Its late afternoon, You have been here for a couple of wonderful days and nights, Wwe have decided that Wwe will actually get out of bed at some point and go out for the evening. i am watching You sleep and i am tempted to just lie there beside You until You wake, but i want to do something nice, to surprise you.
i get myself showered and looking good for You, but there is no cleaning the thoroughly fucked look of my face, so I grin at myself in the mirror and quietly prepare a treat for You.
i run the bath, adding some spicy smelling oil to the water and watching it colour the water. Having drawn the blinds in the bathroom, to shut out the sun, i fire up a number of candles, moving them about the bathroom to get a soft, warm glow in the room, enough to see by, but not much brighter. i light a couple of small burners, with exotic smelling oil in them to fragrance the room, and i lay out all the things i think i will need.
Still being quiet, i go into the kitchen, to get You a bottle of pepsi, going back into the bedroom with it, placing it on the table on Your side of the bed.
You are sleeping still, like a starfish, opened up and covering half the bed. i know that under the covers, You are still naked from Oour earlier, wonderful sex and i have to fight the impulse to just crawl under there with You, but fight it i do, and i kneel on the mattress near You and lean down and kiss Your mouth gently and stroke the skin on Your shoulder and out flung arm until You wake. Then i kiss You deeply and offer You the drink. While You sit up and sip, i tell You i have run a bath and would be delighted if You let me bath You. Even after all Wwe have done over the previous day and night, my skin still colours up at the look You give me.
In the bathroom the candles are flickering, bouncing light around the room and off the mirrors, and the water is dark and smooth looking. After making sure i got the temperature just right, You slip into the warm water which feels slightly silky from the oil. i place a small pillow behind Your head and smile at You as You lay back into the water and look so relaxed and pleased. i have two sponges, one is soft as silk and one is rough. i start by washing Your face with the soft sponge, kissing Your forehead, Your eyes, Your cheeks as i work around Your lovely face with the cloth. i am wearing only a satin robe and the sleeves get damp from the steam and the drips of water from the sponge, You notice and remark on this, but i only smile and carry on.
i move to the bottom of the bath, sitting on the edge, i take Your foot, resting the heel on one open palm, i take the rougher sponge, covered in bath gel, and i begin to wash Your foot, slowly, careful to stroke every inch and every nook with the sponge, working it between Your toes, along the instep, over the heel and back, only pausing to draw a toe occasionally into my mouth to slide it against my tongue briefly, before returning to the sponging. i work the sponge up your calf, moving in small circular motions, being very gentle, knowing the scrub of the sponge is working against Your skin and will feel rough, but good with the warm water and the soothing oil. i massage the back of your knee, and kiss the clean, spicy smelling skin above Your knee. i work further up Your leg along the length of your thigh, up to your hip, kissing each area of skin once i have washed it, only ever shifting my focus from my task, to look at Your face, taking delight in Your closed eyes and slight smile. i return to my starting position, and repeat this process slowly and carefully with Your other leg until i am back at your hips, my face and hair a little damp from the wet skin i kissed as i worked.
Kneeling now beside the bath, i take Your hand and slip Your index finger into my mouth, holding it firmly in the warm wetness against my tongue and sucking slightly while i wash Your arm, looking into Your face as i do. i slide Your finger out of my mouth, nipping the tip slightly and briefly with my teeth and smile quietly at myself as You raise an eyebrow at me. As i wash and kiss Your other arm, i hold Your hand in mine, tightly, feeling all the small bones through the slippery skin, remembering what these hands have done to me over this visit.
i cant help myself, and i have to stop and lean across the bath to kiss Your smiling mouth again, before moving onto washing Your chest and Your stomach. Still kneeling, i lean over the bath to reach and massage the gel directly onto Your skin, mixing firm and gentle strokes with my fingers over the soft skin, careful to pay enough attention to Your nipples to raise a fresh smile from You, which makes me kiss You again.
i ask You at this point if You would please sit up and lean forward, i want to be able to reach Your back and shoulders, You move smoothly into the new position and i sit on the edge of the bath again, behind You and admire the skin stretching across Your shoulders and with the sponge again i work a fine lather across, then down Your back.
i tilt Your head forward and soak Your hair with the shower nozzle, massaging the exposed back of Your neck as i do, and then rub shampoo into the short hair, working my finger tips in hard and tiny movements from the back of Your head to the front, making Your scalp tingle and waking You up thoroughly from the softly relaxed mode You had slipped into in the midst of the warmth and the flickering light. i rinse the lather from Your head, and i wipe and kiss Your face dry, before You stand up and step out of the bath, into my open arms as i wrap a warm towel around You and hold You so close to me.
It is very, very much later before Wwe actually get out the house.