmm, I guess so, maybe?" He slid his arms behind him to brace himself as he leaned back to allow her to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. She kneeled down on the floor and pulled the pants off his legs, then removed his socks and boxers. "You need to get back up baby." He said "You need those legs to stay straight for awhile, keep the blood flowing." He helped her to her feet and then slid himself up the bed and she laid down beside him. He let out a low groan as she wrapped her hand around his cock. She slowly massaged his shaft a few times, then looked at his face.
A broad smile crossed his face as he said "Please." She positioned her body over his, and took his cock into her mouth, wetting it with her tongue. He moaned approvingly, then slid his tongue along her pussy and slipped it inside her.
"Ohhhh, fuck" Clare moaned. She ground her pelvis against his mouth as he worked her, while continuing her massage of his cock with her tongue. Slowly she began to work him deeper into her mouth, willing the muscles at the back of her mouth to relax and accept the tip of his cock into her throat. He groaned each time she allowed him to push a little deeper into her. He used his hands to spread her open and slid two fingers inside her, gently massaging her while flicking at her clit with his tongue.
His body began to tense up, and she knew he was close. He patted her on the hip. "Come back around baby." He said. "I want to finish inside you." She released his cock and slid off of him, turning herself on the bed so she faced him. She put a leg up over his, opening herself to receive him. He put his hand on her ass and rubbed against her wet pussy. His fingers dug into her flesh, groping her hard as he tried to enter her. She ground her pelvis against him as he found the right spot and penetrated her. She let out a soft gasp and winced at the pain from him sliding into her body. "Sorry baby, I don't mean to hurt you." He said.
"I'm OK." She replied, thrusting and grinding harder against him, beginning to build to her climax.
"Come with me baby." He groaned, and her muscles spasmed around his cock. He filled her with his cum, holding her body tight to his as he did. Their rhythm slowed as they each found their release.
Clare slowly opened her eyes, and found him looking intently at her. "You good?" He asked.
Clare smiled at him. "Yes my love." She answered.
"You were right." Matt said.
"Make up sex is the best."
She laughed softly. "We still haven't made dinner, and the kitchen is a mess." She reminded him.
"It's probably too late to worry about any of that." He said. "Maybe we should just go pick something up for dinner tonight." Clare grimaced at the thought of putting on clothes and leaving the house, and then her stomach growled. "Or I could go pick something up, and you could just stay here naked and waiting for me." He suggested.
"That sounds like a great idea." She grinned. Matt kissed her lips softly as he pushed himself up from the bed.
"Stay here baby, I've got this."
Clare pulled a throw blanket over her body. "I'll be right here, hurry back."