Power Shifter

Gilli walked tentatively along the hotel corridor looking for room 102 dressed as instructed in tightly laced black bodice, black choker, seamed stockings, heels and a long coat to cover her embarrassment. Her nipples rubbed against the roughness of her coat aroused by excitement or fear, she was unsure of which, perhaps a little of both.

It had started as a simple instruction, "Meet me Saturday night 8pm, Hotel Ibis Canterbury."

A regular meet for them, always highly charged with sexual emotion, chemistry and tenderness.

This was different a second instruction followed. "Dress as instructed, enter Room 102, remove coat and panties, say nothing, accept everything."

As she reached Room 102 she saw the note pinned to the door addressed to Gilli. Her hands shaking she tore open the envelope.

"This is my night, for me and me alone, walk away now or face the consequences."

Her stomach turned over but the lips of her smooth pussy surged, she felt her heartbeat thump inside her chest and her face flushed as she considered the reality of what was possible beyond the door.

Who was inside?

Would he be alone?

If not a man, a woman? Or both or men?

The possibilities raced through her mind, scenarios flashed before her, some exciting, some frightening.

She took a deep breath making the bodice dig uncomfortably into her ribs bringing her to reality, she noticed a couple walking down the corridor looking curiously at her. That made up her mind, she turned the handle and stepped into the room...

As the door whispered shut behind her Gilli's senses took in all that pervaded her. The light disappeared behind the door, the room felt fresh and smelt of flowers, roses? Soft music washed over her as her eyes adjusted to the gloom, was that a dimly flickering candle that danced against the far wall?

She had no idea whether she was alone or not but knew she must follow instructions. She hung her coat on the back of the door and slid her thong from her hips. She noticed two things, the way the material pulled at her glistening lips and the sound as the lace slid down her stockinged legs. How many times in her life had she removed her panties and never felt those sensations or such a sense of fear and anticipation?

With her hand against the wall to both steady herself and find her way towards the dimly lit bedroom she had the sensation she was being watched but by whom or by how many she was unsure. That insecurity was sending waves of erotic spasms into her womb and a thin sheen of perspiration covered her chest. As the light came into view she saw a tea light laid in the middle of the bed on top of a piece of paper. She lent down and read the three lines of text:




With her heart pounding in her chest, Gilli climbed onto the bed, blew out the candle and put her head down on the pillow. She felt nervous and exposed, her rear open and available... for what...

She sensed movement from the bathroom a low glow of light in the gloom. She jumped as a camera flash suddenly, but briefly lit the room. She just had time to take in the handcuffs, rope and riding crop lay on the bed before a deeper darkness returned. Her breathing became shorter and shallower as the movement behind her came closer.

She screwed up her eyes and pushed her sweat covered brow deeper into the pillow afraid of what may follow. Then another sense filtered through to her, aftershave, his aftershave a minor sense of relief flooded through her before she jumped as something was placed or dropped onto her back. Then more and more pieces landed on her back, paper? No, as more rained down on her she smelt roses. They were rose petals!

How romantic was that!

Until something else was laid on her back, it was the flower stems and slowly, so slowly they were dragged down from her neck to her gaping bottom. The thorns caught raggedly and randomly on her skin not deeply but just enough to make her wince, the remains of the flower heads were softly stroked down her bottom and pussy leaving a thread of her juice as they were pulled away.

Then nothing, a minute, two, then soft hands stroked her calf and reached her heel, gently easing the shoe away. She caught a murmur of excitement from their owner. It was repeated with the other shoe before warm hands squeezed and massaged her feet.

She started to relax pushing back spreading her ass wider...

"Have you been a good girl?"

"HAVE YOU BEEN A GOOD GIRL?" he repeated.

Unsure of her response she whispered, "Yes."

His hand smacked hard against her buttock, the sting traveling through her body to come out as a stifled cry. Before she had a chance to draw breath another and then another landed with cruel speed against her skin. She sobbed with pain but her pussy flooded with wetness, her jumbled thoughts wrestling with fear and her need to be dominated and to be a good girl for him.

Then nothing, her buttocks stung and burnt and she winced not sure when the punishment she yearned would resume.

She jumped as something cold was rubbed over the burning pain, cold and wet... He was slowly soothing her reddened pain with an ice cube. He circled her buttocks with the melting ice before he ran it down to the entrance of her ass. He held it there; rivulets of cold water ran down her bottom through the swollen lips of her pussy before dripping from her erect clitoris. He maintained the pressure on her entrance and slowly the cube melted and it slipped inside her.

Sensations she had never felt before rushed through her body before she felt the familiar throbbing warmth of his cock between her buttocks. It laid there its heat replacing the shocking cold of the ice cube before it slowly started to slide up and down, she felt it twitch with excitement and the heavy balls bounc against her open pussy every time it slid upwards.

As she relaxed she started to push back catching the slippery head of his cock against the puckered entrance of her ass. He stopped moving and left his twitching member at her entrance. She reached back grabbing the shaft, controlling his movement switching the position of power to herself. She circled the slippery head round and round her entrance before slowly pushing back encouraging it to enter her.

Slowly and gradually the thickness of the bulbous head eased its way into her body, she sighed as the threat of pain subsided and the pleasure of its length replaced it. She heard him gasp as she contracted round the base of his shaft, thrilling and exciting her at the same time.

Shifting the power from him to her...